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Princess Mononoke--summarized in about 10 min.

firefly says...

SPOILER/Plot details below:

Ashitaka (first shown in the vid),is the last Emishi prince, who saves his village from an assault by a demon. After killing the demon, Ashitaka finds out that the demon was the Boar God Nago suffering under a curse. Having received a demon mark on his right arm during his battle with Nago, Ashitaka is cursed by the Boar God's hatred and pain. However, after consulting the shamanistic wise woman of the village, it is found that a lump of metal was in Nago's corpse, which was likely the source of the curse. Though currently limited to just his arm, the curse will eventually spread throughout Ashitaka's body, and then Ashitaka will die. The curse is a double-edged sword; should Ashitaka experience any rage or hatred, he gains immense strength and fortitude, but the curse will spread faster. Whenever this happens, the curse will manifest itself as writhing purplish-black tendrils floating around the arm, similar to the ones Nago had.

Ashitaka sets out from his home to head to lands to the West, where Nago originated. During his travels, he will seek a cure. In order to do so, the wise woman warns him, he must "see with eyes unclouded by hate." By accepting this mission, Ashitaka also accepts exile from his homeland. He rides out with his steed Yakul, his loyal red elk. Since it was considered taboo to see off one who is banished, only one person dared to say goodbye to Ashitaka: his 'little sister,' Kaya (according to Miyazaki,actually his bride-to-be; calling herself his 'little sister' was a term of affection), who gives him her crystal dagger so that he would not forget her....

San (Princess Mononoke) the 17-year-old princess of spirits and beasts. When San was a baby, her parents, along with some other travelers, were attacked by the wolf goddess Moro. Her parents threw San to Moro as a sacrifice to save their own lives, thus escaping while Moro was preoccupied with San.
However, San was spared; Moro did not eat her, instead raising San as her own daughter. San treats Moro as her mother and her two natural pups as brothers. San rejects her own humanity, thinking of herself as a wolf. It could be possible that because of her past, San hates humans with a great ferocity, even more so than Moro.

San cares very much for the forest she lives in and the animals she lives with. While Moro may be known as the Queen of Beasts, San is known as the Princess of Beasts. San is very agile, able to dodge arrows, darts, and even ishibiya shots. She, like the Mountain Spirits, wants to destroy the humans so that they will stop taking away all their land.

(from wiki)

Penn & Teller: Bullshit -- Intelligent Design

digitalbombdog says...

One ancient Hawaiian myth suggests that Maui, a demi-god living underground, found a crack leading to the surface of the earth and being constantly horny, he stuck his penis through it. An ancient goddess walking past saw the penis sticking out of the ground, had sex with it, and gave birth to the human race. I say we teach that one in class. It could double with the abstinence lecture.

Honestly, what would the ID lecture be like anyway? "OK class, our first theory on how we all came to be here: God did it. How do we know? The Bible says so. OK...that's about all we have on that one. Now on to evolution."

Personally, I went to a public high school, and we studied the English class as literature where it belongs (right after we studied Greek mythology).

pragmatick (Member Profile)

djsunkid says...

In reply to your comment:
I think you do not understand the principles of evolution. Nature did not *do* anyting and even if it did so, it would not do something "so that". Evolution is a process of natural selection, you make it sound like some nature-goddess like Gaia thought "Oh, let's make onions in a way that predators have to cry when trying to eat them."

Living things are not designed, but Darwinian natural selection licenses a version of the design stance for them. We get a short cut to understanding the heart if we assume that it is 'designed' to pump blood. Karl von Frisch was led to investigate colour vision in bees (in the face of orthodox opinion that they were colour-blind) because he assumed that the bright colours of flowers were 'designed' to attract them. The quotation marks are designed to scare off mendacious creationists who might otherwise claim the great Austrian zoologist as one of their own. Needless to say, he was perfectly capable of translating the design stance into proper Darwinian terms.
-- Richard Dawkins - The God Delusion pg182

Food Science - Why It Works

djsunkid says...

I think you do not understand the principles of evolution. Nature did not *do* anyting and even if it did so, it would not do something "so that". Evolution is a process of natural selection, you make it sound like some nature-goddess like Gaia thought "Oh, let's make onions in a way that predators have to cry when trying to eat them."
pragmatick, maybe you feel like you know evolution better than this guy, but I expect that you DON'T want to argue against this guy:
Living things are not designed, but Darwinian natural selection licenses a version of the design stance for them. We get a short cut to understanding the heart if we assume that it is 'designed' to pump blood. Karl von Frisch was led to investigate colour vision in bees (in the face of orthodox opinion that they were colour-blind) because he assumed that the bright colours of flowers were 'designed' to attract them. The quotation marks are designed to scare off mendacious creationists who might otherwise claim the great Austrian zoologist as one of their own. Needless to say, he was perfectly capable of translating the design stance into proper Darwinian terms.
-- Richard Dawkins - The God Delusion pg182

So there.

