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8604 says...

"Is she fucking serious? "The Church has a lot to answer for; the inquisition, wars.."
What? You mean that shit that happened almost a THOUSAND years ago? - Marinegunrock"

well, I have to say, the time frame of events should never be ignored in an organization whose entire basis is a collection of texts detailing things that happened over 2000+ years ago.

certainly if the churches entire basis can be that anachronistic then its critics can legitimately call upon facts of history that has occurred in the time since.

Skinheads USA, Soldiers of the race war

8604 says...

ahh, once again thanks for the clarification. Nope, I had nothing to do with the production etc of the vid. the only connection I have is that I too live in the South lol. I'm in Arkansas, I see these types of groups around here as well...though nothing nearly as bad as is shown here.

Skinheads USA, Soldiers of the race war

Skinheads USA, Soldiers of the race war

China's First Atomic Bomb, 1964

8604 says...

I for one am frightened at the knowledge that any nuke ANYWHERE was ever controlled by a vacuum tube computer *shiver*

upvote from me for a great glimpse into the world of the cold war, And its ever present propaganda machine

Skinheads USA, Soldiers of the race war

Skinheads USA, Soldiers of the race war

8604 says...

Fixed the links in video info. removed the long tag. I was surprised to not find this here on the sift to be honest. I think its a very interesting insight into these groups.

Skinheads USA, Soldiers of the race war

Skinheads USA, Soldiers of the race war

Skinheads USA, Soldiers of the race war

8604 says...

I was unclear on the rule for the "long" tag, I went ahead and tagged it long as the entire documentary is more than 10 mins. though the individual vids are under that...I hope thats acceptable.

Halloween Stripper goes ALL the way!

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