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Ron Paul: A New Hope

Art says...

StukaFox, he wants to defederalize it. Right now there is no federal law against murder, each state choses what to do. He just wants to give the states the power that they are granted in the constitution. 10th amendment spells it out pretty clearly.

Microsoft + Mitsubishi's iPhone killer - see-thru handheld

Australian Anti-Drug Ad Campaigns

The Pentium: Speed through your work at a blazing 300Mhz!

Art says...

I have over 20 Pentium ones that still work and most I still use as servers. If you like linux without X11 then 75mhz is more than enough to run all the command line apps you would need. You can have mpd(an mp3 player), mc(file manager), emacs, w3m(text based web browser), and rtorrent all running in diffrent screen tabs and all of them working really fast.

Futurama Teaser Vid: Bender's Big Score

Ed and Elaine Brown Arested!

Art says...

Well MycroftHomlz I happen to have a pocket Constitution right here on my desk so lets have a look at what it says about taxes...

Article I. Section 8.
The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imports and excises to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States; but all duties, imports and excises shall be uniform throughout the United States; ....

So basically to collect taxes it has to be even. So if the congress said everyone in the US has to pay $100 in taxes that would be legal but having the income tax is so far out of bounds I'm not sure I should get into explaining it in a comment post. Just use google and you can read a lot of great essays by constitutional law proffers and judges on every facet of why its not constitutional.

Funny Ad - teddy humping bunny

Art says...

This did come on the air here in the US. I only remember seeing it one night, guess that was long enough for people to complain and get it pulled.

Hilary Clinton in the News: BREAKING STORY

An argument for Universal Healthcare (Election Talk Post)

Art says...

The problem with firefighting vs health care is that it doesn't take a lot of education or money to be a fireman. Doctors spend thousands if not hundreds of thousands of dollars for there education and the tools of the trade aren't cheap ether. True, lots of money is wasted and extorted from people and that needs to be fixed. The main reason that it should stay out of the governments hands though is innovation. The US has more medical advancements because company's know that the more good treatments they have the more they can sell. The cost of development is huge and is not able to be sustained by the government. True, drug company's release drugs that are not throughly tested and that needs to change but at the same time they come up with so many new drugs that save people that 10 years ago would have died. In socialized medicine a doctor sees as many patents as possible because everyone gets it free, so why not go see about every ache and pain, and thus every doctor thats qualified is employed just seeing patents. This leaves no time for research or specialization and specialists are what are needed most. If your heart is about to explode you need someone who has worked on nothing but hearts for his entire career, not someone who treats the normal patents who come in off the street. Also specialists make the most new developments because they have such a intimate knowledge of their field. Canada and other country's reproduce new drugs from the US cheaply because no development is required, with a good chemistry setup and the right people any drug can be made for dirt cheap the only real cost is knowing what to make and how it will work. If a drug costs two cents to make per pill but the development cast was 1.3 billion dollars the money has to be made up, so that pill for the next 5-10 years is 2-25 dollars each. The money raised is then put back into making more new drugs. The problem is people don't look at it like that, they see that its a few cents to produce so they assume thats the only cost in its long production. Most people cant see it for what it is, an investment, if the money is not recovered at a profit then the cycle stops and nothing new will be produced, innovation will stagnate and people will continue to die form aliments that could someday be cured.

Thank God for dead soldiers? Thank God for 9/11? For AIDS?

Microsoft Computer Prank ... A Desktop to Remember!

Art says...

He missed a few things, such as hiding the taskbar so the start menu is also gone. Also edit out one of the icons and make a real one to replace it and make it a shortcut to "C:\Windows\System32\shutdown.exe -s -f -t 00" or you can set all the shortcuts with this, just make sure to set the icon to that of the original. The shortcut to win95-98 is to rundll32.exe but I cant remember the flags to make it shutdown.

Now that will make people crazy. "My computer box shuts down when I go to the internet and nothing else works!!"

If hamster it could leave Windows, you can do it too.

Art says...

Its just saying leaving windows is easy, so easy that a hamster can do it.

Then again, I stoped using windows. I now use debian with ratpoison. So am I just like this rodent?
Nah, hamsters don't use emacs.

Behold, the atheist's nightmare: The babel fish!

Art says...

"Man then conveniences himself that black is white and white is black and is then trampled to death by a heard of zebras."

I loved the whole HHGTTG series so much, I think I need to read them again.

Bush Press Conference - Sept 20/07

Art says...

Who does this guy think he is? He uses the phrase "My government" instead of "The Government", like he owns the US and is just letting us use it.

"I can understand why they would not want somebody who's running a country thats a state sponsor of terror down there at the site." If thats not the pot calling the kettle black I don't know what is.

Batman: The Movie (1966) ... exploding shark scene

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