Is something burning, or is it time for another roast?

Since there's a new top gun here at the Sift, I propose a roast of either the new number one, or the old number one, or both. After all, we can't let the new number one let his newfound glory go to his head, and we can't let the old number one slip to number two in a field of about 1000 without hurling an appropriate amount of feces in her general direction. Furthermore, I think that the master of ceremonies for the roast should be the last roastee: Mycrofthomlz. It'll fall to him to maintain some sense of order and decency for the proceedings. He already knows the standards, so I'm sure he can be counted on to enforce a two poop-joke minimum.
Of course this is contingent on them being willing to submit to this salute by their peers. If not, we can always roast Mycroft again. He seemed to enjoy having aspersions cast on his mother's sexual morality.
Or there's dag. Being that he lives in some third world country 37 time zones off from the rest of us, he'd be asleep for most of the proceedings. The best kind of victim is an unconscious victim, I always say.
Or there's me. But I must warn you that I have no sense of humor.
The die has already spoken. The names have been picked. I shall announce soon.
Hint: The skewer is a little wimpy for the Sifter involved. We've had to order a new one.
Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)
I must warn you ... Siftbot is my ally - and a powerful ally is he.
It would be ... unfortunate to have to use the * eviscerate invocation.
dag, you're safe . . . at least for now.

Thylan rolled his D&D die and we have our next MC and Roastee.
karaidl - Roastee
rottenseed - MC
We'll be announcing a day and start time shortly.
No, we must roast Siftbot!
prepare roasters, to have thy asses handed to a teeny-bopper
Please join MC rottenseed and the roasting crew for the official roast of karaidl now in progress.
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