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JiggaJonson (Member Profile)

dag says...

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"Maybe you finally got the sand out of that black vagina of yours." Please ratchet down the racial epithets. It's bad for the Sift. Thanks.

In reply to this comment by JiggaJonson:
That's weird, I must have a memory that is either more functional than yours or I'm more conscientious when it comes to the conversations I have because I remember conversations, big and small, vividly. Either way, i still feel like you were in the wrong in our discussion. Dig it up if you need a reminder or brush it off if you don't care about it. Maybe you finally got the sand out of that black vagina of yours.

Also, in case you havnt caught on yet, most of what i say is extremely sarcastic.

In reply to this comment by burdturgler:
Honestly, I barely remember you. I guess I was arguing with you about you using "nigger" or calling me a nigger? Let me go dig it up so I can remember whatever it is that you never let go of. In any event, rest assured, I certainly don't care enough about you to actually hate you.

I said *notquality because I think it's a shitty idea. And I thought it would be an ironic way to convey the message. That's it. No hidden hatred.

In reply to this comment by JiggaJonson:
Do you still hate me because of the nigger thing?

In reply to this comment by burdturgler:

peggedbea (Member Profile)

dag says...

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Yeah, I like that too. How about it PB?

In reply to this comment by lucky760:
How about *anatomy? Succinct and all-encompassing.

In reply to this comment by dag:
What do you think?

In reply to this comment by dag:
Maybe a *humanbody or *body would be better?

In reply to this comment by peggedbea:

just searching those 5 words alone turns up over a well over 1,000 videos, granted not all of the will belong in the channel, but the vast majority will.
i know "boob, vagina, penis" are low brow cheap shots and that certainly isn't what the channel is about, but it's something quick to prove there are certainly enough videos to fill the channel
i also have sifted tons of videos about the function, physiology, and beauty of the body. i know i can find at least 50 just going through mauz's sifts alone.

*bodyparts videos include exercises, fact vs myth, extraordinary physical accomplishments, physical deformities and disorders, physiological research and education, videos of astonishing surgical advancements, WTFisms, body art taboos, informative (by god, i've spent a decade in 2 fields where all i do is study the body and you'd be surprised what people don't know about their own bodies, this is important!), positive body image, CONTORTIONISTS! and of course... a staple boobs, bewbs, and tits.

In reply to this comment by dag:
Hey Peggedbea- sorry for the late reply. I'm not sure about the channel. Is there really enough content to warrant a channel? I'm thinking more playlist- what are some examples?

In reply to this comment by peggedbea:
good evening sir,
yesterday i created my *bodyparts channel, it says its pending admin approval.
is this a lucky issue? i hear he's on vacation.... it's cool, all those orphan boob videos can wait.
or perhaps siftbot doesn't like the idea of a *bodyparts channel, perhaps he's jealous because he doesn't have any *bodyparts of his own. tell him not to worry, i'm an organ donor and i'll be dead soon enough.
or perhaps we're worried this is a gateway to an influx in ambiguously pornographic content, i promise to be a good channel mother and disown all my sexiest children.
-bea is for body parts

lucky760 (Member Profile)

dag says...

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What do you think?

In reply to this comment by dag:
Maybe a *humanbody or *body would be better?

In reply to this comment by peggedbea:

just searching those 5 words alone turns up over a well over 1,000 videos, granted not all of the will belong in the channel, but the vast majority will.
i know "boob, vagina, penis" are low brow cheap shots and that certainly isn't what the channel is about, but it's something quick to prove there are certainly enough videos to fill the channel
i also have sifted tons of videos about the function, physiology, and beauty of the body. i know i can find at least 50 just going through mauz's sifts alone.

*bodyparts videos include exercises, fact vs myth, extraordinary physical accomplishments, physical deformities and disorders, physiological research and education, videos of astonishing surgical advancements, WTFisms, body art taboos, informative (by god, i've spent a decade in 2 fields where all i do is study the body and you'd be surprised what people don't know about their own bodies, this is important!), positive body image, CONTORTIONISTS! and of course... a staple boobs, bewbs, and tits.

In reply to this comment by dag:
Hey Peggedbea- sorry for the late reply. I'm not sure about the channel. Is there really enough content to warrant a channel? I'm thinking more playlist- what are some examples?

