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My Kitty Can Fly

Israel's Political and Military Battles - January 20th 2009

Farhad2000 says...

I would say that the military incursion into Gaza has been largely a failure for Israel, not simply because of the negative world wide publicity from the large number of civilian deaths but also because it didn't achieve the kind of results that the IDF used to generate when dealing with Fatah in the past.

Back then Israel would bomb the shit out of Fatah and it's resistance would ebb away very quickly, Arafat would reach out and discuss a truce, a wedge would be created between the Palestinians and the Fatah government.

This was not the case in Gaza, resistance continued right up to the time of the cease fire, the Palestinians did not oust Hamas as Israel hoped in favor of the discredited Dahlan, Hamas never surrendered.

This has been a build up ever since the IDF failure in eliminating Hezbollah, the Arab world is rife with talk of defeating the once undefeatable Israel which with all it's high tech equipment, man power and bombs has not been able to silence Hamas or Hezbollah.

There has also been a large world wide reaction to Israel's acts, which in all its shock and awe only managed to kill 2 high ranking Hamas members, which is ineffective now since after years of IDF assassinations resistance groups have learned to operate in cell structures with no centralized power figure.

What Are Your Top 5 Books? (Books Talk Post)

thinker247 says...

Why I'm Not a Christian by Bertrand Russell

Lullaby by Chuck Palahniuk

Survivor by Chuck Palahniuk

Wedge by Mark Riebling (deals with the rift between the FBI and CIA that caused Pearl Harbor, JFK assassination and 9/11)

Animal Farm by George Orwell

Parking Fail

12940 says...

lol, this reminds the time my car got hit. Was in a radio shack with my buddy and we started hearing some bad noises outside, looked out the store window and saw this suv with one door open going about 10mph across the parking lot hitting shopping carts and lurching over those cement parking things.

He started from all the way from the other side and I watched in slow motion horror as he made a direct line to my car and plowed into it. If I had hadn't just stood there like an idiot I might have moved my car, but in retrospect he would have ended up going through the big plate window and into the Radio Shack.

So many cars and he had to choose mine.

Turns out he was on crutches and had wedged one of the crutches into the accelerator. He panicked and didn't think to simply just TURN OFF the car!

RCA Dome Implosion.

13439 says...

Not a timeshift. No "altered time perception" there - that's all 100% real-time. You can tell by the voices.

It's just really big and takes a while to fall. I expect they designed it so it would detonate and then collapse in sections so one falling section wouldn't wedge up against and block another one that was falling at the same pace.

40 Reasons for Gun Control (Politics Talk Post)

NetRunner says...

^ I'd say what makes the debate phony is that Democrats don't really want to try to repeal the 2nd amendment anymore. I think there's a consensus in the Democratic party that the 2nd amendment provides for an individual right to bear arms (and we now have a SCOTUS decision affirming it).

Republicans try to make political hay of the fact that Democrats want laws to attempt to keep guns out of the hands of criminals, and try to limit the level of firepower an individual can personally own, but there just isn't any grassroots interest in the topic, generally. We're pretty happy with how gun laws work now, and are pretty tolerant of shifts in either direction.

So essentially, these "pro-gun" people are spoiling for a fight with people who don't really care. Worse, they're making up bullshit about how Obama in particular wants to end the private ownership of guns entirely, which is not just distortion, it's fiction that flies directly in the face of facts.

This is really and truly the most phony of the phony Republican wedge issues, largely because my half of the wedge just says "meh" about the whole topic.

Abortion is generally a better wedge because people on both sides care, though why people can't seem to come together in agreement over contraceptives and real sex ed as tools to reduce them, I can't fathom.

Sorry, I suppose I should wait until one of our resident Colmses makes a mindless post about liberal babykillers before we get on that topic.

Best moments of Batman the Movie 1966

Spectacular Train Crash Test of Nuclear Flask

nadabu says...

Uncompromising idealism is unproductive idealism. It closes minds to scientific progress and causes opponents to dig in. Greenpeace would have made much greater progress by now if they would learn to use a wedge, not just a blunt hammer. The disproportionate and rabid opposition to nuclear technology of groups like Greenpeace has helped keep us stuck on global-warming fossil fuels (including radiation-spewing coal) to a much greater degree than we ought to be right now. Plus, many of their nuclear fears are irrelevant with modern nuclear technology. Many who still oppose nuclear energy are ignorant idealogues who've paid no attention to the progress we've made.

The Economics of an Empire Explained

bcglorf says...

