The Scarpar: New Kind of Off-Road Vehicle

My best friend here in Australia has a start-up company building a new kind of vehicle called the Scarpar. I got the chance to see it over the weekend on the "test beach". It's got knobbly tracks on the bottom which seem to go over just about anything, including my foot at one point.

I know this isn't really VS related, but I thought it was pretty cool and he's going to let me be one of the first to hop on the production model in exchange for helping to get the word out. (once insurance clears it ;-) )
therealblankman says...

Firefly, get your son a skateboard and a mountain bike instead. They're less offensive than another loud motorized obscenity like this one. He can have just as much fun hurting himself on those without destroying the environment or scaring the wildlife.

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