In reply to this comment by peggedbea:
good evening sir,
yesterday i created my *bodyparts channel, it says its pending admin approval.
is this a lucky issue? i hear he's on vacation.... it's cool, all those orphan boob videos can wait.
or perhaps siftbot doesn't like the idea of a *bodyparts channel, perhaps he's jealous because he doesn't have any *bodyparts of his own. tell him not to worry, i'm an organ donor and i'll be dead soon enough.
or perhaps we're worried this is a gateway to an influx in ambiguously pornographic content, i promise to be a good channel mother and disown all my sexiest children.
-bea is for body parts

peggedbea (Member Profile)

dag says...

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Maybe a *humanbody or *body would be better?

In reply to this comment by peggedbea:

just searching those 5 words alone turns up over a well over 1,000 videos, granted not all of the will belong in the channel, but the vast majority will.
i know "boob, vagina, penis" are low brow cheap shots and that certainly isn't what the channel is about, but it's something quick to prove there are certainly enough videos to fill the channel
i also have sifted tons of videos about the function, physiology, and beauty of the body. i know i can find at least 50 just going through mauz's sifts alone.

*bodyparts videos include exercises, fact vs myth, extraordinary physical accomplishments, physical deformities and disorders, physiological research and education, videos of astonishing surgical advancements, WTFisms, body art taboos, informative (by god, i've spent a decade in 2 fields where all i do is study the body and you'd be surprised what people don't know about their own bodies, this is important!), positive body image, CONTORTIONISTS! and of course... a staple boobs, bewbs, and tits.

In reply to this comment by dag:
Hey Peggedbea- sorry for the late reply. I'm not sure about the channel. Is there really enough content to warrant a channel? I'm thinking more playlist- what are some examples?

In reply to this comment by peggedbea:
good evening sir,
yesterday i created my *bodyparts channel, it says its pending admin approval.
is this a lucky issue? i hear he's on vacation.... it's cool, all those orphan boob videos can wait.
or perhaps siftbot doesn't like the idea of a *bodyparts channel, perhaps he's jealous because he doesn't have any *bodyparts of his own. tell him not to worry, i'm an organ donor and i'll be dead soon enough.
or perhaps we're worried this is a gateway to an influx in ambiguously pornographic content, i promise to be a good channel mother and disown all my sexiest children.
-bea is for body parts

peggedbea (Member Profile)

dag says...

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Hey Peggedbea- sorry for the late reply. I'm not sure about the channel. Is there really enough content to warrant a channel? I'm thinking more playlist- what are some examples?

In reply to this comment by peggedbea:
good evening sir,
yesterday i created my *bodyparts channel, it says its pending admin approval.
is this a lucky issue? i hear he's on vacation.... it's cool, all those orphan boob videos can wait.
or perhaps siftbot doesn't like the idea of a *bodyparts channel, perhaps he's jealous because he doesn't have any *bodyparts of his own. tell him not to worry, i'm an organ donor and i'll be dead soon enough.
or perhaps we're worried this is a gateway to an influx in ambiguously pornographic content, i promise to be a good channel mother and disown all my sexiest children.
-bea is for body parts

brain (Member Profile)

xxovercastxx (Member Profile)

dag says...

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Oh yeah, that's true. I thought you were talking about a software app lockdown a la the iPhone.

Apple tried licensing the OS in the 90s and it failed pretty hard. Most Macheads would say that the reason Macs "just work" is because the software and hardware is so well matched. Windows has to support so many configurations, drivers and computer types that it's a jack of all trades - master of none.

In reply to this comment by xxovercastxx:
Apple makes Apple computers with Apple operating systems that only run on Apple-approved hardware. It's a DMCA violation to attempt to work around this. Microsoft dreams of this kind of control over their platform, but if they even think too long about ways to do it, someone drags them into court.

I compare Macs to appliances. You would not buy a DVD player and consider rewriting the firmware; a Mac and its OS are no less unified. That's not a critique on their capabilities, it's just to say that it's all one package.

In reply to this comment by dag:
Well, now that's just a ridiculous statement. How are Macs any more an "application console" than a Windows PC?

In reply to this comment by xxovercastxx:
The debacle that is the App Store is obviously far worse, but even on their desktop systems they still have unparalleled control over the platform. A Mac is more of an application console than a computer.

There are pluses and minuses to that, of course, but that's how I sees it.

xxovercastxx (Member Profile)

dag says...

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Well, now that's just a ridiculous statement. How are Macs any more an "application console" than a Windows PC?

In reply to this comment by xxovercastxx:
The debacle that is the App Store is obviously far worse, but even on their desktop systems they still have unparalleled control over the platform. A Mac is more of an application console than a computer.

