siftbot says...

franchescablit has been nominated for banination by Hybrid. This may be due to abuse or violations of the posting guidelines. If this nomination is seconded, the account will be permanently disabled.

bareboards2 says...

No opinion, just questions.... It is extremely unusual to have this kind of sift talk attempt. Especially from a brand new Sifter.

I'm wondering... are you here for the videos or to sell something?

Sorry for the cynical tone -- and I see that @Hybrid has gone full metal cynic and banned you.

What the heck is going on? This is just so odd.

bareboards2 says...

*ban Yeah. Now I get it. I just grokked on the headline of the post. Definite advertisement.

Just weird, dude/dudette. What did you hope to accomplish posting this?

siftbot says...

franchescablit has been seconded for banination by bareboards2. This account will now be disabled. If you would like to appeal this banination, franchescablit, you may contact the administrators.

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