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Gruesome Verses from Bible Disguised as Quran

eoe says...

This is fucking fantastic. I agree with @eric3579, I would love to have this done in the bible belt, or even just in the US.

I'm an American living in Canada; I may very well have to do this myself and see how the Canadians fare.

Stupid People+Simple Questions=Face:Palm

newtboy jokingly says...

Speciest! ;-)
What are your criteria for 'best developed brains on earth', and what actual studies have been done to prove the hypothesis that humans actually excel over other species?
If you look at just the unexpected (but totally foreseeable) repercussions of our actions, it would imply we aren't the most developed, and certainly not the most thoughtful or cautious.

Syntaxed said:

...Humans have the best developed brains on Earth....

chicchorea (Member Profile)

Teen arrested by 9 cops for jaywalking

lucky760 says...

"Well, he wouldn't get on the ground like I asked, Sergeant, so I had to let him go. What else could I have possibly done?"


newtboy said:

what alternative actions do those complaining about this think the police SHOULD have taken?

Tired Of Driving

eric3579 says...

How much meth have you done? I assume you're speaking from a place of knowing, or maybe you've watched Breaking Bad a shit ton.

messenger said:

Hell yes. That jump in her step and not reacting at all when her car took off without her tells me meth or some other mental breakdown.

Real Time - Dr. Michael Mann on Climate Change

Asmo says...

While I am 100% on board with the "carbon bad, not carbon good, global warming = real, made by man and a real prick of a problem" message, the biggest fault made by people like Maher etc in prosecuting their case to the "sceptics" is reliance on bad information.

For example, the sums have been done on solar and wind, and generally speaking, wind is only borderline viable for supporting a society (and that's only if you don't add the cost of some form of buffering/storage). Solar, particularly home roof grade, is fucking awful, and essentially a waste of time compared to tracking mass production arrays. In terms of energy to build/install/maintain/remove, it barely pays for itself. Solar thermal is also more efficient (helios arrays etc), but the two best bang for buck technologies for producing massive amounts of power at a very low carbon cost are nuclear and hydro.

And they are two technologies that people seem to want to get rid of. Germany shuttered it's nuke capability after Fukushima (and added more coal capacity). Italy's solar market has fallen in a heap, France is almost carbon neutral only because it is predominately nuke powered. One of the original climate change warriors, Dr. James Hansen of Nasa, is fully supportive of nuclear power, and get's constantly lambasted by green types because they do not want nuclear power to play a part.

Refutation of solid science and willful ignorance is not solely the province of people who deny climate change, and it's no less deplorable.

police officer body slams teen in cuffs

newtboy says...

Closer to the truth would be to assume this (or some other physical abuse) happens at least 3-5 times a day in every major metropolitan area, not once per day in all the US. 9 out of 10 aren't caught on camera...and 9 out of 10 of those that are caught on camera are erased by the perpetrators themselves (the cops). It's only when a private citizen records them and doesn't get arrested themselves (and have the recording destroyed) that we see these videos , and that's multiple times a day (yes, we've seen exactly that happen repeatedly, destruction of video, often recorded by another, unseen citizen that comes to light after the cops lie about the incident.).

When a group commits violent crimes every single day without fail, and those in the group who are not being violent stand behind those that are, then this IS the norm, not an outlier. Sorry.

No, doing your job doesn't erase evil violent acts....neither does committing a 'good' act. If it worked that way, we wouldn't need jails, because nearly 100% of criminals have also done good things in their life, if that erased their crime there would be no need for cops at all. EDIT: Even doing 'good' 10 times as much as you do 'evil' makes you evil, not good, in my eyes. 100 good deeds do not erase one evil deed.

This is not the actions of a few, it's the actions of many, perhaps even the actions of the majority of officers, with the backing of ALL other officers and the force itself. That makes them ALL complicit, with the exception of the tiny, statistically insignificant few that actually report their fellow officers...and they get driven off the force by the majority of other officers that won't stand for 'snitching' by harassing, stalking, threatening, attacking, and not backing them up when they're in danger doing their job.

If ANY other group of people did the kinds of crimes cops have been caught on tape doing just this year alone, we would outlaw that group, seize their assets with RICO, and put most of them in jail. When cops do it, at best they usually get a paid vacation and a pat on the back.

oohlalasassoon said:

So, let's presume your statement that this happens everyday is true. In fact, let's double it, and say for every incident you hear about, there's another that goes unnoticed, and is worse. You're saying the egregious actions of 2 officers per day, is indicative of the type of day MOST cops lead on a daily basis, i.e. : the norm?

