Feature request: permit start time code in embed

YouTube supports this, maybe other providers too. YouTube uses the t=seconds URL param, which must be updated in both of the embed URL's to work. When I update my embeds, it looks like a validator is stripping this token out.

Please permit it to pass through unmolested, and for double-bonus extra happy points, consider adding a field to the submission form to automatically add it.

oohahh says...

Hi Lucky, thanks for the quick response.

Different parameter. In this case, I'm talking about a URL param, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OnX5v0uwNjc&feature=player_embedded&t=30. Changing the two URL's in the <embed> will also make a video start later.

Your documentation suggests the better way to accomplish that is to insert <param name="start" value="30"></param> in my <embed>.

I've tried it both ways, changing the URL's in the embed, inserting the <param name="start" value="30"></param>, and doing both. None of those changes are sticking. Ideas?


lucky760 says...

Actually, the start=seconds method is for the URL as well, but the URL in video embeds. For example:

<object><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/OnX5v0uwNjc?version=3&start=30"/></object>
<embed src="//www.youtube.com/v/OnX5v0uwNjc?version=3&start=30"/>
<iframe src="//www.youtube.com/embed/OnX5v0uwNjc?version=3&start=30" frameborder="0"></iframe>
The URLs you're referring to (starting with youtube.com/watch?v=) are for watching a video on YouTube, but those aren't used when posting to VideoSift, as we only accept <object>, <embed>, and <iframe> embed codes from YouTube (unless I'm forgetting about some way that you can do that, and if that's the case, please remind me).

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