In 500 words or less, how would you handle OBL?
We know a kill order was placed on Osama's head by the President of the United States, and there was no known attempt to capture him and give him his day in court. Some agree with this, some don't.
So, how would you've handled the situation if you had the resources and the power to do so? Let's make you the POTUS, but first let's review the facts:
1. It's believed that OBL masterminded the attacks on 9/11.
2. It's believed OBL was the head of Al Qaeda.
3. OBL was never found in Iraq. OIL was, though.
4. It's believed that 9/11 was caused by what the CIA term "blowback". Which is a result of US interventionism and troop presence in Saudi Arabia.
5. The Sixth Amendment of the US Constitution: "In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence."
What would've you done?
So, how would you've handled the situation if you had the resources and the power to do so? Let's make you the POTUS, but first let's review the facts:
1. It's believed that OBL masterminded the attacks on 9/11.
2. It's believed OBL was the head of Al Qaeda.
3. OBL was never found in Iraq. OIL was, though.
4. It's believed that 9/11 was caused by what the CIA term "blowback". Which is a result of US interventionism and troop presence in Saudi Arabia.
5. The Sixth Amendment of the US Constitution: "In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence."
What would've you done?
Due process -- the same thing that worked 60+ years ago on guys like these who make OBL look like a Boy Scout.
Try to capture him to bring him to trial. Period.
It is interesting that the Taliban offered bin Laden to Bushie II, if they could deliver him to a world court. And we turned them down.
There's American exceptionalism for you...
This whole "war on terror" thing has made so little sense to begin with. I have no idea what I would've done. If I had to take over right from where Bush left off, I don't think I would've been worried about where Osama was or what he was doing at all.
Trial for War Crimes, mass murder or something similar.
Work with local governments to have him released to a world court, like the Hauge.
Remove my troops from occupied countries, so I could morally stay on my high horse.
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I'd have sat him down, had a really long, cathartic talk about his issues with his parents, and convinced him to set aside his crusade.
Afterwards, he'd have a joint press conference with me, and tell his followers that he was wrong, and that they should surrender themselves, and beg for forgiveness for their sins they've committed against the true will of Allah. He'd then tearfully apologize to the world, and thank me personally for showing him the error of his ways. Then he'd donate all of Al Qaeda's funds to helping Muslim women get a better education, and dedicate his life to preaching non-violence to Muslim extremists.
After that, I'd go talk to Ahmedinejad and Kim Jong Il, then maybe convince Hu Jintao to forgive the US's debts to China.
That might be over 500 words, sorry.
Put a bullet in his eye, ask the world for forgiveness.
If you capture a man like this, with the thousands of faithful zealots he has who would gladly die for his causes, what would be their reaction while he was held in custody, awaiting a trial that would never, ever supplicate their anger? A trial that would only serve to confirm all their conspiracies and suspicions about the motivations of the western world?
How many hostages would they think they'd need to trade for his release? How many suicide bombers would need to detonate themselves in crowded public markets to make us free the supreme leader?
Start a death metal band with him. Get drunk and just fucking ROCK, you-know? Soon enough all would be forgive, due to the rocking.
wiaht whatre we talkin about? I think I just trolled blankfist. ... better just roll over and show my belly, metaphorically... avoid some blowback
I would have captured him, flown him to the US, rushed him into sex reassignment surgery, then dropped him back off to the Taliban. With a complimentary ham.
One word: Oprah.
I'd take him out for a beer and just talk things out, man to man. We'd discuss Ghandi and Martin Luther King and the importance of peaceful protest. He is surprisingly receptive. At the other end of the bar, we notice a couple of ladies checking us out. I tell them I'm married, but urge Osama to go for it. He is a bit shy and nervous, but after a couple more drinks, his inhibitions melt away. The next few hours are kind of a blur, but the following morning Bin Laden knocks on my hotel room door. I let him in and he tells me all about his wild evening with the two women. He tells me he's done with religion and violence and that he plans to apologize for all the pain and suffering he's caused. But at that moment, Barack Obama emerges from behind a fern in full ninja regalia and slices Osama bin Laden's head off in one clean stroke.
I drop to my knees and scream towards the heavens. "NOOOOOOOOOOOO!"
Then Obama and I burst into laughter and do some fist bumps and a chest bump. At the same time, we say "Mission Accomplished." "Jinx!", I say, which means Obama has to pick up the check at dinner.
