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McCain Calling Pakistan a "Failed State" (40s)

Pablo Francisco's European Tour

Drunk Rednecks talk polotics !

9058 says...

Well you can tell the one in the back seat is the the smartest one here since he at least (half the time) tried to cover his face so he would be associated with this bunch of political scholars

Sarah Silverman,the Great Schlep

9058 says...

Is it sad that i thought the sarcastic video Paris Hilton did against McCain was funnier than this one? Plus you cant change old peoples view points no matter who you are, believe me. My parents are avid Fox News watchers, so just imagine how effective those conversations are.

Work Friendly Porn

Rachel Maddow Show 9/23/08: Mission Accomplished

9058 says...

You know ill upvote because it needs to be said but im sorry, I can not stand Rachel Maddow. I mean Olbermanns stern over dramatic flailing I can stomach (only sometimes) but her overly sarcastic smirky one liner personality I think destroys the central message (much like Olbermanns personality or the compliant most people have with Bill Maher). Its not that i disagree with what these three say on a daily basis, i just think their delivery and attempt for either superiority or humor (Maher i forgive cause he's a comedian) really belittles the point they are trying to convey.


Acceptable Perverted Youth [Vodafone]


Bald Eagle, feeding its chicks some fish (58 sec - HD)

Knowing: HD Movie Trailer - Nicholas Cage (2009)

Umbilical Brothers, doing their usual funny, freaky stuff

Stop - Against Me!

Ron Paul on Fox News about Bailouts

Naomi Klein, Andrew Sullivan, Will-I-Am-w/Bill Maher-9/17/08

9058 says...

I was just about to say "I wonder what Constitutional_Patriot would say about this" lol. Now we just need to hear from blankfist. I really like this argument and they should of gotten their own hour to talk it out. Both sides have points and I like how it does show (as CP put it) the many dynamics of this problem. Any politician who dumbs it down and points a finger (like both running for president) obviously doesnt truly understand the complexities of this incredibly serious problem. Sorry America there is no quick fix here, there is no one person to blame, so taking it out on Bush wont save you now. We are in this for the long hall.

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