Looking for a sifted, b/w, NSFW cartoon


I've already bugged Dag about this and he advised me to ask again here.

I'm looking for a video I've watched about half a year ago. It's a black-and-white cartoon. Simple drawing style. Actually, it's various episodes of this cartoon clipped one after the other in one video.

The cartoons are about a scummy, bald, agressive, swearing male American who is coping with everyday life (like a neighbour who comes over, or his kid who breaks a lamp inside the house). The guy either mumbles NSFW stuff, yells or doesn't say anything. In the lamp episode, after thinking for almost 2 minutes he touches a (broken?) wire and gets electrified.

Can anybody help me out?

raven says...

hmmm... no, doesn't ring a bell. Have you tried refining your search parameters? Try limiting the search to NSFW vids within the animation channel, and then browse backwards to about the approximate time you remember watching it. I know its not an easy answer, but that's all I can think of to suggest.

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