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McCain to Wife: See You Next Tuesday.

What is this 'Iraq war' charge on my bill?

Global Politics in 30 Seconds!

9232 says...

So the US pisses on Mexico, eats South America, doesn't give a shit about Africa (no poop comes out), then has Mexico-shaped babies on China and then eats two of those babies. I sorta understand the first three parts, but the babies part????

My first guess is that it fucked over Mexico, hence the Mexican babies. Maybe the eating of two of the babies indicates a 66% cheaper labor rate in China in comparison to Mexico....???????????

You think Rock Band's drums are hard? Try DrumMania.

9232 says...

This game is at my school's arcade. I played it cuz I can do hard mode Rock Band drums on 360. I gamed overed in like... 20 seconds. lol. Then some dude behind me, just to show me up apparently, hopped onto the game and did something like this. Not nearly as perfect but still great. I was like daaayaaaaaam.

I really hope Rock Band 2's drum set gets bigger. Perhaps as an optional expansion. I would love to be able to have a game train me in playing real drums.

True Lies -- "I've got a little dick! It's pathetic!"

Star Trek II Wrath of Khan - In 5 seconds

Happy Tree Friends - Books of Fury (Homage to The Matrix)

Enthusiast invents body protection: real life Halo

9232 says...

Yeah if this thing works and is really only $2,000, then every military in the world will have their soldiers suited up in something like this. I'm thinking it doesn't work and any kind of high penetration-style bullet will go right through it.

Captain Planet Loses Perspective

A People's History of American Empire by Howard Zinn

9232 says...

About the B-17 gunner Zinn had a conversation with shortly before the gunner was killed, I read some of Zinn's book "You Can't Stay Neutral" years ago, and that gunner was a communist. The communist gunner volunteered for WW2 service so he could fight the fascists (by the way: 66% of American soldiers were forced into military service. The fact that a communist American volunteered for the war effort when most Americans refused to do so is pretty interesting). So that gunner wasn't just some average GI Joe, which this video may give an impression of.

Best Of Ollie Williams

Christopher Hitchens - Why Women aren't funny

9232 says...

I'm surprised pe>> ^sirex:
was about to cry sexism, but that guy has a point ;-/ - and come to think of it, i dont know any women id consider as funny, either personally or as comics.

Why not say he's both being sexist and accurate? There's a lot of posts that apparently believe that any sexist or racist act must be based on a falsehood. That's silly. Many, if not most, racist and sexist beliefs are based on a truth, on a "good point." There was also another post that seemed to say that it's not sexism so long as women match men in some Cosmic "overall" scale. That's like saying whites and blacks are equal, even if blacks are 16 times more likely to be criminals, because blacks can play basketball better than whites or some other silliness. If I say women aren't as good CEOs as men, that's sexist. Simple. Even if, hypothetically, women were superior in every other aspect of life, saying women aren't as good CEOs as men is still sexist.

Anyway, I share Hitchens' sexist views on this topic. Whenever I find a woman funny, I usually assume she is/was a tomboy, grew up with an influential brother or dad, or something like that.

Johnathan Coulton sings Still Alive in Rock Band

Michael Quest - MJ pwns all your beloved games!

Street Fighter: The Later Years (Part 9)

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