Speaking of things we never see... If, for every bad cop video posted I somehow unearthed and posted a video of a wholly unremarkable cop somewhere, clocking in, doing his thing , going against his nature and doing something that could be construed as benign, even good- would it change your opinion of cops?

I'm not the apologist you think I am by the way. I even agree with some of what you say. But I try not to blame the many for the actions of the few. Pretend that rather than cops we're talking about any race of your choosing and decide if I should change my ways.

1st grader stands down hate

RFlagg says...

Yep. One of the keys for me too. What good is He if the only thing He provides is salvation from the Hell He created to punish us for not loving Him to His satisfaction? What else have You done for me, or anyone else I know, in this present day life on Earth God? Nada, and sure some would say God saved so and so from an accident... then but then millions of good Christians die every year from accidents... it's almost like it's random who He helps or not... In fact, He indeed doesn't help any more than any other god does... He at one point had a better army, which allowed Him to spread around to Europe and force them to convert or integrate their holidays into His to make it seem better to those forced to convert.

Okay He created Hell for Lucifer and the angels who chose not to praise Him for a moment... which proves that angels do have free will... which goes against the teaching He created us to love Him of our own free will as the angels had no choice... so either He forced Lucifer and the third of all the angels to rebel, or they have free will. Then we get all those people in Asia, Africa and the Americas and all over the glove who are going to Hell before they heard about the gospel of Jesus as they never had a chance... but wait many Christians say, they won't go to Hell because they didn't know, they'll be judged on if they lived morally... which begs the question, if you are basically fully guaranteed of life in Heaven without the knowledge of Jesus, then why spread the message? Oh, the Great Commission... that command they apparently listen to, while the people like this ignore His command to Love and treat others as you'd have them treat you. How He hung around sinners and tax collectors and talked badly about those who were showing off how holy they were and prayed openly, trying to shame those who didn't do as they did. How He told the crowd who was about to stone a woman at the well "let those without sin toss the first stone" and then importantly doesn't toss any stones Himself, not because He's sinned, but because He's operating on a new covenant. Yet they love to toss stones of discrimination and hate towards those who sin differently than them. He commands us to heal the sick, and yet it is the Christians of this Nation that oppose guaranteeing everyone a minimum degree of universal health insurance, preferring only people with good jobs have affordable health care. And on and on...

And the Jesus is coming soon folks... Seriously I've head from family that even if Climate Change is real, the real damage doesn't come for hundred years or more, and Jesus will have come by then. Just look at the world, gay people can get married now. Clearly Jesus is coming soon. I had another family member note how after the election of Obama the first time that just means Jesus will come sooner now... as if the Bible doesn't say there's an appointed time, let alone that He appoints the leaders...

And then the whole help help we're being repressed attitude... when basically they are being denied special rights and privileges and just coming to equal legal ground with others. Basically they are coming into the situation that forced the Pilgrims to leave a Christian Nation to move to what would become America because they couldn't persecute others as they wanted to, as the theocracy that ruled that Nation didn't agree to go that far.

I could go on for ages. I covered the topic a billion times though... well not a billion...

JiggaJonson said:

That's pretty much the message that drove me away from religion in a nutshell: "This world is awful, just grin and bear it; things will be better when you're dead."

Cop Reminded Of His Body Camera Continues Beating

The Daily Show - Wack Flag

MilkmanDan says...

I sincerely apologize for my ignorance, and thank you for setting the record straight. (really)

My incorrect understanding of that (education about the war in Germany) came from about 40% being presented with bad information (or interpreting information incorrectly), and 60% drawing the wrong conclusions based on the censorship of Nazi imagery there.

Before commenting, I did quick web research to support the information I had heard about the censorship side of things there. When that basically confirmed what I thought, I neglected to do the same due diligence with regards to how the war is taught in schools.

...Pretty shitty on my part, especially considering that my opener in my previous comment was that it would be "interesting" to compare how education handles history in both countries, and then apparently I wasn't actually interested enough to actually fact-check.

So again, I apologize.

With regards to the issues in the Daily Show video, ie. the Confederate flag, I think it is probably reasonable to say that in my opinion it would be a good idea to remove the flag from use for Government / State purposes. The way Germany handles Nazi imagery goes beyond that. I'm not sure that I would agree with that extent of what amounts to censorship in handling it, but that is just my opinion.

So I guess in summary, it really *is* interesting to consider both countries approaches to handling uncomfortable bits of our past. I just should have actually done it properly when I said it the first time.

