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Turn off the mainstream media! Best of series2 Newswipe
nice vid, Newswipe explains in a television show to other why I don't watch TV anymore.. Thanks for that! Some people do not believe anything until they see it on a television, so that makes my job of explaining easier
Yellow Drum Machine II rocks the house!
One thing is a bit messed up: when I read the credits, I saw it says: "The whole thing was made by Frits Lingeborg, a.k.a. Fritzl.

To use that name, means you are working so hard on your robot that have never had a chance to see any news, or talk to anyone in the real world, I think
Quarantined for TB, guy solos an AWESOME rap song
>> ^Trancecoach:
Why is everything in a mirror image?
I think I know the answer to that one: he has Mac Book Pro likde me with camera built in, that autatically mirrors the image to give you the idea you are looking at mirror.. Which is stupid.
The Warner Bros. annual filmblooper reel for 1936.
Ok, too bad.. Might be a good idea to give as an option, don't you think so Dag? Or are you afraid of misuse?
The Warner Bros. annual filmblooper reel for 1936.
>> ^Zyrxil:
Is there a way to find a thumb yourself instead of the automatic way like Dag tried to do?
Btw, you can upvote your own video so it starts at 1.
You are right..!If everyone does it, it's not cheating anymore..
I'll Have the Calamari - Star Wars Robot Chicken
*brief ..?
very funny, but took me a sec to get it..
Doug Stanhope on the Fear Spread by American News
Very nicely said by mr. Stanhope..
We live in a world of fear. America is one of the leading nations in creating fear with it's 'war' on everything. And the rest of the western world like my own country The Netherlands, are just copying this same bullshit. That's why (imaginary) safety is above privacy and freedom, the things people have fought for for generations and which we are pissing away.
It makes me sad.
Thanks for the great sift rasch187!
Jon Stewart On The O'Reilly Factor
The Fox News website doesn't seem to work on Firefox, FF must have an automatic anti-bullshit-addon pre-installed
He may probably never come back there, because he absolutely destroyed Bill that show 
I was trying to find the full video, because I want to see what this video looks like unedited.. If anyone could post that, I would love that.
Do you guys think Stewart didn't go on live television, because he didn't want to, or so Bill O'Reilly could cut up the vid to his own lokings afterwards? I think the latter.
Nice sift, demon_ix, Steward did pretty well, and although I agree with JiggaJonson that he could have said a lot more things, it's no use with a guy like Bill to try and shout every time he says something stupid.
I will go and watch the old video with Stephen Colbert at O'Reillys' show now
Zero Punctuation: Dark Void
The first time I saw one of these ZP reviews, I thought it was not very funny, and very exhausting, as JenniferBurger put it. Now I think these vids are just very very exhausting. .
The Great VideoSift Coming -Out Thread (Happy Talk Post)
Real name is Koen, and that's not "Co-en", but sounds more like "coon", which happens to be a racist remark. Not in The Netherlands, where I was born and still live, there it means "brave". In our Dutch dictionaries you will find my name and it says: "The brave (in Dutch: Koene) knight rescued the child" Which is of course awesome! And because my last name starts with a K as well, I like the alliteration. So thanks mom and dad!

And te reason why I'm interested is America mostly, is because this country manages to take all other countries down with it, even my own, which can't show a real backbone when it comes to tough decisions like going to Iraq or not. I sometimes feel American politics influence my life more than the politics of my own country. That about sums it up 
I like playing soccer, listening to lots of different kinds of music, and I like to go to concerts of artists who are not yet famous, so I can tell everyone I've seen them before they created pop music. I study architecture and like to design furniture for myself and family in my spare time.
My RSS reader is my favorite way of browsing the web, so I get all my information about art, design, music, news, comics and of course vids from the Sift, pretty fast without much effort.
Like other people on the sift I have been coming here for over 2 years and just enjoyed it, without signing up. But a few months back, I realized I was just a leecher and felt bad, so I signed up and my first video got to the top 15 right away! After that I failed miserably with some vids, but it was a nice start
I like Videosift, because I like to hear some intelligent people talk about American politics, which I'm pretty much disgusted by, and very interested at the same time. Watching America is a very strange thing, because there are so many very stupid people there that get way too much attention. Every time I see just about any clip from Fox News, I feel bad for Americans, but Videosift comments give me hope and make me realize there are some very smart people living there too. My view of America is about exactly as it is portrayed in "The Wire", so it's not good.
I would like to thank all you other members for taking time to give intelligent reactions in the comments time and time again, and hope this sites keeps improving. Thanks for all the hard work on this website, and still being active in discussions too, Dag for creating this website!
One last thing: Everyone tells me I talk too much, and they are right!
BBC Swarm - Nature's Incredible Invasions (episode 1 of 2)
I LOVE these BBC documentaries! Thanks for the sift! Gives me some interesting ideas for my architectural design, oddly enough
kagenin (Member Profile)
Thanks for this very long response! I think this was my favorite line: Take away everything someone has to live for, and he'll find a cause to die for.
