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Steve's Grammatical Observations #6: "I could care less"

lucky760 says...

stop floundering

You're the only one floundering here, trying to shove your loose interpretation of poorly spoken words down the throats of everyone with any sense who is explaining rather simply the actual meaning of an often wrongly worded phrase. The bottom line is, in almost every situation, people should say "I couldn't care less" when they actually say "I could care less."

Most people just don't care enough about the words they speak to analyze or understand their meaning. Then, of course, there's that rare 0.01% of wackos who do understand but still try to defend, pervert, and proliferate twisted words because they have a false sense of entitlement and a magnificently inflated ego. These are the nuts who'd probably also try to convince you that saying "I don't not care" is also a valid way to express your lack of interest in something. "Sure it am not not a double negative and sure the speaker are actually saying it cares, but hey that am okay. You can figuring it out what they could mean any ways, so we should encourage every people to speak those way! Hooray for bastardization of these Ynglish lang wedges!" Let's encourage everyone to exercise incorrect language because, hey, everyone else can figure out what they mean anyway, right? GMAFB.

It is never misinterpreted by the listener

This is not true at all. I forget the particular song, but on Green Day's American Idiot album, a line says something like "I could care less" and I've always wondered and will never know if he added stress to the phrase to make it clear he's speaking literally about actually caring or if that stress was just for the melody and he actually misspoke as most people do and he really does not care.

Whenever this phrase is used, it is a whimsical way of saying they're in danger of caring less than they already do.

When someone exclaims, "I could care less if we water board George W.," what they're really saying is, "I'm in danger of caring less than I already do if we water board Old Georgie. Everyone pay close attention to the needle on my caring gauge because I think it's about to drop a little bit!" Right. You just keep looking at your reflection in that diploma frame and telling yourself that, friendo.

Out of curiosity, what about when people say, "If I never see you again, it'll be too soon?" Is that a whimsical way of someone saying they actually hope to see you again and preferably sometime soon, or is it someone who suffers from bad word choice and is attempting to inform that they never want to see you again?

If you ever comment on this again, it'll be too soon, and if you do, I couldn't care less.

NetRunner (Member Profile)

enoch says...

i think im just gonna let you comment on this "made-up" torture debate.
you are far more level headed than i am concerning this matter.
im not pretending in my comments,this subject REALLY pisses me off.
i may say something i may later regret...
while i may get frustrated with people for buying into the media narrative,
they are still people,and i get so heated i just go off on a tear,where my original point may get lost in the rant.
like your style bud..
ill just sit this one out.
if i dont,my heads gonna explode.
till next time..

In reply to this comment by NetRunner:
>> ^BansheeX:
Oh, gimme a break Mr. progressive. What the hell is a progressive? Democrats are as bad as the neo-cons. They started Vietnam, in which we lost 50,000 young men in a freaking jungle for no reason but to line the pockets of the military industrial complex, and half the democrats voted for Iraq. Neither party has clean hands, you can only find individuals who voted their conscious and serve their country above their party. Obama can't do #2.

Okay, I'll give you a break. I didn't say word one about party, and in fact said I'm fully happy to imprison Democrats even though I'm normally pushing for them to get elected.

That said, you still spew this kind of crap all over.

As an oh-so-holy, clean-handed, never voted for a major party kind of person, do you want the progressive (liberal for you crotchety old coots) movement for or against prosecuting the people responsible for torture?

Think carefully about your answer, and decide whether you should be dumping vitriol on them for their position, especially if you're dreaming of driving a wedge into a major party some day.

Jesse Ventura Body Slams Elizabeth Hasselbeck

NetRunner says...

>> ^BansheeX:
Oh, gimme a break Mr. progressive. What the hell is a progressive? Democrats are as bad as the neo-cons. They started Vietnam, in which we lost 50,000 young men in a freaking jungle for no reason but to line the pockets of the military industrial complex, and half the democrats voted for Iraq. Neither party has clean hands, you can only find individuals who voted their conscious and serve their country above their party. Obama can't do #2.

