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McCain supports Ape Rape

Raigen (Member Profile)

Twin Peaks - Leland's Dance

10419 says...

"Leland, what is going on in this house?!"

"Beats the living shit out of me, have you seen that white horse around? And who the hell is that scary looking hobo?"

David Mitchell On Flag Burning

10419 says...

hmm, yeah, why do some americans care so much? if i see people burning flags, i just say idiots burn flags anyways, they make a sticky mess.

i am a canadian, i dont really think our flag is that great, and i dont think the american flag is anything spectacular either; you should check the the flags for Kenya, Angola or Dominica out, those are some bad ass flags. oh well, at least ours aren't like cyprus or somalia's flags, those are lame.

awesome film made with new canon still camera

10419 says...

that is incredible. I laughed abit when i heard the d90, the replacement to the d80 will have a video feature, but i guess i can see where it would work.

not that i would even try to compare a camera in the d80s range to a full frame 5d, and i've always liked Canon more than Nikon, except when it comes to sensitivity.

you really have to wonder if getting a high end HD camcorder would do the same job for less the price, probably, considering the $3000 price mark for the body alone and 8 of the 12 or more lenses used are $1500 or more, especially ones as bright as f2.0.

In the mean time, look for price drops for the brilliant orignal 5ds leading to the mark II's release. WOO HOO!

McCain Calling Pakistan a "Failed State" (40s)

10419 says...

No no no, McCain was talking about the rough patches and military governments that Pakistan had in the 1950s-1980s when he said Pakistan WAS a failed state.

I dont know if it was a failed state back then, there were some tough times but failed state might be abit much; McCain in the debate was NOT refering to modern Pakistan as a failed state.

I dont know how that got blown out of proportion.

Idiot with a Suzuki

I'm Rich, Blonde, Bimbo, and Republican.. Jealous?

10419 says...

"there are other solutions, take out loans"

Yeah, ok, everyone take out loans, what could POSSIBLY go wrong.

She must get this economic advice from watching how her government pays for the war.

H A L O Jumpin'

Red Alert 3: Celebrity Talent Trailer

10419 says...

haha wow is that tanya's mom in the third one? the russian is hot, but i think that might be the silliest thing i have ever seen. other than the annoying tanya, i cant wait for this game.

Penn & Teller: Bullshit! "Being Green" Pt.1

10419 says...

I like p&a asmuch as the next guy, but that graph that the weather man shows in this part DOES snow a trend. If you think of it as a sin or cos graph, you can see the maxima and minima do shift up in the second half compared to the first.

Draw a line of best fit through that sucker and i bet you a million that sucka would be positive. They do have a point; everyone needs to cut down on the over re-acting bullshit and I hate Gore and his nobel prize. he didnt deserve it or the grant money.

it is just that the graph is bullshit proof against any increase in climate.

Radiohead - "15 Step"

10419 says...

>> ^Creperum:
I couldn't make out half the shit he's crying about. Creep is their best song, this doesn't even come close. Video is indeed cool

I and many others thoroughly disagree. creep is radiohead's best song ONLY if your more into popular rock; however, if you have more eclectic tastes in music, then creep is an over rated pop fan appealer of a song and is far from the bands "best" song.

Countdown : KO on FOX News' Softball Palin Interview

10419 says...

what an utter dumb ass. i hate keith olbermann. "goodnight and good luck"; fuck you.

almost as bad as fox, but i watch cnn since msnbc is becoming more of the same shit as fox
only for a different party. like two kids calling each other names from across the school yard.

Girl Butchers National Anthem, Cowboy Fans BOO

Indonesia Tsunami - Massive Surge Of Water And Debris

10419 says...

the sheer power on display in this video is terrifying to me. 104 000 people. thats hard to wrap your head around that many lives being lost. this was truely the greatest tragedy in my life time.

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