>> ^Farhad2000:
I don't need to ask anyone, I live in Kuwait. People are still sour at Iraqis and Saddam and are still pressing for the new Iraqi regime to honor all post 1991 debts.
But to say that people wanted the removal of Saddam Hussein due to some altruistic feelings is simply false when looking at these issues on a international level. The secular wedge of Iraq divided the Sunni and Shia worlds of Saudi Arabia and Iran, and threatened them at the same time something neither liked but something that was used to great affect by the Americans to secure beneficial trade and oil agreements and massive weapon sales.
Iran didn't start the war, it was Iraq who needed something to unite the people for after the prolong political cleansing that Saddam inflicted on the government.
Hussein Khomeini is in league with the fallen Shah government that was installed in a CIA backed coup, the religious regime that came in was no better then the Shah. But I would not give any voice to someone who is sympathetic to the neoconservative cause.
Yes he was a bad bad man, but to say that the American invasion and removal by force is the best way to deal with such instances is just lunacy.

Here is what I actually said:

"shoot people in their own homes and cities..."
Do you really mean to make it sound like civilians are the intended targets?

"in a preemptive global police action"
Removing a dictator that committed genocide against his own people, annexed a neighboring sovereign country and failed at annexing a second is pre-emptive?

"instigated for monetary purposes"
Really? Even after this video and the well documented down turn the American economy is going through? Are you sure?

"If China or Russia came over here and did the same to us..."
Oh yeah, let's go really far out into left field. Let's pretend that the insurgence in Iraq is fighting to reinstate the toppled Baathist regime. Let's ignore that the true liberation army of Iraq, the Peshmerga army of Iraqi-Kurdistan, is fighting alongside American troops. Let's even pretend that American citizens are just as unhappy with their government as Iraqi's were with Saddam. That's an insult to every man, woman and child now buried in the mass graves of Northern Iraq.

I never suggested what the 'best' way was. I just stated that the current situation in Iraq, as bad as it is, isn't as bad as the genocide that Saddam was continually pursuing. More over, one can hardly look at pre-war Iraq under Saddam and say that some kind of collapse and ensuing civil war wasn't already on the way. You can't say that the factionalism that the American's have blundered into worsening, wasn't being fed even worse by Saddam's heavy handed oppression of all Kurdish and Shiite people.

More importantly, the main point I was addressing is the notion that the video speaks of, the cost to American tax payers of the war. It is pretty ridiculous to suggest that the Iraq war could have been anticipated to be good for the USA's economy by anybody, and so talk of a war based on American greed is just hyperbole. The only benefit to America of removing Saddam is the same enjoyed by many other countries the world over, one less dictator encouraging war, genocide and division. Pretending the disaster that is the current state of Iraq wasn't well in the works since even before the first Gulf War is extraordinarily dishonest(though that lie was pushed the most by Bush/Cheney pre-War)

The Economics of an Empire Explained

Farhad2000 says...

I don't need to ask anyone, I live in Kuwait. People are still sour at Iraqis and Saddam and are still pressing for the new Iraqi regime to honor all post 1991 debts.

But to say that people wanted the removal of Saddam Hussein due to some altruistic feelings is simply false when looking at these issues on a international level. The secular wedge of Iraq divided the Sunni and Shia worlds of Saudi Arabia and Iran, and threatened them at the same time something neither liked but something that was used to great affect by the Americans to secure beneficial trade and oil agreements and massive weapon sales.

Iran didn't start the war, it was Iraq who needed something to unite the people for after the prolong political cleansing that Saddam inflicted on the government.

Hussein Khomeini is in league with the fallen Shah government that was installed in a CIA backed coup, the religious regime that came in was no better then the Shah. But I would not give any voice to someone who is sympathetic to the neoconservative cause.

Yes he was a bad bad man, but to say that the American invasion and removal by force is the best way to deal with such instances is just lunacy.

Official Election 2008 Thread (Subtitled I VOTED) (Election Talk Post)

jwray says...

I voted for Obama in Nebraska. Though overall, Obama only got 41% of the vote here. It's actually common to meet a young-earth creationist even among the university students here, and that's very very strongly correlated with political affiliation since they tend to prioritize government interference with abortion and gay people (and the economic policy is just along for the ride or absorbed as a byproduct of associating with the party that chose those wedge issues)

thinker247 (Member Profile)

MarineGunrock says...

Sorry, but unlike most other Republicans, I don't like Bush and I vote with logic, not the bible.

In reply to this comment by thinker247:
You're a Republican, MG. You should keep the specifics out, and replace them with "Jesus" and "gotcha media."

Thanks for the in-depth answer. I was hoping someone with formal training in weaponry would provide a response.

In reply to this comment by MarineGunrock:
Ugh. Not a one of you has first hand knowledge of these things. I wonder if anyone here does?

1st of all, this is an Israeli-made bomblet. Not American. So all of you can redirect your anger there.

Secondly, American forces do EVERYTHING in their power to reduce and eliminate collateral damage. We fired about %15 of all the fire missions we received because higher command would not clear them due to being too close to civilian structures.

Thirdly, American cluster bomblets are equipped with self-detonation timers.