. I hope to visit again soon. Didn't get to check out much of the television, but what brief moments I was allowed rest in front of a TV on that trip was pretty cool. A lot of stuff just wouldn't get past the FCC here without some serious fines being levied for sexual content, and that's a damn shame...
If you made it this far, thanks for reading.
I will remember that line, because I think you are absolutely right.
In reply to this comment by kagenin:
>> ^Avokineok:
I live in The Netherlands. Everytime I'm on Videosift, I get a sense of how bad it must be to be an American.
I see some great entertaiment with all the late night shows, but I feel bad for all of you who have to live in a country that has so many people taking everything said at Fox "News" ("Gossip" might be more appropriate) so seriously..
It seriously makes me said and makes me believe Amerika is not the land of opportunities; it's a land where people with a lot of money tell other people what think.
Who do you think were those first pilgrims from Europe were? Puritans - People who wanted nothing more than to lecture others on the poor choices they made. (If you've ever been to a good Renaissance Faire, they're the street actors wearing almost all black, and almost always carrying their bibles with them. Hang around one long enough and you'll want to tell them to go take a long walk off a short pier too, if they're in good character. That's basically how they made everyone else living at the time feel. Look at modern day puritanicals such as Pat Robertson.) The ones who colonized America had enough money to sail half-way around the world, which isn't terribly cheap.
Paying for the sins of our forefathers is something every culture does. Just look at television and video games. Here in the States, you can put some pretty violent imagery on TV and maybe even some drug use in your video games, but holy hell if you show a nipple, or touch on ANYTHING of a sexual nature. Releasing a game in the three major English speaking markets (US, UK, and AU) means subjecting your content to three different review boards, with differing notions about what is good and decent for the consumers of their country. Sex, violence, drug use - the disparity between opinions on what is acceptable for only adults to see, even among countries with common language, can mean what get's a Teen rating by the US's ESRB can get an "Adult Only" in the UK, and even be banned outright unless edited for an Australian market.
Despite all this, I remain hopeful because of the fact that those like ol' Noun-Verb-9/11 Rudy are in the minority. The fact that he's so focused on using terms like "Islamic terrorist," or "islamist" displays a blunt ignorance, and could be interpreted as flat out racism. Let's remember that he put the NYC Emergency Command Center, setup after a failed World Trade Center fertilizer bombing in the 90's, was picked by Rudy to be put in the World Trade Center, a place that had recently been the target of a terrorist attack (by attackers who were brought to justice within the same judicial system that handles our parking tickets - we didn't need the post-9/11 military tribunals then, and we don't really need them now, despite certain anti-American Right-Wingers who lack requisite faith in the system they serve). It's like he refuses to learn from history or something, and unfortunately it's not an uncommon condition among modern conservative talking heads here in the states.
The fact that our president didn't use words like "islamist" or "islamic terrorist" or any permutation thereof is because he understands that the greater threat to our nation is a foreign policy that takes away everything from poor young brown-skinned people living in the cradle of civilization and gives them nowhere to turn to but bombed out countries, crumbling infrastructure, and eager suicide bomber recruiters. Take away everything someone has to live for, and he'll find a cause to die for. Dealing with the symptoms is one thing. End the root cause, and then you have the potential for peace.
Take the issue with rampant piracy around the waters of Somalia. Sure, everyone's talking about the latest tanker to be overtaken, but how many stories have delved into the root cause? The polluted waters that have killed off all the fish in the region? The fish who fed the people on the land? The fish that drove the local economy? All dead. The Indonesian Tsunami caused a tidal wave of wretched filth to wash up ashore, tainting the land and water supplies, causing pestilential illnesses. If you're a poor Somali 20-something with your family boat, and you can't make an honest living with it, what are you going to do? Grab some weapons, recruit a crew of close friends in the same situation you're in, and take your chances on the shipping lanes within striking distance... yeah, that would seem like something someone EXTREMELY desperate would do. It's happening right now. The Somali Government can't do jack, they can barely govern an area the size of my rural hometown. Sure we can bust out the snipers when someone important gets kidnapped, and we can applaud the heroes who put their lives on the life to ensure the safety of others. But that won't stop the next motley crew of fishermen with nowhere else to turn but terrorizing the high seas.
I've only spent about 4 days total in the Netherlands. What I saw was beautiful. Amsterdam was breathtaking, both figuratively and literally - man, those canals can really wreak in the summer
But, like I said, I'm still hopeful. Wow, that was long
Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Hysteric
They recently released a music video of "Skeletons" of the same album "It's Blitz" ...
GRITTV-frank schaeffer:fears of fundamentalism
I like his honesty. Also the fact he comes from the religious right. And also the fact that he finally attacks Hitchens and Harris, it makes me doubt my strong believes in what they have been saying.. Doubt is good. Thanks
Edward Current: My Favorite Christian Is An Atheist!!
I would love to see the video.. It loads 100%, but then doesnt play.. Nowhere on the interwebs.. Not on YT itself either.. That is strange.. Anyone else has that problem?