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Breastfeeding till Age 8

11735 says...

I've heard that breast-feeding to the age of even three isn't incredibly uncommon in south american countries, but eight? Honestly.

"I believe children should be allowed to choose when they stop breastfeeding?" Come on, they're children. We make decisions for them all the time, why should breastfeeding be any different?

Soul Calibur 4 Trailer, with Vader and Yoda

11735 says...

Magic swords will stop a light-sabre, right? And everyone has a magic weapon in this game. At least +5, immune to sundering. I'd imagine the soul-edge is some sort of epic uber weapon.

Soul Calibur IV- Transcendance Trailer

Soul Calibur 4.

Star Trek: The Next Generation Rap

Office Rampage Second Angle

Project Origin (Sequel to F.E.A.R.) Trailer (1:09)

Piano Playing, Popcorn Eating, Baby Hamster

TED - Paul Ewald: Can we domesticate germs?

"NEW Trailer" The Mummy 3: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor

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