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Bill Maher Compares Glenn Beck to L Ron Hubbard

Physics: Momentum + Boobs = Science

Activists Assaulted after Protesting Senate Prayer

AnimalsForCrackers says...

As far as I know, these invocations (aka prayers) are not always given by Christians but other faiths as well.

So? They are fair game as well.

Per Matthu's wikiquote, the phrase "separation of church and state" ain't in the Constitution.

As if it needed to be in there to understand the historically intended meaning via the writings, private and public, of the founding fathers concerning this specific amendment, its purpose, and the implications of "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion."

"Seperation of church and state" was from Jefferson's own writings, in a letter attempting to further explain the establishment clause of the First Amendment to the Baptists of Connecticut. Edit: D'oh! Should have read all the comments before commenting, Matthu was already there.

Irreducible complexity cut down to size

AnimalsForCrackers says...

That quote from Darwin perfectly demonstrates at least one way in which evolution could be falsified.

If you take the position that all claims of irreducible complexity are simply matters of the poverty of imagination, and as such it is not demonstrable, you open evolution up to the same criticism.

Except one has boatloads of evidence from a large variety of scientific fields, all corroborating near perfectly with each other, and the other has nothing but personal incredulity; no mechanism, no predictions, no real-world application, and most importantly no evidence. Never mind that the term "irreducible complexity" is essentially meaningless. I think evolution can live with the shame of not being a phantasm of people's imaginations.

If you've got me pegged as a creationist/ID proponent, you've got me pegged wrong.

Don't worry there, I wasn't referring to you as one, but am noting that you are using the identical argument. Almost every time I have this argument with someone pushing ID, the whole "evolution is unfalsifiable" meme inevitably comes up. It's really not too hard to think of the ways in which the details of evolution via natural selection could be falsified or to even Google them if you can't.

Also, the admission that evolution would be hard to falsify with only one piece of evidence isn't an argument against its so-called unfalsifiable character, merely that there's an immense wealth of evidence that serves as further confirmation that yes, what we humans label evolution by natural selection is/has been certainly happening and it would take pretty extraordinarily multitudinous counter-evidence to prove(?) otherwise (of course, even still, it wouldn't make any form of ID automatically true). The information is readily available to anyone with a genuine inclination to look for it.

I'm having trouble figuring out exactly what your position is, if you don't mind shortly clarifying again in a couple of sentences. Thanks.

Irreducible complexity cut down to size

Cute Licky Puffy Puppy

Hitchens Brothers Debate If Civilization Can Survive W/O God

AnimalsForCrackers says...

I do not mind a downvote, in fact I have been downvoted by many and am fine-as-peach-wine with those downvotes---but when they grow to "Oh, another downvote by, I wonder who? Oh, its Animals again, surprise surprise," I stop finding it amusing.

I was not even offended by you at first, and took many of your downvotes casually.

"Many?" Christ, more weasel language. You're blowing it out of proportion, no where were these FEW and SPREAD OUT OVER TIME downvotes anywhere indicative of anything but disagreement. Even if I downvoted you more, where do you get off deriving any sort of ill-intent from such a small sample? Unless there's a clear pattern of a downvoting spree/vendetta (of which you could have taken the time to take to any of the admins to verify before opening your stupid mouth and spouting more butthurt nonsense), kindly shut the fuck up you overly sensitive twat, and no I'm not literally calling you a gigantic, walking, talking and typing twat, just in case you're confused.

Claiming I'm the one being "touchy" is priceless, more projection from you who felt the need to start something ONCE AGAIN, by making mountains out of molehills, so everyone can see how unfairly you're being treated by big mean me.

Further, I only bolded "Every" because bold is a function on the sift and just like a "downvote," I think it should be used more often. Thanks for unintentionally pointing that out Animals! Learn to get over it please.

Are you thick? It's the choice of words in combination with the bold.

Addionally, I clearly stated that I was using hyperbole(I.E using hyperbole) when I was making the assertions about you "Downvoting ALL," my comments. That makes the statements satire, like the comedy Lewis Black uses... And since I stated they were blown outlandishly out of proportion, everyone knew they were intentionally ficticous. In short, I did not lie, nor did I insult you with a personal attack---I made a clear joke. Kind of like when you were joking (I assume) and called me an "impertinent, lying fuckstick." If you were not joking there, I am sorry I assumed you were; however, I would like you to prove that I am indeed a "fuckstick." And since fuckstick is a made up word, good luck with that.

Oh right. Here I was thinking from the pretty clear cut context that every thing else after your unambiguous statement of fact(that I downvote all your posts) was your intended "hyperbole", ie: I have a few theories... You must love to beat off to downvoting my comments... Or, as you sacrafice babies born to religious parents, with coat hangers through their eyes, you must be praying to the Atheist god of reason... No? Not there yet? Or perhaps I am a more understanding Atheist and that drives you to prove yourself?

Notice I didn't even bother mentioning the above because it was pretty clear what it was, verbal masturbation, not worth addressing.

