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The Rainbow Conspiracy

Bill Maher -- Terrorism Versus Liberty -- Sept. 19, 2008

Arg says...

I think she said we have more hurricaines due to "warming ocean temperatures" not "global warming."

She actually said:
"..the fact that there are more and more intense storms in the Gulf Coast is actually related to some things that we're doing. It's because of warming ocean temperatures and something that nobody's really talking about for some reason, but yeah there is a connection between warming ocean temperatures, something called global warming, and actually the substance that Republicans want to drill for off the coasts and which Sarah Palin wants to drill for in Alaska. So these aren't just completely random acts and they're not interested in that kind of security." [my emphasis]

I have no problem believing that warmer ocean temperatures leads to a larger number of and/or more intense storms. However she leaves no doubt that she attributes the warmer ocean temperatures to human activity. She uses the words "warming ocean temperatures" and "global warming" right next to each other in the same sentence.

The problem now is that I feel a little bit like I've backed myself into a corner defending the critics of anthropogenic global warming. In actual fact I find that I am yet to be convinced one way or the other. I like to think of myself as being relatively well informed and yet the more I try to research the issues the more I feel like my head is spinning.

The whole topic is extremely complicated and hard to comprehend, even for climate scientists, and yet the media is full of personalities and presenters and news programs and even adverts that seem so certain that they know that the case for AGW has been proved. The constant repetition of the mantra of global warming has an aura of "truthiness" about it. If you repeat it often enough eventually everyone will believe it.

I would like to believe too. I keep waiting for an epiphany to happen. Waiting for the moment when I can finally say "Aha, now I get it. Now I see what everyone else could see."
But really I get the feeling that most people don't really "see it" at all. They just believe what they're told.

Bill Maher -- Terrorism Versus Liberty -- Sept. 19, 2008

Arg says...

Maybe she is right maybe she is not, the fact is there is no consensus yet as to the link of hurricanes to global warming.

I absolutely agree that there's no consensus yet, but the way that she says it leaves no room for doubt.

I don't want to come across as a dyed-in-the-wool global warming denier but it gets my goat the way the media (at least in the UK) have decided that the argument is over.

Bill Maher -- Terrorism Versus Liberty -- Sept. 19, 2008

The English Language is Dum

Bear tranq'd: falls out of tree and onto trampoline

SDGundamX (Member Profile)

Arg says...

Wow! Thanks for the compliment. You've made me blush.

I've been a long-time lurker (probably more that five years) and never imagined that my first sift would be on such a dry subject.

In reply to this comment by SDGundamX:
Welcome to the Sift. I was reading your comments on the spelling vid's thread. Impressively intelligent and articulate. Also nice counter-Sift vid that you posted. Good to have you on board.

How NOT to jump on a trampoline

The English Language is Dum

New GOP Spin: Palin Is Not Ready

The English Language is Dum

The English Language is Dum

Arg says...

How, exactly, is he wrong sir gm?

Take there, their and they're as an example. If we were to spell them phonetically then they would all be the same. Now try to make sense of the following sentence:

"There over there with there children."

Translate: "They're over there with their children."

So spelling, and punctuation, add more information to the meaning of the words than merely how they are pronounced.

Million Dollar Marijuana Crop found Growing at Miami Mall!!

Arg says...

It struck me how casual and jokey they were about what is supposed to be a major drugs bust. They didn't condemn it at all. To me it just shows how out of touch the law is with public opinion.

Phil Plait - It's KILL-O-METER

Arg says...

Now you've learned how to pronounce it correctly how about you start to spell it correctly! You measure things with a 'Meter'. A 'Metre' is a unit of length.

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