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Salvia divinorum: Extremely psychoactive drug

rougy says...

I totally agree with whoever it was up there that said you should respect it. They compare it to having a goddess visit you.

If you try it, just do 5x for starts, keep the flame on the herb, and make sure you hold your smoke for at least 20 seconds.

You'll go "there" very quickly.

yes, I do windows and bake cookies too (Blog Entry by smibbo)

raven says...

Hey! Nice to see other women joining the sift... 'specially kickass ones who dig comix and counter culture and are ex-goths! Welcome aboard and good luck to yas, Almighty Domestic Goddess!

Atheists nightmare debunked

Irishman says...

Quantummushroom is confusing religion with the belief in God, which are not the same thing.

There has always been a belief in 'the other', 'the cosmic attractor', 'the goddess', and even the worship of the mushroom, the moon and mother earth/Gaia. This is religion in the ancient shamanic sense and is more than 12,000 years old. It is almost certain that it has its roots in the psychedelic experience and is **boundary dissolving**.

Religion as we experience it today has only existed for 2,500 years and is a social control mechanism employed by governments everywhere in the world. With the decline of religion in most of the western world, governments have now invented 'terrorism' as the fear factor. Religion in this sense is **boundary building**.

Existentialism as proclaimed by Nietzsche is a third 'way' that denies both the very real religious/psychedelic experience AND the existence of a god, goddess, or higher cosmic attractor. Atheism does not necessarily equal existentialism, again Quantummushroom is confusing these things.

The third confusion here is 'kill the religion and you kill the civilization'. Almost right - kill the religion and you kill the culture would be more accurate.

Killing religion as Neitzsche says would lead to the death of culture and a descent into chaos. We know something today that Nietzsche didn't know, a little mathematical theory called Chaos Theory which is likely the most important discovery since the wheel. From the natural chaos a new order would arise, one free of culture and boundaries. Chaos is the source of imagination and all creation.

Religion is not based on faith - it is based upon the religious experience. The very real power of this experience has been seized upon and hijacked, and turned into something which takes a lot of faith to swallow, whilst retaining all of its original social power.

Finally, the US education system being crap has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with socialism. I agree with QM that socialism is facism in slow motion. I live in a country where people have fought and died for socialism and we have one of the best education systems in Europe. The reason the US education system is crap is because it is entirely culture bound.

Audrey Arno - La Pachanga

David Attenborough: Carnivorous Plants

persephone says...

What I'd like to know is why the plant was named after the goddess of love. Is it because the plant resembles the female labia, with its bright pink flaps that open and close? Does this reveal the secret fear of female genitalia, for its ability to trap and destroy the penetrator?

MC Frontalot - It Is Pitch Dark

deathcow says...

You are likely to be eaten by a grue.
If this predicament seems particularly cruel,
consider whose fault it could be:
not a torch or a match in your inventory.

It got narrated at you in the second person.
Every time you booted up, it seemed you got another version
of your life told to you by a status line blinking,
the impossible people you could be without thinking
yourself insane of personality problems,
with a mop on a drop ship or trying to stab a goblin.
That don’t play in public life. You get arrested,
psychoactive medication daily in your big intestine
and attesting that the voices in your head
said the dwarf shot first, embedded arrow then you bled.
But doctors with needles posit repeatedly
that you knocked down that midget in the park unneededly.
This has seeded the idea that you should
never venture from the house, never get misunderstood
by the non-player characters inhabiting Earth,
none of whom are too concerned about Nord & Bert,
not one of whom ever aimed a fish around the room,
trying to get it in the ear canal because doom
beset the last planet they were on, or near
the verge of a set of poetics they wouldn’t hear.
Never peered at the clues with invisible ink.
No SM goddesses ever gave them pause to think.
Never piloted six robots, each distinct.
Don’t matter how many 2-liters they drink,
they’re not gonna follow what you’re saying at all.
They impugn and appall in the scope of their gall,
as you hide in your room in disgust with the lights turned out.
Turn ‘em on in a turn. Leave ‘em off for now.

You read a pamphlet from a mailbox that urges low cunning,
offers cursor and prompt: type >run and you’re running,
and parses what you tell it, pronouns intact,
abbreviations if you need ‘em (better keep it gramat.).
Better punctuate your sentences and never redact
the name of anything ambiguous. You’re about to get asked,
do you mean the red one, the round one, the crooked, or the blue?
Better keep that in your pocket, don’t know yet what it could do.
Could be the spray for the grue; you’re gonna need it if it is —
a situation that reloads, restarts, or quits.
Wonder how many points out of how many points
you’ve got to get before you’re done. Endeavor then to rejoice,
when you wish more ardently, identities shed,
for continuance, the rhyme forever voyaging. Fled
from all lights and colors, from all smells and sound:
just the lyric on the monochrome display and you’re proud
to make another verse appear by solving riddles.
If you didn’t have to sleep, you know you’d never seek acquittal.
You’d be ever in the middle and the midst of quest.
If it weren’t for >don the gown. you’d never get dressed.
In your underwear typing, just like Front,
keyboard attached up to my fingers — wrists bear the brunt —
as I seek to do stunts simply through their descriptions.
I think I went once to some sands that were Egyptian.
And I retain plane tickets, snapshots, receipts,
yet I stand unconvinced that this has happened to me.
I wouldn’t want to misremember or get confused.
Recall of crawling towards a pyramid appearing over dunes.
Recall of entering the thing and descending stairs.
Does it descend from there, adventure to nightmare?
Did I battle a snake? Was the treasure intact?
Or did the TRS-80 in my brain get hacked?
Thanks, Grampa, for buying it. Now my life’s ruined.
Twenty-two years later, head’s infested: got the grue in.
PLUGHing, XYZZYfying, trying to escape,
but I can’t ‘cause I’m up and around and awake.