Food Science - Why It Works

pragmatick says...

I think you do not understand the principles of evolution. Nature did not *do* anyting and even if it did so, it would not do something "so that". Evolution is a process of natural selection, you make it sound like some nature-goddess like Gaia thought "Oh, let's make onions in a way that predators have to cry when trying to eat them."

Global Warming Warning - 1958

Yu-Gi-Oh: The Abridged Version (Episode 1)

Nina Simone - House of the Rising Sun. Live.

Tina Turner sings live "Proud Mary" - 1974

The Price is Right -- Cheaters Prosper

choggie says...

...i remember thinkin' those chicks that showcased the booty, were like nordic goddesses, or sweedish or somethin'...I think Bob was notorious for being a dirty old man, too....i was a dirty, young man.....of 11 or 12!....sheit, she totally cheated!

Sarah Silverman takes on Martin Luther King.

Bill Clinton in major showdown with Fox News anchor.INTENSE!

quantumushroom says...

"The left proclaims to be for expressing all points of view, then is SHOCKED when others do."

A common wise Republican saying,

>>>>> (It's not lefty politically correct, but it's so very true).

...but you forgot:

"If your right eye offends you, talk about Clinton's left eye. If your right hand is covetous, talk about Clinton's social spending.
And then freely spend much, much more; for your cronies deserve their due."

>>>> Clinton is an attention whore who deserves to get beaten down for his disgraceful performance as a pollster President. While some conservatives find it convenient to mention him because his 8 years of spineless moral nihlilism has left lasting damage, I personally see no need to drag him, as a topic, into arguments...the modern moonbat left is on par with his lameness. The problemo is, Bubba never shuts up, including speaking out against the acting President, which is not illegal but uncouth, uncalled for and delights our savage enemies.

>>>> I condemn Bush's left-like spending spree. Spending time trying to compete with victicrats in Wasting Tax Dollars wastes both. At this point, Bush could push universal health care and the left would still whine like a baby turbine.

"Marrage is one man + one woman, anything else is just damnation."

>>>> I only question why 97% of the American population be forced to break with centuries of tradition for the other 3%? There are a lot more dope smokers than gays...legalizing pot seems like a more pertinent issue to me.

"Kill a fetus, go to hell"

>>>> Some fundamentalists believe this. What of it? You can go to hell for any number of reasons. Hell is an impermanent state anyway.

"In this country we have no place for hyphenated Americans"

>>>> That's true. There's no national unity when you've got a loose collection of hyphen-tribes. But the left draws its strength from creating more internecine class warfare, racial prejudice, religious prejudice and gender-based bitterness all so they can keep their power. Read up on the idiots in the Balkans.


"Feminism encurages women to leave their husband, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism, and become lesbians."

>>>>> You're quoting Pat Robertson here. That's his opinion and he's allowed to own it. BTW is it any worse than that black asshole professor who recently suggested the entire White race be exterminated AND NO LEFTIST CHALLENGED HIM? Cowards.

>>> I disagree with Pat's assessment of feminism. Feminism merely encourages less attractive women who worship the Goddess of Patchouli to blame men for their personal failings. It's also created a bunch of kollij knitting circles posing as legitimate curricula known as "Wymyn's Studies." The worst part is, the classes these wymyn really need, like 'Kill Your Inner Yeti and Shave Your #@! Legs' aren't offered.

>>>>> Robertson's suggestion that we assassinate Chavez was spot on! Plus Robertson's bent earlobes make him look a bit like a fundamentalist Yoda.

>>>>> mecca delenda est.

My Laughing Breakdown on Call for Help

Wonder Woman - Intro

The Goddess Bunny

PinkGlitter says...

"Johnnie Baima is an American drag queen.

Baima suffered a difficult childhood, being struck by polio and severely abused as a boy. As an adult he became a drag queen and changed his name to Sandie Crisp, gaining an enormous following in the Hollywood gay and transgendered subculture.

The Goddess Bunny is both the name of his alter-ego and the name of a rare 90 minute VHS documentary about Baima.

As well as Johnnie's following in the gay and transgender community, he has also attained some notoriety in mainstream culture by appearing in Marilyn Manson's Dope Show music video"

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