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lurgee (Member Profile)

Baking 2015-08-15 (Coconut Jam Drops) (Food Talk Post)

the climbing perch an invasive terror to Australia

Louis CK Probably won't be Invited back to SNL after this

JustSaying says...

Now we're arguing semantics. Yummy.

1. a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human racial groups determine cultural or individual achievement"

See, the keyword here is achievement. There are no achievements without any form of judgement. Think of it in the most simple terms, X Box or Steam achievements. Let's say you play Call Of Duty 18 and get the "Used a gun!" achievement for firing the very first shot in the game. You got this because the game's code made a judgement. Did the player fire a shot? Yes or no. Sure, it's easy to judge that, the facts are very clear and easy to read. Are you worthy of this achievement? Are you as much worth as I am, the guy who finished the game and got the achievement?
And what about the guy who never got that achievement because he played the entire game only using a knife? Think about it, playing any Call Of Duty single player campaign using only melee weapons and throwing knives. Who's worthy know? Who achieved more?
Achievement depends entirely on the definition and who's making them. The knife guy played the way harder game and got no recognition but the guy who got the "Used A Gun!" and the "1000 Headshots!" achievement is the one bragging online about his achievements and medals next to his name.
Who has achieved more, the ethnic group that developed many different technologies (like, say, guns) or the ethnic group that still runs naked through the jungle and considers knives high-tech? "Those naked dudes are clearly stupid and less developed than I am because I got guns!" said the white man in Africa.
One of the biggest racist prejudices black americans hear is that they are lazy because they achieve so much less than white folk. They guys with the titles and medals and guns.
Achievements are the acknowledgements that you gained skills, positions, posessions, knowledge or reputation. That can only be acknowledged becaused somebody judged you. Like the test or dissertation I have to write to become a Professor of Physics. This achievement will cause other to have prejudices about me, like "He's a professor, he must be smart!"
The definition of racism you posted says this:
"racism is the belief that depending on your race you can develop in a certain way or to a certain level"
This is a modern definition based on racist expirience. It says that racists think you can not achieve more than they can based on the achievements your ancestors had compared to theirs. "Once a slave, always a slave. If black people weren't so lazy, they wouldn't need a good whipping!" That train of thought.
All that of course underplays the emotional component of hatred, the driving force of racism in its worst forms.
Now my fingers hurt.

Chinese People Try Panda Express For The First Time

lucky760 says...

So interesting how some of them find some dishes so yummy and authentic while others are the opposite then they flip-flop on different dishes.

They must be from different parts of China I'd imagine. I'm really surprised that any of the older folks like any of it; I didn't expect that.

Unsurprisingly, the young bucks seem to all be too eager to bash on everything saying how inauthentic it is.


Broccoli Soup Pictures (Food Talk Post)

George Washington's Dentures - No They're Not Made of Wood

Pancake Beatles!

eric3579 (Member Profile)

charliem (Member Profile)

bareboards2 says...

Sounds like you had a bad bagel.

Did you add the cream cheese? The cream cheese is yummy!

charliem said:

Australian that visited mericuh for 3 months over new year.
Dont eat bagels over here, dont get why you eat em over there either...godawfully dry food.

Master Chef Shows How To Make Noodles

This Stick Of Butter Is Left Out At Room Temperature

chingalera says...

Shit man, glad you posted this 'cause I wouldn't know what happens to one the motherfuckers (yummy, utilitarian), they never stay around for more than an hour around my domicile!

Raining Food with Steve Kardynal

oritteropo (Member Profile)

pumkinandstorm says...

I know I'd love them! Especially because of the coconut (and did you notice when you click to the recipe it says "perfect with a nice cup of tea"?) At Christmas I always make a whole bunch of different cookies and one of the types I make is very similar (minus the coconut). This is the one...

I'm going to have to try yours next time instead because I have a feeling I might like it even better! I'd better print it off now before I forget!

Thank you for digging it up for me!

Hey @chingalera can we add this yummy looking coconut jam drops recipe of oritteropo's to your contest (even though he's made them before)?

oritteropo said:

Here's my promised recipe -

Very easy, and very yummy. 360 deg F for old fashioned ovens Or Gas Mark 4 (I've never had an oven that used gas mark, but recipes give them). I think I put in the whole egg and not just the yolk, but I don't remember. I usually use raspberry jam (other recipes say use raspberry or strawberry, this one is more relaxed about type).

p.s. Important point - the measures are metric, so 1 cup is 250ml. Smaller cups might throw the amounts off a bit.

Make Damn Tasty Scones in minutes

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