Okay, I'll give you a break. I didn't say word one about party, and in fact said I'm fully happy to imprison Democrats even though I'm normally pushing for them to get elected.

That said, you still spew this kind of crap all over.

As an oh-so-holy, clean-handed, never voted for a major party kind of person, do you want the progressive (liberal for you crotchety old coots) movement for or against prosecuting the people responsible for torture?

Think carefully about your answer, and decide whether you should be dumping vitriol on them for their position, especially if you're dreaming of driving a wedge into a major party some day.

Attenborough: The Biggest Flower in the World - Titan Arum

If only I had a gun

volumptuous says...

>> ^Doc_M:
They go on to say that there is not a single study that supports the idea that having a gun in the house deters bunglers. This is simply a LIE! They are either simply lying or they are the most pathetic journalists ever to live.

Yes, Doc_M. We should listen to you, instead of the highly trained cops they interviewed in this report. You know, the ones who say it's pretty much bullshit that being armed during an attack such as at a school, a church, or home, is going to help you somehow.

Oh, but it's just those police-state cops who are trying to ensure noone owns firearms, so when martial law is instigated, we're all screwed!

BTW: Doc_M

Can you point us to studies showing this to be false? Nah, didn't think so.

You seem to completely miss the point of the story, and instead jam your own misguided wedge issue where it doesn't belong.

2 British police officers get pwned by cameraman

Deano says...

>> ^Offsajdh:
What am I missing here? Pretty much all of the above comments and the speaker himself claim harassment, yet all they did was ask him to stop the camera and what his name was. You could argue intimidation etc etc but that was honestly a complete non-event. The cameraman instantly flies into a defensive rant about him being in his garden and keeps insisting that he isnt doing anything wrong, which ofcourse he isnt, but the only one trying to make this unpleasant is the cameraman himself.
What I'm saying is that he's fishing for the cops to loose their patience/temper and there by get something worthwhile caught on tape, but he doesnt, the cops walk away, they did the right thing. This is somekind of a victory vs the police?
>> ^Xax:
They deserved to have their skulls cracked.

Geeez, spare me.

Utter tripe. The problem in this video is the police trying to extend/abuse their jurisdiction. They invaded his property and they told him what to do with his camera. No this may not be the most intimidating copper I've come across but it's still unpleasant when they try to throw their weight around. If this man hadn't stood up for himself who knows how far they would have chosen to pursue this.

The point is that he is allowed to film. To not stand up for his rights is to accept the thin end of the wedge. And at the other end you have police intimidating protestors and arresting them using section 58 or routinely filming political gatherings, another form of intimidation.

This was crappy policing and if I was that copper I wouldn't feel like I had done a good job in dealing with this man. If that's his beat (do they have beats anymore?!) then he's just making relations with the local community worse all round, step by little step. It's the same with section 76. Another law being layered on to gradually allow the biggest gang on the block to undermine civil liberties as and when they choose.

What this video ultimately illustrates is the way vague and poor legislation is finally interpreted on the ground. And with section 76 the police, both the malevolent and the incompetent kind, are going to interpret those laws in any number of ways.

We need better politicians drafting sensible and practical legislation that addresses real problems. I think they are in very short supply.

Dragging Some Fun Back To The Sift, Kickin' and Bitchin'! (History Talk Post)

alien_concept says...

That's all we need to know pims, all we need to know

Issy, my god I think we're on the umm... fourth episode of season 3 and it's AMAZING! Lost is just surpassing itself in every way too, woohoo bout frickin time.

Ok i'll start you off then if I must.

This was one of the weirdest things to happen. I was young and reckless and completely rebellious and decided one day to jump the train with my friend to London. She knew some fellas up there who would put us up and I briefly knew who they were and had met them so wasn't particularly concerned. We spent the hour and a half there wedged in the loos smoking out of the window and drinking a bottle each of white cider, bleeeech. By the time we got there I was pretty wasted already, and it was a hot day etc. Wandering through London taking buses to get to this mobile phone shop they all worked in together. Eventually they finished up for the day and we went home to her friends place, by this point I had been given a few spliffs on top of the cider and was really not myself at all. Anyway, when we walked into this apartment there was this guy who was all dressed up in overalls painting the place.

