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Top Channels Listing

This is listing of the overall top channels based on votes received for videos.

  1. Comedy - 6,262,693 votes  (comedy talk)
  2. Music - 3,735,788 votes  (music talk)
  3. Politics - 3,117,940 votes  (politics talk)
  4. Everything geek - 2,303,767 votes  (geek talk)
  5. What the F*ck Just Happened? - 1,828,690 votes  (wtf talk)
  6. VideoSift's Archive of Vintage Classics - 1,520,477 votes  (vintage talk)
  7. Animation - 1,500,661 votes  (animation talk)
  8. The Serenity of Nature video collection - 1,146,511 votes  (nature talk)
  9. 1stTube: the best clips of television - 1,141,057 votes  (1sttube talk)
  10. British Invasion - 1,009,362 votes  (british talk)
  11. Domestic Policy & Foreign Affairs - 974,775 votes  (worldaffairs talk)
  12. Cinema - 955,470 votes  (cinema talk)
  13. A Bit of Parody - 945,947 votes  (parody talk)
  14. Rock & Roll - 878,630 votes  (rocknroll talk)
  15. Aww, that's cute. - 857,328 votes  (cute talk)

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