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Beer In A Frying Pan.

grinter (Member Profile)

Fried potato on a stick

lurgee (Member Profile)

Chickens Demonstrate New Mercedes-Benz Suspension

lucky760 says...

Totally fair and valid point.

To be clear, I don't encourage my son to consider a living chicken to be food that walks. In most all human beings there's an automatic distinction between how you consider a living creature versus a butchered/cooked carcass. I would imagine only a psychopath might have trouble naturally making that distinction.

As my son knows nothing about butchering animals, my assumption is he's just made an association between the words "chicken" and "yummy" based on hearing them together at dinners past. Hmm... Now I'm wondering if he really does look at living chickens as upright, mobile food. I hope he's no psychopath.

I'll have to sleep on that.

Lann said:


I don't think it's a good idea to only think of animals as food. I've always thought it was really tacky when someone is like "dur hur hur bacon" when they see a live pig. They have thoughts and feelings and are relatively intelligent animals. It was often that we would have to bring piglets into the house for various reason and they were like puppies. Affectionate little puppies that followed you around.

I learned to help butcher animals at a relatively young age and there was always a separation of what the animal was when it was living and the meat. There is some abstract difference between meat and the living animal. Maybe being exposed at an early age helped me understand that.

Not saying you should shelter a child as to where their food comes from but teach them to also respect animals while they are alive. Teach them that they are not an object quite yet and to care about how they are being treated until their death.

Chickens Demonstrate New Mercedes-Benz Suspension

lucky760 says...

Makes me hungry.

Funny story about my oldest son: Whenever we go to our local children's museum and he sees the young chickens walking around in their small enclosure, I tell him to say "Hi chickens," but he instead always just yells "Yummy!"

I really want to instill an understanding and appreciation in my children for the origin of their food, especially the breathing kind. Growing up, I guess it always seemed to me like technology had gotten us to the point we could manufacture all our food.

I don't know what would be a good age to show my sons live animals being slaughtered and butchered.

Getting my dog out of bed in the morning with raccoon sounds

How to (Properly) Eat Sushi

NinjaInHeat says...

No one's trying to cram anything down your throat, like I said, eat whatever and however the fuck you want to.

Yea the guy in the vid has a pretty strong douchebag vibe to him, and yea he goes about making his point not in the most delicate way. That doesn't change the fact that most of what he says is more or less true.

This isn't about your personal preference, it's about how Sushi, the dish (and Nigiri and Sashimi and whatever) is meant to be eaten, in order to be able to fully appreciate the taste of raw fish.

Again, like it or not, raw fish isn't hamburger or cornflakes or whatever. Being able to appreciate a good slice of raw fish requires that, for example, you don't put fucking ginger on top of it, the whole point of it being there is to cleanse the pallet between the different fish you're eating, so you'll be able to properly taste them - when you put it on top of the fish you're basically guaranteeing that you won't be able to feel the taste. It's there for a practical reason, not as a condiment. Same goes for dipping the entire thing in soy sauce, or whatever.
Even his point about eating with your hands as opposed to chopsticks is sorta valid. Many above-average sushi dishes WILL fall apart when you try and pick them up with chopsticks.

And no, you don't have to go to a 5 Michelin starred restaurant to be able to get a good dish of raw fish. Even a market stand will do if the fish are fresh.

At least realize that this "stench of aristocracy" you're referring to is a Western phenomenon, and you perceive it as such because generally it's much more common to see stuck-up pedantic bastards being strict about these kinds of things, as opposed to most people who just wanna shove crap in their mouths and have it taste "yummy".
That doesn't change the fact that these assholes didn't invent the way sushi is "meant" to be eaten, that there is a difference between a piece of fresh fish and one that's been frozen for months, and that that delicate difference, to be noticeable and appreciable has to be shown the proper respect.
Or you can just deep fry it.

gwiz665 said:

You, @NinjaInHeat and @arekin (and I suppose the guy in the video) are the three amigos who want to cram the "correct sushi" down everyones' throats - I am not trying to force you to eat the regular rice-cake sushi that normal people do, you can do what you want.

In essence what you would call "correct sushi" is an entirely different dish than what is normally known as sushi, so it's sort of a silly argument in the end.

I guess my main point of contrition has nothing to do with sushi, but to do with the way in which it is presented. It stinks of aristocracy - people who know the right way and therefore snub their nose at all the others who clearly "just don't get it" - well fuck, there's not really much to get, you like to eat it in a certain way - whoopdefrickingdoo.

Atheist in the Bible Belt outs herself because she is MORAL

JustSaying says...

