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Porn Rental (with Michael C. Hall and Ben Schwartz)

Porn Rental (with Michael C. Hall and Ben Schwartz)

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Police State: Arrested For Dancing in the Jefferson Memorial

Aniatario says...

My sister walked into the room while I was watching this..

Sister: What's that?

Me: A bunch of people getting arrested for dancing..

Sister: Oh like footloose?

Me: I was thinking more like swing kids..

Seattle cop kills nonthreatening pedestrian

Aniatario says...

My God..

I don't even know what to say or think. I remember reading a small article on this very case in the Ottawa Citizen several months ago, I was disappointed, but they didn't really talk of this particular case in detail. I really didn't know what to think. After watching this footage I'm only left disillusioned, disgruntled and utterly speechless.

John T. Williams wasn't a thug or some kind of violent gang member, he was a troubled 50 year old man without a home, whom struggled with horrible bouts of alcoholism. He came from a family of woods carvers, which was just about the last output of livelihood the man could afford. He carried only a pocket-knife, one shorter than the legal limit which he used for carving.

So many of my friends and fellows insist on believing that racism suddenly "disappeared" across Canada and the United States.

They can go ahead and believe whatever the hell they want. Next time I go out drinking with my friends downtown, it sure as hell isn't going to be in Seattle.

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Aggressive Shoelicker - What The Holy Hell?

SFW-entire XXX Star Trek parody, scrubbed of naughty bits

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Brutal 360 Roundhouse Kick Knockout

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