Stockstock 5 - The Stock Film Festival

We have a new sponsor - the Stockstock Film festival. We don't usaully call out our sponsors, but I was having a look at the site and it's a very cool idea. From the site:

What is it?

Stockstock is a film festival consisting of short films made entirely from stock footage. We select a limited amount of stock footage and give it to you; your job is to make it into some kind of short video presentation.

Farhad2000 says...

That's amazing.

I always thought that it was senseless that no open source release of footage is readily available. This is a great idea, definitely going to download the footage and have a look into it.

I been doing the same cheeky thing for a while by ste... borrowing stock footage present on Google Video and open source poetry readings, like this Carmen Bliss reading of A Vagabond Song.

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