Kelly's friend introduced him just as Steve and that he was doin him a favour decorating his place out for him as he'd not long moved there. He was a total hottie and I was drunk and stoned so had clearly lost any inhibitions and was flirting outrageously. As the evening went on he finished up and came in and sat down to eat with us and get drunk. Of course I was being a total slapper, and he seemingly didn't mind at all. Basically we got a bit frisky and all that jazz but when it came down to it (literally) there was no way I was going there his penis was abnormal and by that I mean gigantic! Scared the living shit out of me. Luckily he wasn't a bad guy and just laughed and we fell asleep all being well.

Next day I got made a complete twat of. Somehow the staff at the home I was living in had gotten hold of Kelly's number and rang her Mum who had done a 1471 when Kel phoned her the night before and gave the number to my social worker. So the next morning this guy who's flat we're in gets a very shitty phone call telling him that he had two underage girls who have run away, one in local authority care and that if he didn't take us to a police station so we could get home they would ring the cops and get them arrested. So yeah that was horrible, especially seeing as i'd lied about my age haha. Fucking embarrassing, but I was glad to get out of there after that. We had to wait in the police station until they could get a taxi driver who was willing to drive all the way to London from Bournemouth and then back again. Some stupid red tape funding issues stopped us just getting a taxi from London as it was going to be Social Services paying it, not us outright. Eventually some guy got there, and we fell asleep in the back of the car.

Woke up to find ourselves off road somewhere in the New Forest!! We absolutely shit ourselves, neither of us had a phone. All the lights were off and the driver was passed out in his seat, it was about 2am. We demanded he wake up not trusting him or the situation, it all felt very weird. He tried to tell us he was just needing a nap or he couldn't drive but we both started crying and panicking, so the poor bastard was left with little choice. Finally got home, acted like the little twat I was when they started questioning me about where I had been and what i'd been doing, as if they had no right to worry about me, god I was such a prick sometimes haha.

So I got lumped with paying that whole bill off, took me nearly a year to finish. As far as I was concerned though, it had been a little adventure and something in me when I was young craved independence so much I didn't think twice about doing stupuid stuff. The end of this story was the weirdest part...

This Steve had through his friend told Kelly a few times he wanted to meet up with me again and blah blah. I was never interested, mostly cos unless I was drunk the male species pretty much perplexed me even up until I was about 17! Turned out it was a good job I never went there. About 6 months later I get a phone call from Kelly telling me to turn the fucking tv on NOW. The Cook Report was on, some investigative journo Roger Cook used to go around doing exposes on stuff, he was one of the first people to do a show such as that. And there he was, this Steve. Turned out he wasn't a painter and decorator, he was the owner of a chain of phone shops and he had fraudulently made hundreds and thousands of pounds in stolen and contract phones. Jesus Christ

I'm not sure what the moral of this story is, but I can safely say I've never been as reckless since!

Cuttlefish eats octopus

Countdown 3/25/09 - Grand Opposition Party

honkeytonk73 says...

I believe in a 'multi-party' system.. that is... 3 or more competing parties. Not two parties filled with ass-hats caring more about stupid wedge issues and being catered to by lobbyists rather than what truly matters.

Someone needs to explain this Far Side comic to me (Blog Entry by Sarzy)

Edeot says...

It's obviously a visual metaphor for the atrocities committed against the working class by the uncaring, callous elite.

The meat represents the overworked, impoverished blue collar masses - Stripped to the bone; to their very souls, of any pleasure or satisfaction in their grueling lifestyle. They pile together in close quarters, wedged against one another, cramped into their diminutive housing, without hope for a better tomorrow, because eventually they will be eaten. You can no longer even tell them apart. Steaks look the same, miserable and drooping. They do not think for themselves, they simply sit, and they rot away, and they wait for their total consumption.

