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Why Obama is silent!

13150 says...

There are a lot of groups in the Middle East that want Israel wiped off the map, so Obama's campaign rhetoric is understandable. I certainly hope that he will come out in condemnation of Israel's actions once he takes office, although it's entirely possible he will only offer a mild rebuke so as not to anger the people to whom we gave so much advanced weaponry.

I do, however, think that it would be entirely inappropriate to come out in condemnation of Israel before he takes office, given that Bush so firmly supports Israel. He is very wise to respect the policy of only one president at a time, and even wiser to keep his mouth shut on controversial topics until he can actually do something about them.

How Batman Fights Crime

Milton Berle vs. Statler & Waldorf

13150 says...

I love Milton Berle AND the classic Muppet show. Just watch some of Dean Martin's old roasts, though - I'd hardly call Mr. Berle innocent . He just has a cleaner mouth than the hacks these days.

Ho Ho F*cking Ho - Kevin Wilson

Tamron Hall on the GOP Distributing "Barack the Magic Negro"

13150 says...

And this video doesn't even mention another racially insensitive song on the CD: "The Star Spanglish Banner."

QM, it's not that people can't take a joke, it's that the joke is in horribly poor taste, and the Republican party, which desperately needs to reinvent itself to reach out to minorities, is still being as arse-faced and insensitive as they've ever been to minorities.

Surely you can understand that, if your precious conservatives are ever to win another major election, they're going to have to do something about their horrible image in the eyes of MOST minority groups. These "jokes" show that at least some members of the party's leadership still don't get that.

Blagojevich Announces Senate Appointment

13150 says...

TYT had a bit on this, too. I'll see i I can track it down and sift it, because their implications, at least, are that Burris actually has made some "significant" contributions to Blago (granted, I don't think the "significant" amount was anywhere near what Blago was hoping to get, but it might have turned into an "I'll take what I can get at this point" deal).

Cover of 'Old Snake' from Metal Gear

Internet Porn - 1994

13150 says...

Damn, he's got some dirty phone lines. Even my shitty 28.8 connection didn't take that long to connect.

That said, to get that much before buffering, he had a pretty nice connection once it was up

The Library Rave Flashmob

13150 says...

Gotta say - it's a neat sentiment, but the library is absolutely the WRONG place for this. If you're in the library studying and a massive crowd of loud idiots suddenly comes in and breaks your concentration, you don't stop and say, "Wow, what an awesome gesture; I totally forgot that I need to relax sometimes!" Instead, you say, "What the F*CK do these sons of whores think they're doing? F*CK! I'm going to fail my test for sure now!" as you try desperately to keep concentrating on studying while the morons blast your eardrums out.

The library should be off-limits to this sort of shit, because the students in the library are trying to take their education and future seriously and haven't done anything to deserve being jarred out of their studies by an imbecilic mob.

Yes, I'm being curmudgeonly; yes, I'm too young to be curmudgeonly; no, I doubt my mind will change on this point.

Tunnel of Death (Lefortovo Tunnel, Russia)

13150 says...

It's not just ice causing's people driving like maniacs. Every one of those wrecks (that I could see, at least) was driving MUCH faster than the surrounding traffic.

Tim Minchin's stunning performance of his beat poem "Storm"

TED Jennifer 8. Lee: Who was General Tso? and ...

Backwards Beethoven

13150 says...

Interesting, although it would have been interesting to actually hear him playing backwards, rather than just hearing the reversed audio track. Clever staging by the other guy, though.

Creating a Nation of Idiots

Maddow on Rick Warren and the Inauguration

13150 says...

Sadly, the religious right still has a lot of influence. A bone needs to be thrown to them every now and then to make them more willing to work with Obama's agenda - all things considered, the invocation is a great bone to throw, because it's very high profile but has NO actual power.

Misguided though he is, the fact that Rick Warren does believe in AIDS research and trying to be responsible about climate change separates him from virtually every other "Christian Right" pastor out there. Basically, if he's the next James Dobson, the Christian Right could do a hell of a lot worse.

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