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It's Possible This Guy Was Smoking A Bit Of Marijuana...

10419 says...

>> ^kulpims:
I'd make driving on weed mandatory. srsly, a lot less people would die on the roads cause of speeding and reckless behaviour

yes and using a cross walk or jay walking would be suicide.

Barack Obama on Change in Grand Junction, CO

Matt Damon Actually Sounding Smart On Palin

10419 says...

ok, lets set the record on matt damon. He is smart, not dumb. I would say he is smarter than any of us, since he wrote Good Will Hunting, and none of us have created anything that brilliant. A hell of a lot better than Team America or any South Park Episode.

Also, Affleck is not stupid either, you would know this if you have ever seen Gone Baby Gone which he directed. And your an idiot if you think matt damon was actually mad and not acting on the Jimmy Kimmel.

Large Hadron Collider Fires First Burst

10419 says...

this kind of stuff needs to be over produced, artician, its the only way to appeal to the masses. this is something the masses should know about.

Palin - God will turn gay people straight !

10419 says...

Olbermann HAS to stop saying goodnight and good luck. It is infuriating that he even makes the slightest connection between himself and Mr. Murrow?

Does he think he is as good as Murrow? "Rescueing" a failing news broadcast company with marginally funny jokes and common liberal views is suddenly equal to being the first major broadcast personality to stand up to the witch-hunt views McCarthyism of McCarthy?

SouthPark - Cyborg Shags Erics Mom, Trapper Keeper Kills

HH-60 Engages Target With GAU 17 Mini-Gun

10419 says...

I agree with qualm on this. I would downvote also, if i could.

Farhad2000, as much as shying away from the horrors of war is definately something that should not be done by anyone, no matter their nationality, this video is more about showing off a "cool", rapid fire gun. if the video wasn't inteaded this way, it would show the corpses and the life time of pain and anguish caused by those few seconds of gun fire.

Saying that war is a reality ESPECIALLY to the american soldiers is true but makes it sound like they have it the worst in this war. what you should say is ESPECIALLY to the civilians of Iraq who are killed in numbers ATLEAST 20 times that of american soldier casualties. and no one give me that "there are no civilians in war" bullshit, that only applies to countries who mutually are at war with each other.

Rocket Car Man (The Darwin Awards)

10419 says...

Of all the stories from the original book, The Darwin Awards, this is one that was found to be an urban legend, hense it never actually happened. Sorry to burst anyones bubble...

Red-Tailed Hawk vs. Diamondback Rattler: Who will win?

10419 says...

redtailed hawks are probably the most common bird of prey in north america. that doesn't make them any less bad ass. also a diamond back rattlesnake isnt even close to some of the most venomous creatures on earth. There are creatures that are literally thousands of times more venomous. hemotoxins are horrible at killing larger animals, such as humans.

Largest illegal black market of guns in pakistan

10419 says...

haha marinegunrock, no one is arguing that knives and poisons are cool. also most knives aren't designed with killing or severly injuring people in mind. alot of guns are.

dont get me wrong, i love guns too, but i think your statement might be abit silly.

also i found this 3 months ago and tried to post it, but videosift would always say the embeded code was invalid. F

USA commits 9/11 atrocities on Chile

10419 says...

aaaaaah. i always wondered what the lyrics "Please remember Victor Jara,
In the Santiago Stadium" from the song Washington Bullets by The Clash meant.
Great song, great lyrics about an asshole country.

Sam Harris vs Bill O'reilly on religion in 2004

Tank Car Implosion Goodness--(short)

Baby Killers? Not On Their Watch!

10419 says...

this is actually really cute, so upvote. and alot better than the vids of soldiers throwing puppies off cliffs and teaching children to say 'i smell like shit' in english.

but you know, cute little moments could happen in USA funded orphanages or family shelters, too. With out the gunfights air strikes and artillery shellings, which are not so cute with children in them.

dystopianfuturetoday (Member Profile)

10419 says...

you do know that booth CNN and ABC have alot of stock market shows, or used to have alot. Although you perhaps cannot buy products from companies that manufacture fighter jets, you can purchase their registered securities. you know, bonds and stocks.

In reply to this comment by dystopianfuturetoday:

Ever wonder why CNN and ABC have ads for companies that make products you can't buy? When is the last time you bought a fighter jet?

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