Rainbow Family hippies bust up Police roadblock (using the power of the mystical circle)

quantumushroom says...

I agree with what Mr. Rogers said about the counterculture: "Do these peace-and-love types ever stop to consider what living in harmony with nature actually means? It means survival of the fittest, death to the weak, live and let die, kill or be killed. This is all very admirable but you won't find a Wiccan, Pagan or hippie who practices it. Living in harmony with nature does not mean collecting crystals, chanting to the goddess and lighting candles to heal the earth. Nature isn't all love, peace and baby animals. Nature is birth, sex, death, instincts, survival, predator and prey. It is fangs, flesh and f--king."

VideoSift on TechCrunch (Sift Talk Post)

swampgirl says...

I still haven't learned out to use the CSS Being a retro domesticated goddess sometimes has it's drawbacks... But hey I help balance the demographic around here w/ you techies.

Good luck w/ the launch. What time should we expect it? You guys need to make an announcment or something.

Alexyss K. Tylor, Queen of the Universe

Love, sex, orgasms and shrimp: get it all with the right guy

choggie says...

ok bighaid, here's it inna nutshell-
Most idiot sticks from the last couple of generations, have racism all fucked up- They seem to think that the simple use of a word in the lexicon, or the mention of some colloquialism or vernacular, the simple act of speaking it, warrants a racist label.

If I write the word nigger, or chink, or frog, the flags go up, the alarms go off, in their finite, tunnel-reality minds, and they recoil, disassociate and distance themselves from the perpetrator, and cry "RACISM!!", from their insulated, enlightened mountain top, because of course, they have no "isms" they deal with, their viewpoints and sensibilities being the most progressive, humane, etc, etc, barf my guts out.

This woman, iMHO, knows she has a gift-she is as funny as the best comedians in the world, and has missed her calling, wasting time on access Atlanta..(incidentally, I called the station, wanting to speak with this Nubian goddess, and get her books, and auto =graph, hell, buy her dinner and talk about vagina power, till we were both high on truth-)

She may or may not be genuine, there is more research needed-

BIGHEAD, your comment about some folks in Chicago who make fun???-Assholes who cannot appreciate the wealth that people, other than their own, their family, dumb-ass friends, etc., are easy to spot-I don't know why you don't find Alexis funny, enlightening, etc., you probly' do not have a history around black folks...(to write or say African-American, borders on abhorrent for this sifter, because it is contrived newspeak bullshit, the cultural ejaculations of as twisted of induviduals as any KKK lifetime members) so you don't laugh, because you either have no sense of humor, no cultural experiences outside your comfortable tunnel-reality, or, you are a racist, posing as some holier-than-thou, progressive-or, all these observations could be wrong, and I am an Irishman, who takes offence at the word "CRAZY" and "IRISH", in the same sentence-What's in your :accustomed to" wallet???

One of my favorite lines from a comedian, Paul Mooney, (look him up) is from a response to his brand of high-comedy-

I paraphrase, this god among men-
"You don't want me to say nigger?? White folks invented the word and they don't want me to say it, ain't that a bitch!!??-I say nigger a hundred times every morning, it makes my teeth white, "nigger,nigger,nigger,nigger,nigger,nigger,nigger,nigger,nigger.....Nigger!!!"

Now-I am a white American male-and there are no doubt some out there reading this who think that I am a racist, and guess what???/ That is THEIR problem, not mine, knee-grow!!!

mlx Makes 500 Diamond! (Sift Talk Post)

Installing Ubuntu in a Library

You're too stupid to be an atheist

Sketch says...

Mildly funny, but you don't really need to actually be smart to not believe in some fanciful myth. Even if someone can't explain the inner workings of the big bang, they can be reasonably sure that the universe wasn't hatched from a half goddess/half snake egg, or perhaps was an egg that was cracked by the ax of Pan Gu, or even popped into existence by an invisible all-knowing, all-seeing wizard.

No, you don't have to be particularly smart to not believe in these things. You just have to not be gullible.

Feedback on Religious Dialogue in Comments (Sift Talk Post)

Paris Hilton gets burned by Sarah Silverman

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