Top Videos of All Time
Chris Rock: "The Government doesn't want you to use your drugs, they want you to use THEIR drugs!"
posted by mintbbb
O'Reilly having some issues with the prompter. Sheesh, chill out Bill O.
posted by theaceofclubz

The inventor of the SawStop puts his own finger on the line to show the dependability of his invention.
posted by Raigen
This sport it called "Kiiking" and was invented in Estonia around 1996. Current male record for length of swing flipped is 7,02 meters! Wikipedia Entry for Kiiking Estonian "Kiiking" Site Older... continue reading
posted by maatc

This is a time-lapse of a gravity wave taken by the Tama, Iowa KCCI-TV webcam on 6 May 2007. Gravity waves form when buoyancy pushes air up, and gravity pulls it back down. Very cool stuff!
posted by silvercord
He probably has more money than I'll make in the next 20 years, as well.
posted by demon_ix
Cookie monster sounds like Rammstein
posted by reiwan
Attendance: youdiejoe, Lucky760, Charms, darkrowan, poolcleaner, volumptuous (& his girlfriend), dystopianfuturetoday, IssyKitty, hbleusea and blankfist. See also: continue reading
posted by Nicki Hansen
posted by mintbbb
Conan 'receives lessons' in high cultured dining with associate producer and food snob Jordan Schlansky.
posted by lesserfool
Where were you when the Death Star fell?
posted by campionidelmondo
The song is Toe Jam, by BPA (featuring David Byrne and Dizzee Rascal).
posted by dystopianfuturetoday
Physicist Richard Feynman explains how a train stays on the tracks... From BBC TV 'Fun to Imagine' (1983) -YT
posted by cybrbeast
Why should we?
posted by Ornthoron