Yummy, arguing on the internet!
I haven't done this in years, I'm gonna throw my hat in the Ring now.
I spent countless hours here for years, just enjoying the show. Staying out of all this, in the end at least, unimportant chatter. I came for the videos. Then somebody starts singing about sluts and I end up with an account. What can I say? I like sluts.
I spent much time reading and skipping over the posts of @shinyblurry here. And I still wonder why people feel the need to argue with him in such detail and length. He talks a lot about his faith in God and Jesus but what it come down to is this: He believes in The Bible.
The Bible features God and Jesus and all that but most important of all, it features a heckload of arguments for all kinds of things that are often in direct conflict.
Earlier in this thread, somebody threw a Bible quote about how rape victims have to marry their rapist in @shinyblurry's face and he actually started to explain (correct me if I misunderstood) how it's a punishment for the rapist that he has to pay money and marry the woman if the father chooses that.
I have money to burn. Is Jessica Alba married and where does her dad live? She's super hot and I *need* that kind of punishment. God wants her to fulfill her marital duties, right? If she's not available, I could make a list.
Now, I could argue this IMO rather distasteful idea with him, quoting the Bible back and forth, using other philosophical sources for arguments (I'm sure Hitchens mentioned rape somewhere sometime) but all that doesn't matter.
He believes in The Bible.
If I went back in time and edited early versions to my liking to include gems like "Every man shall also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed no abomination: they shall surely be praised", old shiny here would organize gay pride parades now. Because it's in the book. Whatever is in there, it's the truth. Whatever.
It's the same reason why creationist (I have no idea if old shiny is among them) can not accept evolution. It's not in the book.
They believe in this powerful, omnipotent god, not just in I-can-command-all-sea-animals-god. No, not that Aquaman shit the Greeks had, I'm talking about I-invented-the-universe-god. Get this, this guy did *invent* the universe. And still it was all some Siegfried and Roy BS we *know* to be nonsense. 7 days? Really? Was he in a hurry? Couldn't he wait until we get to the Game of Thrones and Tivo part of History? Was there another Earth to take care of? Contract work?
The idea to credit that dude for creating Evolution itself is too much to ask for these people. The idea that God created a giant machine (the universe) and allowed it to feature other tiny, tiny machines that repair, reproduce and improve themselves (life itself; evolution), is too mindblowing.
Who's more awesome in your book? The god that can do magic or the god who could do magic but opted for inventing everything science has discovered so far?
You know, science failed to disprove the existence of god. They can't do that yet. But they can disprove The Bible, at least parts. And yet, they still side with that darn book.
They don't care about God, the don't even care about Jesus. They care about what they read about them. They care about their perception of it.
Telling @shinyblurry that Jesus was a little, brown, jewish Hippie who got mixed up with existing mythology is like telling a fourteen year old that Ed Cullen is, by his own admission, a creepy murderer who stalks underage girls 80 years his junior. They don't want to hear it because that is not what the book said. They book didn't say that god created the natural laws of physics, chemistry and biology and set them upon the universe to wreak havoc until dinosaurs showed up. The book said it took 7 days. And ribs and dirt.
The Bible says so. Nothing else matters.
That's why it's pointless to argue scripture with him. The book is everything and allows so brilliantly for circular logic and cherry picking. It worked with slavery and how many are willing to argue nowadays in front of a TV camera for it? But gays are not slaves and women can always be picked on. Some wrong ideas are easier to conceal behind a book cover than others.
The Bible is everything to him, God and Jesus are just featured players. In the end they could be replaced by Donald Duck and Batman, they just weren't around back when they started to write it.
That doesn't mean I wouldn't love to hear your thoughts about the latest Daft Punk single, @shinyblurry. Or are you more into Rock music?

What Happens when an Alligator Bites an Electric Eel?

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'alligator, eel, mmm, yummy, ok not so much' to 'alligator, electric, eel, mmm, yummy, ok not so much' - edited by kulpims

Patrick Roger Chocolatier Tour

Viva Young - 2013 Taco Bell Game Day Commercial

Sagemind says...

I'd actually go to Taco Bel, their food looks yummy. But every time I do go there, I'm reminded that I can't eat their food because of the salt content. I don't have any diet restrictions or anything, they just use TOO MUCH salt.

I don't think I've ever finished anything I've ordered there.
The salt, it burns's us... We can't eat such foods, stupid hobbits's

Edit: on the flip side, I'm a sucker for the spicy stuff. So why all the salt when you can have the spice?

Buttery Flaky - They will get it right at some point..

Conan Visits the Guinness Brewery in Dublin

Make Your Own Twinkie

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