Kalle said:

I dont know of any country other than Germany or Austria were the term "never again" is given that monumental weight in education.. saying that ww2 is largely glossed over in shools is so wrong it actually hurts...

Higher minimum wage, or guaranteed minimum income?

radx says...

At some point, yes. But for the time being, increases in productivity (automation) are less of a job killer than your everyday policies and ideologies.

Speaking of my own country, the amount of work not being done is enormous, and the aggregate of work not having been done over the last decades is absolutely staggering. The current economic system not only unloaded a great number of burdens onto society, it also never found a way to come up with a way to integrate the aforementioned work. No one is willing to pay for it, so it doesn't get done, period. The most prominent examples would be infrastructure works of all kinds (energy, most of all), ecological restauration and care for the elderly. Our national railroad alone could hire 100,000 people and still be understaffed.

You can have full employment next year, but not if you expect the private sector to provide the jobs within the current system. The public sector could create them, if you use a sovereign, free-floating currency, but ideology doesn't allow for it.

As long as we focus on finding people for a given job, there'll be mass unemployment, no matter what. Reverse the process, create/find jobs for a given people and we might make some headway.

Again, ideology doesn't allow for it. And that's also what made me stop advocating for an unconditional basic income (UBI). The financial details of it can be a nightmare, yes, and it would be a break with a social welfare system that survived two world wars. But the deal breaker for me was politics.

A UBI would mean taking the boot of the peasants' necks. Liberty and (some) equality made real. Love it.
But look at how vicious the Greeks are attacked these days, not just by the elite, but by our fellow worker bees. They're not just burying the last bit of European solidarity in Greece, they're unloading all their frustrations onto the schmucks who had very little to begin with. It's despicable. And it indicates to me that any attempt to introduce a system that would take from people the need to work would unleash unimaginable hatred from the usual suspects. And significant portions of the public would go along with it, given how easy it already is to channel their frustrations towards "welfare queens" and "moochers".

So yeah, a UBI would be lovely. Finally some liberty, finally more negotiating power for the worker (can decline any job offer without repression). But the shit would need to hit the fan hard before there can be any room within the political sphere for it.

Stormsinger said:

Given the increasing capabilities of automation, it seems quite obvious that full employment will never again be seen. Given that, a guaranteed basic income is the only way to stave off a violent revolution by those who have been abandoned by the system.

Man Plays His Guitar While Undergoing Brain Surgery

nanrod says...

I was thinking Michael Bolton so the doctors could have an "Oh shit, what have we done moment."

newtboy said:

I keep thinking that he should have switched to playing Slayer for a moment, then said "just kidding", but maybe joking during brain surgery isn't the best idea.

Smarter Every Day - The Archer's Paradox

lucky760 says...

That seems to me a very inconsiderate way of interacting with someone else "I'm comfortable with this behavior and despite that you almost definitely have never done this in your life, I'm going to make you do it as if it's normal because I don't give a shit what you are comfortable with."

That's not a pat on the back. A pat on the back is a pat on the back.

But maybe that's just cantankerous old me.


JustSaying said:

I fail to see the problem, it's like pat on the back, really. I'd rather be fist-bumped than fisted.

how the school-to-prison pipeline works

JustSaying says...

No Bob, you have failed.
You and all the other citizens of the US. You allowed your government to became a corrupt, for-sale pseudo democracy. Why? Because you voted for the wrong fucking people or didn't vote at all.
Maybe I'm wrong but my instincts tell me you vote republican. That's even worse. While you got your panties in a knot over the two gays down the street trying to marry, your party leaders sell the future of your country to the highest bidder. They're throwing one ridiculous diversion after another at you (Obama ain't american, Benghazi!, The gays!1!1), which you gobble up like the good boy you're supposed to be, while they redefine free speech as money donations and bribery as lobbying. Corporations ain't people, my friend. But who cares? As long as we build a big ass fence on our border.
The problem is you. You have a vote, a voice and you could use it to put the right people in power. What have you done with it?

bobknight33 said:

The "state" has failed.

Mad Max: Fury Road: Full Behind the Scenes Movie B-roll

AeroMechanical says...

I think it's not actually possible for there to be spoilers for this film--nothing significant anyways. This is something you see for the spectacle of it. In fact, I have a suspicion I will enjoy it even more upon my second viewing. If I knew of a local theater with a balanced sound system setup, I might even pay to go see it again (something I have never done before--not to say it's all that amazing in the grand scheme of films, but damn if it isn't a spectacle).

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