I can't post this, does anyone else want to.

Americablog posted it to blip.tv, which I recommended be added as a video source. I downloaded it from there, and uploaded it to google video. i did this solely so that I could post it on my blog. If any sifters think it should be on the sift as well, feel free to post it. I don't want anyone to think that I am trying to self promote.

Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-MD) Speaks In Support Of Hate Crimes Bill

Rep Hoyer, D-Maryland, gave a great speech about why it is important to pass HR 1592.

raven says...

ummm... I don't particularly need a post at the moment, I just wanted to say that I thought it was very sweet of you to keep offering up spare posts like this.


choggie says...

heh heh heh...a little lesson on Orwellian newspeak:

Creating a phrase and injecting it into a society is calculated and infective...

the term, "Hate Speak", as commonly now recognized has not always been around.....it is a construct of a group that has an agenda....Free Speech is what this bill is about, and i writhe and wriggle, at the very idea of a so-called representative bringing some sheit like this to the table.....now....Why do you ask....figure it out I say, and see through a cloud of horse shit.....a never ending one I might add.......

what is..."Hate Speech"?? and what are the penalties?...as you give away your free will to a machine.....who calls a hate crime a hate crime???What is Hate??How the hell has this bullshit gotten this far out of hand, that monkeys need worms to tell them how to jump?? This country is near characaturishly surreal......ahhhh t'bed t'bed...letm eat cake....

choggie says...

"I hate, and will down vote any post with the phrase, "hate speech" in it ...I hate it so that, fucking, much."

now...as for hate crimes....why do we need this bill, beyond what we already know as humans to be righteous...i.e.how have we come to have common sense blurred with unilateral agendas....god i fucking hate politics....the kind that stray from that of a group of like-minded beings.....

what will this accomplish, beyond less freedom, and more control....look at the big picture, your emotions are not the center....

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