If I had to take over where Bush left off, I'd probably seek the advice of my intelligence advisors and see if tracking down Osama was doable within a reasonable timeframe. If yes, I'd bring him to trial. If no, I'd stop looking for him altogether and look for the US to heal from 9/11 once and for all.
But the second I stepped into office I'd end the wars in the middle east and leave that part of the world alone. Oil be damned.
>> ^blankfist:
If I had to take over where Bush left off, I'd probably seek the advice of my intelligence advisors and see if tracking down Osama was doable within a reasonable timeframe.
That is in fact what Obama did. They found him two years later.
>> ^blankfist:
If yes, I'd bring him to trial.
You're skipping some steps. First you find out that he's living in a compound with 22 people, including armed guards. It's also just down the street from the Pakistani equivalent of West Point, and intelligence believes that bin Laden is under the protection of the Pakistani military.
The military says to just bomb the building with a pair of B-2 bombers, because sending special forces poses a lot more risk, both to the soldiers themselves, and to the mission of killing or capturing bin Laden.
So how are you going to capture him, with no possibility of him winding up dead? If for whatever reason, your mission to capture him winds up with him dead instead, are you to automatically be treated as a murderer?
@NetRunner, then I suppose it isn't worth it, is it? Because this all started because of US interventionism, I'd probably take steps to close out US hegemony in that area of the world, and then seek a diplomatic dialog in the hopes of having Osama turned over for trial.
I think what's important here are the things I wouldn't do. I wouldn't continue to kill people with drone planes. I wouldn't continue to create more wars in that part of the world. I wouldn't seek to radicalize more militants by making their families casualties of war. I wouldn't occupy sovereign countries.
All of these Obama is doing now.
Koombaya my lord, koombaya.
>> ^NetRunner:
I'd have sat him down, had a really long, cathartic talk about his issues with his parents, and convinced him to set aside his crusade.
Afterwards, he'd have a joint press conference with me, and tell his followers that he was wrong, and that they should surrender themselves, and beg for forgiveness for their sins they've committed against the true will of Allah. He'd then tearfully apologize to the world, and thank me personally for showing him the error of his ways. Then he'd donate all of Al Qaeda's funds to helping Muslim women get a better education, and dedicate his life to preaching non-violence to Muslim extremists.
After that, I'd go talk to Ahmedinejad and Kim Jong Il, then maybe convince Hu Jintao to forgive the US's debts to China.
That might be over 500 words, sorry.
two words: chuck norris
>> ^kymbos:
One word: Oprah.
Even better...Dr Phil.
>> ^blankfist:
@NetRunner, then I suppose it isn't worth it, is it? Because this all started because of US interventionism, I'd probably take steps to close out US hegemony in that area of the world, and then seek a diplomatic dialog in the hopes of having Osama turned over for trial.
The Pakistani say they don't know where he is. Jumping back to the real world, they still insist they didn't know he was there, even now.'d tell the American people what, exactly? Never mind about bin Laden. Yes, we know where he is, no we're not going to try to capture him, because I'm afraid we might kill him accidentally, and I'm definitely not going to kill him, not because it'd be illegal, but because I think I'm some sort of saint?
How did you win the election in the first place?
>> ^blankfist:
I think what's important here are the things I wouldn't do. I wouldn't continue to kill people with drone planes. I wouldn't continue to create more wars in that part of the world. I wouldn't seek to radicalize more militants by making their families casualties of war. I wouldn't occupy sovereign countries.
I'd withdraw from Afghanistan, if I'd replaced Obama from the start I'd have never surged there. I'd never have gone into Libya. I'm not so mad about the drones, but I'd mostly been giving them a pass because I thought they were the only force we were truly applying to Al Qaeda. If they're not even doing that, I'm all for stopping them.
Oh, and nobody's "seeking to radicalize" anyone. Nor are we occupying a sovereign nation.
So you'd rather him blow it on your belly than blow it on your back?
>> ^bamdrew:
Start a death metal band with him. Get drunk and just fucking ROCK, you-know? Soon enough all would be forgive, due to the rocking.
wiaht whatre we talkin about? I think I just trolled blankfist. ... better just roll over and show my belly, metaphorically... avoid some blowback
If at all possible, I would have captured him and set him up as a tourist attraction for people to come, pay admission, and throw their feces at him. We'd pay off the national debt in no time!
>> ^NetRunner:
I'd have sat him down, had a really long, cathartic talk about his issues with his parents, and convinced him to set aside his crusade.
Afterwards, he'd have a joint
That's pretty much my plan, too.
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