BLANKFIST makes ONE HUNDRED!!!! Booyah!!!
So, somehow sometime while I managed to get really sick and out of it during this weekend, our fine Siftin' friend blankfist reached his 100th star! HOORAH!!! Let's all give up a well deserved congrats to him, and what a great way to start off the new year.
Let's all commit some upvote action on his sifted viddy's and his queue, including the funny video that I just *saved of his ...
A belated Happy New Year and 100th Star Benchmark, blankfist! Sorry this is late.

Let's all commit some upvote action on his sifted viddy's and his queue, including the funny video that I just *saved of his ...
A belated Happy New Year and 100th Star Benchmark, blankfist! Sorry this is late.

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