But since you chose to preface the next paragraph with "All hyperbole aside..." you afford yourself an easy-out and are then able to disown the previous paragraph when and where you choose, depending on the response you get, despite the fact that it is clear as day what that hyperbole was. Disingenuous, I'd expect no less of you.

Even, for the sake of argument, I assume the entire thing was hyperbole per your lame technicality worthy of the most ineffectual kind of dishonest, sophist wanker, your next paragraph STILL shows that yes, you are still a petty liar. Right after you state, "All hyperbole aside...", which I assume would mean you now intend to be truly taken seriously, you then proceed to lie (once again)about so-called statements I've made while displaying astounding levels of hypocrisy:

What I find funny Animals, is that your opinion (Blame religion for every human woe in the world,) is dying here on the sift. Why? Because it is extreme and holds no place in reason. Grow up and stop being the 13 year old you are acting like. I promise to do the same in kind. Because, just stooping to your level makes me feel dirty.

First, you assert that I've ever said such a thing AND that this has been the general sentiment of the Sift but is now dying (in thanks, perhaps you assume, to your fine efforts?). Both aren't true and are thus straw-men you use in an attempt to make yourself appear so gosh darned mature and civil, all the while showing traits of someone who wishes to project his own inadequacies onto someone else. In my opinion, you've stooped far lower than your imagined, dishonest staw man version of me and my views. Pots and kettles and all that...

The rest of your "response" can pretty much be summed up as "I'm rubber, you're glue, whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you!" You know what slang is, you're being a facetious ass.

Lying "holds no place in reason", you big fucking hypocrite.

Threats aside (I find them amusing) it seems, with your diatribe, that you took far more offense to my comments than I to your downvote

Threats? Is this more of the same from you (see: lies)? Because only a crazy person would find something that isn't there amusing. And yes, I take offense at people who pathologically lie more than I or anyone else would a downvote. What is so odd about that? Seems pretty morally consistent to me, but then again, I'm not fucking insane. This asinine observation of yours speaks volumes of your attitude towards honesty.

Lawdeedaw out.

No comment.

Team Fortress 2 - The Odd Scout

AnimalsForCrackers says...

Brilliant! Though the original is a bit longer and the buildup definitely adds something to the weirdness. There's something I find hilarious about the odd scout's necklace resting on his neck joint.

There's an embed somewhere out there that combines all 3 parts but is pretty low quality, so pretty much pick your poison. The other vids by Rubberfruit and Jimbomcb are also worth checking out, under the influence or otherwise.

Joel Burns tells gay teens "it gets better"

AnimalsForCrackers says...

This honestly made me cry. I've never bullied anyone but I also never attempted to stop the bullies at my school from tormenting someone, I'd meekly blend into the backround for fear of being bullied myself.

I really do still feel ashamed for not doing anything at the time. I was a stupid fucking kid in a sea of other stupid kids who didn't know who they were or how to deal with bullies, without becoming next in line. Not trying to justify my nonaction, just acknowledging it.

Euler's Disk

AnimalsForCrackers says...

>> ^GeeSussFreeK:

Just add LCD and you have days of excitement.

CRT is my drug of choice.

Also wow, the intensity really picked up towards the end. Sounded exactly like the first evolution you have in the game Space Invaders Infinity Gene for the iPhone. They probably used one of these buggers for that sound effect.

Electric Power Line Explosion

Female Bodybuilder Vomits on a Deadlift

obesity (Blog Entry by jwray)

AnimalsForCrackers says...

>> ^jwray:

Whether you feed lab rats a lot of sugar or feed them a lot of HFCS, they both get fat. It's almost the same effect.

It also comes with the added bonus of -15 ability points to cancer resistance. (I kid, I really have no idea if high dosages of HFCS increase susceptibility to cancer in humans but it does in rats, apparently cancer cells love to nom on fructose/glucose)

Happy Birthday Samwise! (Blog Entry by swampgirl)

So, I've made an iPhone game (Blog Entry by gwiz665)

AnimalsForCrackers says...

Dang, no Lite version, I'd really like to try it! Are there any videos of gameplay anywhere I can view? I would honestly buy this just out of principle but I'm currently broke, a situation I hope to be able rectify in the coming months. I am a fan, visually at least, of anything done with Leg-err Mega Blok brick looking things with cute little blocky eyeballs.

Any possible links of what's in the pipeline for you? I play a metric buttload of games and would like to make good use of all that wasted time somehow by providing some constructive criticism.

App development is something I and a friend who knows his programming (he programmed a game server browser for the Mac, something akin to Gameranger called Adjoa Launcher) have talked about doing on and off for a few years now. He'd handle the majority of the technical stuff and I would provide my, ahem, "artistic" stylings.

Edit: I apologize Gwiz, upon further reflection I realize that that was inappropriate of me. I should've channeled that query through the proper channels and not shit all over your post. Your foray into game development had me feeling a bit over enthusiastic to the point where I made a pretty stupid netiquette blunder. Boy, I don't know which would make me feel more an ass now, you seeing or not seeing that.

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