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Bob Burnquist Loop of Death

1zin1 says...

wow, on the tony hawk gams i was always joking about "it would be impossible if they took the top of a loop" but wow man, wow, and that band is always used for skate a rollerblade vids

How to make a camera taser

How to make a camera taser

1zin1 says...

the your souns sytem sucks ass then, go to a flea market and buy a cheap stereo or somthing jeez, and dag, kiss myass, wtf are you talking about, i mean what kind of idiot writes " hard to hear" i mean christ how low was the volume on your comp?

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How to make a camera taser

Rollerbladers at Closed Waterpark

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Race Car Driver's Bodacious Distraction (NSFW)

Ending Women's Suffrage

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