The house is the greater world in which they live. The once beautiful draping is now tattered and worn. No thought has been given to its proper care, because eventually it will just be replaced with something new and innovative, yet cold and unfamiliar. The light of the world grows dim with time - The sun does not shine into their world like it used to. And it only grows dimmer as time marches onward. An artificial light source has been supplied by the elite, no doubt with empty promises that it will be sufficient for the masses, yet it too has grown frayed - A mere shadow of its once hollow glory. But somehow this does not bother the meat, because it was never comparable with the sun anyway.

Lastly, the powerful master sits in his comfortable chair, intentionally oblivious to the meat which lies right in front of him. His luxuries are a far cry from the frigid, industrial plastic in which the majority of society resides. He is deliberately distracted from the rotting meat by entertaining himself with novel items which he consumes with vigor, believing it to be of grand substance, but it is empty and bare. Eventually, he will devour one of his many morsels, exploit it for its essentials, and then excrete the rest. What the unthinking majority do not realize is how powerful their numbers are compared to him.

So in short, lol, that's pretty funny!!

Health warning!!! Lemon wedges in your drinks can kill you!

fullerenedream says...

Ok, so she found microorganisms that can make you sick. But in what quantities? This video doesn't say. How much of these bacteria do you have to eat before they make you sick? No mention of that either. I'd like to know how the type and quantity of microbes on lemon wedges compare with those in our home kitchens.

Even if lemon wedges do make people sick, this video is still bad. Its message is "FEAR!" But if these wedges are so bad, a more useful message would be "Bartenders should wash their hands and equipment more often."

Ice water with NO lemon, please.

Ice water with NO lemon, please.

What if there were no religions, only atheism?

ElJardinero says...

I think they're just saying that we will always find something to put some kind of wedge between us. We will always group together and hate/dislike the other groups. Religions, political movements, sports clubs.. people who like limp bizkit or people who hate limp bizkit... whatever basically.

Sharp curve ahead. No really, SHARP CURVE AHEAD!!!

deedub81 says...

I don't like this sort of thing being posted and having people laugh at it.

>> ^mram:
He wasn't ok...
Here is the news account of this wreck fron the Colfax,CA record.
Second victim pulled from Colfax big rig wreckage
By Jenna Nielsen, Journal Staff Writer
The body of a co-driver was extricated this morning by Cal Fire crews at the scene of Monday's big rig rollover crash near Colfax.
The body of a second man was found underneath debris Tuesday morning at the accident site of a big rig rollover near Colfax Monday, officials reported.
The man, whose name is not being released pending notification of his family, was reportedly a passenger in the big rig, which rolled into a guard rail spilling its load of recylced plastic down the embankment near the Magra Road exit on westbound Interstate 80, California Highway Patrol offi-cials reported.
The driver, who was trapped inside of the truck’s cab and was also killed in the accident, was re-portedly going 70 mph and passing another truck in the fast lane when he lost control and slid down an embankment, said CHP Officer Rich Ruiz.
“This morning, as the investigator was going over log books, (it was) determined there was possi-bly a co-driver involved,” Ruiz said.
Ruiz said investigators also have video footage of the accident, recorded by a device on a Wal-Mart truck, which the driver of the big rig was passing at the time of the accident.
“The driver of the WalMart truck was doing 55 mph, so we estimate the driver (of the big rig) was going 70 mph when he approached a curve and lost control. You see in the video the trailer starts to fishtail. When the driver tries to correct, he is sent over the guardrail.”
Battalion Chief Jeff Brand of Cal Fire said crews located the co-driver under the debris and extri-cated him this morning.
Brand said when the truck was overturned, the cab was torn off and wedged beneath the contents of the trailer and the trailer itself.
All westbound lanes were closed as a result of the accident, which occurred at approximately 2:30 p.m. All lanes were opened by approximately 7:45 p.m., California Highway Patrol officials said.
Ruiz said the driver of big rig had only had his license for nine days.

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