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Hey - What's Your Favorite Sifting Snack? (Food Talk Post)

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Mirror's Edge - 1st Person Parkour on PS3 In Game Footage

8383 says...

The movement in Assassins Creed was one of the few things I liked about it, so if this is anything like that it may be worth a look.
I'm not sold on the first person perspective though, and the heavy breathing would get annoying eventually.

Time Life - Songs That Get Stuck In Your Head Collection!

Live Action Bomberman

Dawkins tells a kid that there is no Santa Claus (2 min) Super Secret Beta (Sift Talk Post)

8383 says...

perhaps once user options are added (assuming they will be) the ability to filter providers would be a good idea, so sifters could hide all the sift videos we've already seen. Super Secret Beta (Sift Talk Post)

Dawkins tells a kid that there is no Santa Claus (2 min)

Is this video cute or painful?

Oatmeal (Member Profile)

Monty Python's sex ed class

Difference between French and German Nutella

Wonkiness (Sift Talk Post)

I give you... BUM HAND!

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