Potential *TimeLapse Channel Up for Bids

My latest post (incidental pimpage allowed ) brought up an idea within the upper ranks: Why don't we have a *timelapse channel yet?!

After a little consideration, we'd like the channel created. The only question is how and by whom? Are there any diamonds who haven't created a channel yet who'd like to create and own TimeLapse? If not, if are there any other members who'd like to take the reins, please let us know here!

If left with the latter, I suppose the highest ranking member will be granted the channel. Any takers?
MINK says...

wow. a whole channel just for timelapse.
is it too hard to just tag them all with "timelapse"?

what's your limit on how many channels is practical to have? didn't we reach that limit already?

how about getting rid of 10 channels instead of adding a new one?

or, how about having ONLY ten channels, and adding some "preset tags" to the submission form... like the uber MUSIC channel could have the tags "live","jazz","rocknroll" etc. and you just have to tick-to-tag

MarineGunrock says...

Timelapse is cool. Having a bajillion channels of the same fucking thing is not. Like MINK said: Music, Livemusic, Hiphop, Jazz are all the same fucking thing. Then there's Religion and Islamica, Same fucking thing. That, and I can't remember the last time I saw anything tagged with "Islam."

gwiz665 says...

Timelapse would be a unique channeland not a subdivision of any other channel, see MG's examples. Therefore it would be good.

I would like us all to do some spring/summer cleaning for 3.2 though, because many of the channels are either dead, dying or redundant.

Eklek says...

Plastiquemonkey has a timelapse selection playlist
It's a bit too specific to have a timelapse channel I think.

*time would quite broad I think, as many clips do have fastforward-rewind/slowmotion/edits/flashforwards/flashbacks etc.
And we do have * history

There are channels that are much more in need
e.g. *news, *homme, *presentation/lecture, *electronica etc.
More here:

BTW: why just bring up one channel idea now?

10444 says...

The idea is cool but I wouldn't see it as being practical since there are so many channels already. I really like the idea of the preset tags myself, it would make things much tidier ( if done the right way that is)! Too much organization = not fun

Fjnbk says...

No one's started a time-lapse channel probably because no one would be that interested in running one. User-run channels are still a lot like collectives and revolve around topics that are of personal interest to the creators.

A time-lapse channel would ONLY be a category for videos, unless someone is really interested in time-lapse videos.

MINK says...

i can't believe you are talking about a timelapse channel, it boggles my mind that you would have time to consider something so tedious.

if you do a timelapse channel i am gonna quit AGAIN!

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