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Peregrine Falcons are Feathered Fighter Jets, Basically

ant says...

Awesome. I wonder if Wild Kratts's peregrine falcons video is online.

lucky760 said:

Yes, and they did really enjoy it.

They coincidentally learned about the same animal the previous day on Wild Kratts (on PBS).

Peregrine Falcons are Feathered Fighter Jets, Basically

The Amazon isn't "Burning" - It's Being Burned

diego says...

oh and just to add, take a wild guess where trump stands on this issue... bolsonaro has already announced they are in talks to start mining operations together in the amazon.

The US has been after the uranium in the amazon since the 60s, I have read brasilian govt reports from the time already accusing US mining companies of sending "missionaries" to hand out contraceptives and offer free sterilizations to indigenous people, with greedy stooges like bolsonaro and trump they will finally get what they want.

FPV drone pilot is invited to film a power plant demolition

Stormsinger says...

Not in my opinion. I'd much rather see the actual demolition than watch a camera's point of view spin wildly while missing most of the action.

eric3579 said:

Maybe not a well framed video, but a thousand times more entertaining than just another demolition video. I thought it was awesome to watch as far as demo videos go.

60 teens vandalizing and looting Walgreens

JiggaJonson says...


Think of it a bit like this (quote from Wilde)

"...surrounded by hideous poverty, by hideous ugliness, by hideous starvation. It is inevitable that they should be strongly moved by all this. The emotions of man are stirred more quickly than man’s intelligence; and, as I pointed out some time ago in an article on the function of criticism, it is much more easy to have sympathy with suffering than it is to have sympathy with thought. Accordingly, with admirable, though misdirected intentions, they very seriously and very sentimentally set themselves to the task of remedying the evils that they see. But their remedies do not p. 3cure the disease: they merely prolong it. Indeed, their remedies are part of the disease.

They try to solve the problem of poverty, for instance, by keeping the poor alive; or, in the case of a very advanced school, by amusing the poor.

But this is not a solution: it is an aggravation of the difficulty. The proper aim is to try and reconstruct society on such a basis that poverty will be impossible. And the altruistic virtues have really prevented the carrying out of this aim. Just as the worst slave-owners were those who were kind to their slaves, and so prevented the horror of the system being realized by those who suffered from it, and understood by those who contemplated it"
And allow me to pop this out:
"the worst slave-owners were those who were kind to their slaves"

This is a stark/bleak example. I don't personally agree with it entirely. As I said, I bring cereal for my students and it's there and free and available unless I don't have time to get to the store or unless I myself am out of pocket change to buy extra food.

I don't ENTIRELY disagree though ----> Which is not to say that I agree.

I would say, YES there are structural changes that need to take place, but I also believe that assistance needs to be there to handle some kind of transition period while a problem is realized.

ALL of that being said

Here is a perfect example of a societal ill in our current system that needs to be addressed. It's a disgusting by-product of a structurally unsound student loan system.


Turkey broke into my truck

Arsonist Is Caught Lighting Cars On Fire...

C-note (Member Profile)

Epic Play Time- Dog VS Otter

Swan cleaning up human waste.

newtboy says...

That's the second video this week of wild animals getting so fed up with human messes that they started cleaning up themselves. I wonder how long before they get fed up with human overpopulation and start working on it....soon, I hope. I'll pay real money to see the Duggars eaten alive by weasels.

The EAT-Lancet Launch Lecture

transmorpher says...

I'm sure an honest fellow like yourself, would also call out bias where ever you see it right? Like if the link you posted was from an organisation posing to be a non-profit diet advisory, but was really just a front created by meat and dairy industries to help sell more of their products. You would call that out too right?

Can You Trust Kurzgesagt Videos?

Payback says...

Shiny's required to trust his human masters. He just regurgitates their wildly incongruous and self-referential errors. Any belief system that actively suppresses rational thought and "demonizes" anyone who doesn't toe the party line is anathema to intelligent society. All the worst atrocities committed in history are made by true believers like Shiny. If not first hand, then rationalized afterwards, which is just as bad in my opinion.

BSR said:

Aren't we required to trust?

newtboy (Member Profile)

LCD Soundsystem - Tonite

rabidness says...

Everybody's singing the same song
It goes "tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight"
I never realized these artists thought so much about dying

But truth be told we all have the same end
Could make you cry, cry, cry, cry, cry
But I'm telling you
This is the best news you're getting all week

Oh sure it's ruling the airwaves
What remains of the airwaves
And we're frankly thankful for the market psychology you're hipping us to

And all the hits are saying the same thing
There's only tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight
Then life is finite
But shit, it feels like forever
It feels like forever

Oh is everybody feeling the same stuff?
We're all wild
Except for you
And you know who you are
This is a love song

And you're getting older
I promise you this; you're getting older
And there's improvements unless
You're such a winner
That the future's a nightmare
And there's nothing I can do
Nothing anyone can do about this

And oh, I'm offering you a chance to get even
But oh, you know very well the dialect of negation
Sure enemies haunt you with spit and derision
But friends are the ones who can put you in an exile
But that's not right

And you're too sharp to be used
Or you're too shocked from being used
By these bullying children of the fabulous
Raffling off limited edition shoes

And what's it you do again?
Oh I'm a reminder
The hobbled veteran of the disk shop inquisition
Set to parry the cocksure of men's sick filth
With my own late era middle-aged ramblings

Every lover favors the same things
It's all "touch me, touch me, touch me, touch me tonight"
We maybe realize what it is we need before we die

And luck is always better than skill at things
We're flying blind
Oh good gracious
I sound like my mom

But out of the little rooms and onto the streets
You've lost your internet and we've lost our memory
We had a paper trail that led to our secrets
But embarrassing pictures have now all been deleted
By versions of selves that we thought were the best ones
'Till versions of versions of others repeating
Come laughing at everything we thought was important
While still making mistakes that you thought you had learned from
And reasonable people know better than you
That cost in the long run but they don't know the short game
And terrible people know better than you
They're used and abused of the once so dear listener
So you will be badgered and taunted until death
You're missing a party that you'll never get over
You hate the idea that you're wasting your youth
That you stood in the background oh until you got older
But that's all lies
That's all lies

The sky is not the limit

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Beggar's Canyon