Dupe or not dupe?

How is a duplicate video defined? Are clips from longer sifts okay? Are longer videos that contain shorter, previous sifts okay?

I'm inclined to say that both can be useful, but the second more than the first. I'd rather see a longer version of a video posted, than a shorter section from an existing video. With that in mind the FAQ would have to be changed.

A duplicate video is one which contains content already on VideoSift in a published, queued, personal queued, or dead video submission. Minor changes in content, like a few additional insignificant seconds of video or alternate background music, will still be considered dupes.
What do you think?
Raytrace says...

I think clips from longer videos already on the sift should be dupes. But longer videos of clips already on sift aren't dupes.

But i guess that sorta makes the shorter clip a 'dupe' technically since it has the same content. Ah.. I give up.

On another note, someone sifted the Opening fight from Final Flight of the Osiris which should have been a dupe of the full video sifted earlier, especially since the fight is right at the beginning of it. But the full video got deaded and fixed with a wrong embed (some music video crap) instead.

So what happens when someone fixes a dead sift with the wrong video?

Sorry if this is a little off topic, but it was bugging me.

MarineGunrock says...

To get the thread back on track: The sifter that fixed the video with the wrong code should PM the poster, or if the poster is an absent member (i.e. Firefly/ladybug) then they should invoke the * discuss command so that the admins can fix it or send it back to the dead pool if the proper embed is not found.

As for the original topic: If a short clip is here already, and a longer one is added, it can stay, provided that it adds significant context over the first. If a longer clip is here, and a short one is submitted, it's a dupe is a dupe is a dupe. I don't want to hear about "oh, well I don't want to have to watch 40 minutes to see 10." That doesn't matter. The content is already here.

As for same video content with alternate audio:

Provided that the new audio changes the context/purpose of the clip than it's acceptable.
Example: Original Maki clip Kinda boring, if you ask me. Then there was the THX remix. This one added a new level of comedy to it just with the added sound. Lastly, there's the Dramatic Tarsier II video. This time the sound exists for shock value, not comedy.

choggie says...

Perhaps a fusion of the minds, sifters with said dupe arguments can defer to one or the other, as to which stays...usually the second post has more content than the first or some other condition worthy of its usurping the old....(are votes really that important?? (If so, pay money for more queue space-I pay because dag has threatened my family)
For example, someone posts part 2 of a 6 part vid on you tube, and someone else would like to see it here in its entirety....I know I do-
Learn to make an embeddable player lazies.....

fissionchips says...

Is the consensus that a rule is unnecessary? I'd rather have something in writing, because all these unwritten rules make for a steep learning curve for new posters.

(I wish we could post polls in Sift Talk.)

nibiyabi says...

I think both are valid -- sometimes a clip doesn't offer up enough meat for me to chew, and sometimes a long video is mostly boring with only bits of intrigue which I'd rather see condensed.

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