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Why Do ALL Europeans Hate America?

9410 says...

The irony of US media accusing the European media of propaganda.

When I went traveling I was meeting a lot of new people and getting to know them through language barriers was really hard work. There was however one subject which never failed to break the ice, and it almost inevitably started "What do you think of Bush?". America is viewed as a lumbering giant with little subtlety. Its no surprise, the US governments heavy handed politics, especially abroad, coupled with a media of half truths and lies has given The States a poor reputation. In many ways the media here is pandering to the publics tastes, its an ice breaker, a moment to laugh at those silly Yanks.

Its funny, almost without exception every single American I know tends to have the same views as myself. I live with 2 Americans, and I think they hate their country more than any European. I suppose the answer is that the Americans I meet have either left their country to travel, study abroad or even live abroad, or have spent enough time on the internet to be exposed to a world outside of there own. Trouble is, for every American I meet there are 10 who will never leave their country, 10 who watch Fox news and take it as fact and 10 who will sacrifice common sense to their God.

Anyway, I guarantee you if Obama wins the election anti-Americanism in Europe will drop noticeably.

Antonin Scalia: Torture Is Not "Cruel and Unusual Punishment

9410 says...

Punishing you for not telling them what they want to know?

Punishment is the stick, its the push factor. Its the whip, its the wet rag, its the electric chair, its the psychological mind games and its the cocktail of chemicals. Torture is just a specific "genre" of punishment. Is infanticide not a murder as much as homicide?

Playing word games around laws is detrimental. The words serve the spirit, not the other way around.

Highbrow Antics of a Cat! (3 seconds)

9410 says...


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In other news: Man proves yet again that frantic digging will not get you out of a hole. ad hominem still a popular fallacy. Farting cat fuels contention.

Miracle Fruit changes sour tastes to Sweet!

9410 says...

I tried this in Mexico. Chewed on the berry for a bit, which was practically tasteless, and then sucked on a lemon. It was completely sweet, I couldn't taste any sourness at all. Pretty amazing.

Atheists Explain Why You Don't Die When The Sun Goes Down

9410 says...

There actually was a pretty good discussion with these guys somewhere else on sift. They demonstrated an understand of what the caller was asking, and their responses clearly showed they also knew the answers to those questions. Additionally the questions were answered eloquently without recourse to distractions or irrelevant examples that tend to crop up so much in such debates. It was mostly about whether not believing was as much an act of faith as believing.

Honestly though, I laughed at this video, and then I felt a sort of sorrow that somebody could be quite so ignorant and deluded. The point of this video is not to debase religion or provide another strong argument for atheism, to me its an admittedly extreme example of the importance of education. To me the idea that you'd be electrocuted if you took a shower is equally absurd as the notion that complex things must have an intelligent creator.

"Do not attempt. Really. Do not do this."

John Ashcroft Calls Obama "Osama"; Gets Booed.

9410 says...

Am I the only one who thinks that wasn't a big deal? It seemed like an honest mistake to me. Freudian slip perhaps, but hes talking about the Patriot Act so its somewhat understandable it was on his mind. We've all slipped up and sometimes not said what we meant. You don't have to agree with him, but to debase his politics based on what could have just been a slip of the tongue seems petty. He messed up, he apologised straight away, there isn't anything to see here.

Students Visit Creation Museum

9410 says...

Awesome video. I count myself lucky I live in a mostly godless country. Its a comfort to know not only that Americans do oppose such an insane "museum", but also that high school kids had the ability to make a video that does the reporting of Fox News and the like to shame.

Richard Dawkins - Atheism and Faith

9410 says...

>> ^BillOreilly:
Dawkins calls himself a 6.8, eh?
Sounds about right; at least he admits his IQ and doesn't lie about it.

Oxford scholars and scientists frequently have an IQ under 7. They lack the problem solving and logical mind to score highly on those IQ tests right? Its a wonder science got anywhere with people like him making all the discoveries!

I'm not sure of the purpose of this video though. To illustrate that people believe with varying degrees of conviction? For the record, I find it hard to find anybody in "group 1" or "group 7". From a purely practical, instrumentalist point of view I would call myself a 7, but 100% certainty can never truly be obtained.

Response to: "Atheists have faith, just like theists."

9410 says...

He articulates all my points of view perfectly, its like hes in my head and just structuring is to it make sense. The caller mostly asks the right questions. It sounds like somebody different on the phone at the end. Weird that such a well behaved debate should end like that.

The President is the Law, defines the Law, is above the Law

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