There are pluses and minuses to that, of course, but that's how I sees it.

In reply to this comment by dag:
Smart-arseery around Apple products? I'm shocked. Shocked I am Sir.

I don't know of any lock-down strategies for Macs. iPhone/ipad definitely. who knows, that could be Apple's downfall.

In reply to this comment by xxovercastxx:
Reddit does actually run on linux servers, I was just being a smartass. I didn't realize Mac had migrated to bash, but I was being a smartass about that, too. I'm well aware that OSX is a glorified BSD. On one hand that's great for stability and such; on the other hand I could just install BSD on any hardware and not be tied down by Apple's lock-in strategies.
>> ^dag:
Well, I don't know what Reddit runs on - but I'd guess standard Linux gear.
And if I want to get to a bash prompt on a Mac, I just open a terminal window and I'm there. Sometimes people forget that Macs have a BSD backend- and that's why it's often a hacker's laptop of choice- Perl, Apache, vi emacs, sed, awk and most of your other standard command line tools are baked right in.

xxovercastxx (Member Profile)

dag says...

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Smart-arseery around Apple products? I'm shocked. Shocked I am Sir.

I don't know of any lock-down strategies for Macs. iPhone/ipad definitely. who knows, that could be Apple's downfall.

In reply to this comment by xxovercastxx:
Reddit does actually run on linux servers, I was just being a smartass. I didn't realize Mac had migrated to bash, but I was being a smartass about that, too. I'm well aware that OSX is a glorified BSD. On one hand that's great for stability and such; on the other hand I could just install BSD on any hardware and not be tied down by Apple's lock-in strategies.
>> ^dag:
Well, I don't know what Reddit runs on - but I'd guess standard Linux gear.
And if I want to get to a bash prompt on a Mac, I just open a terminal window and I'm there. Sometimes people forget that Macs have a BSD backend- and that's why it's often a hacker's laptop of choice- Perl, Apache, vi emacs, sed, awk and most of your other standard command line tools are baked right in.

jordanonorth (Member Profile)

brain (Member Profile)

lampishthing (Member Profile)

dag says...

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Hmm, I thought MSNBC was on the approve list as an NBC variant- I've forwarded this to Lucky- as I'm not exactly sure.

In reply to this comment by lampishthing:
Hey dag, I've been trying to post some videos from with no luck - it says that the embed codes are invalid. I'm guessing it's because it's not approved and I'm not privileged enough... Would that be right? Is there any way I can get 'em posted? Here's an example of an embed code:

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peggedbea (Member Profile)

dag says...

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There are some pretty violent scenes at the end. People getting impaled, knifed etc. Think the Lord of the Rings battle scene. I wouldn't bring a 5-year old. That is kind of ugly that McDonalds would be doing Avatar happy meals though.

In reply to this comment by peggedbea:
what say ye about taking a 5 year old boy?
im pretty liberal about what i let the kids watch as long as im there to supervise and address any questions or anything questionable, and he likes *dark..... a whole whole lot actually
and apparently mcdonalds is giving out avatar toys in happy meals now, jerks.

but i dont know, i dont want him to see any big blue alien sex or anything
thanks dude!

In reply to this comment by dag:
Best SF I've seen in yonks.

JiggaJonson (Member Profile)

longde (Member Profile)

dag says...

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Yeah, I suppose I was trying to say that. The professional/practice component is where the dogma, patriarchy and business surface - and for me at least brings medicine out of the pure science realm into something else. We aren't cowed into carrying umbrellas at monthly check-ups with meteorologists.

In reply to this comment by longde:
Re: 20% dogma, patriarchy, and business. You could say the same for the pure sciences. To me, medicine is as much a science as physics and biology, with the difference that there is a professional/practice component that isn't there with the 'pure' sciences.

In reply to this comment by dag:
^Yes, how dare anyone question the all-knowing oracles of medical knowledge.

I think the reason that many geeky type people always toe the main-stream medical line is because they conflate medicine with science (which we all love). Yes, it's almost the same, but if I had to draw it as a venn diagram, there would be a crescent of over-hang. Medicine to me is 80% science and then the rest is filled in with dogma, patriarchy and business ($$).

That crescent of non-science is the part that makes me squirm. I don't think it's that wrong to question medical programs like vaccinations- with the idea that it may be being pushed non-scientifically by the medical industrial complex. (big pharma).

Bill Maher is not a kook.

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