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Weird Weapons of WW2 (Full Doc)

Devastating 'Message to Sarah Palin' Ad

Real Time, Bill Maher discuss Palin and...... Hockey

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Sarah Palin: VP Is 'In Charge Of United States Senate'

13062 says...

"During the twentieth century, the role of the vice president has evolved into more of an executive branch position. Now, the vice president is usually seen as an integral part of a president's administration and presides over the Senate only on ceremonial occasions or when a tie-breaking vote may be needed."


Does Sarah Palin seriously think she is going to redefine the current accepted role of the VP in relation to his/her senate duties? In what is almost certainly going to be a democratic party controlled senate to boot!


The Real Ghostbusters - When Halloween Was Forever

Asylum of Satan movie trailer 1975

McPalin loses the Golden Girl Vote

TPM: How Low Can He Go?

13062 says...

>> ^Xax:
Ya know, all this stuff is great, except that the people who need to see it either won't see it or will shrug it off because it portrays their candidate/party in a negative light. It almost seems pointless in a way. Perhaps I'm just becoming too jaded.

I think one can easily divide the voters into 3 groups: those who will vote for Abama no matter what, those who will vote for McCain no matter what, and those who can be influenced one way or the other. Videos like this are targetted for the amusement of those who cannot be influenced and/or to influence those who can be.

McCain healthcare plan - go to Walmart instead of ER

13062 says...

We have facilities as described by Mr. McCain locally. Walk in clinics can be found all over. Open your phone book, I'm sure there is one near you too if you live in an urban area. The level of care places like that give is substandard and they usually demand payment up front which the poor can't afford. They truly are the Walmart of health care and no one, not even the poor, want or deserve Walmart health care.

Yes, it is possible to create a health care system that uses triage to see that people get the correct level of care and I suspect it is quite effective, but Walmart shouldn't be part of a metaphor for that kind of system.

McCain healthcare plan - go to Walmart instead of ER

13062 says...

And the Republicans call Obama an elitist? This man has no idea what real people have to face day to day.

I'm quite convinced at this point that the core of the Republican Party believes completely in Goebbels "Big Lie" philosophy:

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.” -Joseph Goebbels


McCain Vs. Reality

Always $$$ for Wall Street, Never $$$ for Health Care

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