The two I have worked with are the RAAMS and the ADAMS systems.

ADAMS: Area Denial Artillery Munition System - Anti personnel clusters.

These 155mm projectiles detonate by a nose-mounted fuze that ignites a propellant expulsion charge, forcing off the baseplate (bottom of the round) so that the projectile's contents are ejected. The 155 mm M692 and M731 ADAM both carry 36 wedge-shaped anti-personnel mines. The M692 (shell body marked ADAM-L) carries 36 M67 mines with a factory-set self-destruct time of 'more than 24 hours'. The M731 (shell body marked ADAM-S) carries 36 M72 mines with a factory-set self-destruct time of 'less than 24 hours'. When the mines reach the ground, seven tripline sensors are released after a 60 second delay, and the detonators are armed to function at any small disturbance. When the mine detonates, a liquid propellant surrounding the explosive warhead is ignited. This breaks up the wedge-shaped body and hurls the spherical warhead upwards. A delay mechanism in the warhead allows it to reach a predetermined height before the contents are detonated to scatter hundreds of high-velocity anti-personnel fragments in all directions.
Cross-section image

RAAMS: Remote Anti Armor Munitions System\
Deployed the same way as the ADAMS, only they are tripped via electromagnetic sensors and there are 9 to a shell.
Cross-section image

I want to upvote because I love explosions, but I want to downvote for other stupid shit this video and commenters are saying.

MarineGunrock (Member Profile)

thinker247 says...

You're a Republican, MG. You should keep the specifics out, and replace them with "Jesus" and "gotcha media."

Thanks for the in-depth answer. I was hoping someone with formal training in weaponry would provide a response.

In reply to this comment by MarineGunrock:
Ugh. Not a one of you has first hand knowledge of these things. I wonder if anyone here does?

1st of all, this is an Israeli-made bomblet. Not American. So all of you can redirect your anger there.

Secondly, American forces do EVERYTHING in their power to reduce and eliminate collateral damage. We fired about %15 of all the fire missions we received because higher command would not clear them due to being too close to civilian structures.

Thirdly, American cluster bomblets are equipped with self-detonation timers.

The two I have worked with are the RAAMS and the ADAMS systems.

ADAMS: Area Denial Artillery Munition System - Anti personnel clusters.

These 155mm projectiles detonate by a nose-mounted fuze that ignites a propellant expulsion charge, forcing off the baseplate (bottom of the round) so that the projectile's contents are ejected. The 155 mm M692 and M731 ADAM both carry 36 wedge-shaped anti-personnel mines. The M692 (shell body marked ADAM-L) carries 36 M67 mines with a factory-set self-destruct time of 'more than 24 hours'. The M731 (shell body marked ADAM-S) carries 36 M72 mines with a factory-set self-destruct time of 'less than 24 hours'. When the mines reach the ground, seven tripline sensors are released after a 60 second delay, and the detonators are armed to function at any small disturbance. When the mine detonates, a liquid propellant surrounding the explosive warhead is ignited. This breaks up the wedge-shaped body and hurls the spherical warhead upwards. A delay mechanism in the warhead allows it to reach a predetermined height before the contents are detonated to scatter hundreds of high-velocity anti-personnel fragments in all directions.
Cross-section image

RAAMS: Remote Anti Armor Munitions System\
Deployed the same way as the ADAMS, only they are tripped via electromagnetic sensors and there are 9 to a shell.
Cross-section image

I want to upvote because I love explosions, but I want to downvote for other stupid shit this video and commenters are saying.

Cluster Bomb vs Cement Mixer

MarineGunrock says...

Ugh. Not a one of you has first hand knowledge of these things. I wonder if anyone here does?

1st of all, this is an Israeli-made bomblet. Not American. So all of you can redirect your anger there.

Secondly, American forces do EVERYTHING in their power to reduce and eliminate collateral damage. We fired about %15 of all the fire missions we received because higher command would not clear them due to being too close to civilian structures.

Thirdly, American cluster bomblets are equipped with self-detonation timers.

The two I have worked with are the RAAMS and the ADAMS systems.

ADAMS: Area Denial Artillery Munition System - Anti personnel clusters.

These 155mm projectiles detonate by a nose-mounted fuze that ignites a propellant expulsion charge, forcing off the baseplate (bottom of the round) so that the projectile's contents are ejected. The 155 mm M692 and M731 ADAM both carry 36 wedge-shaped anti-personnel mines. The M692 (shell body marked ADAM-L) carries 36 M67 mines with a factory-set self-destruct time of 'more than 24 hours'. The M731 (shell body marked ADAM-S) carries 36 M72 mines with a factory-set self-destruct time of 'less than 24 hours'. When the mines reach the ground, seven tripline sensors are released after a 60 second delay, and the detonators are armed to function at any small disturbance. When the mine detonates, a liquid propellant surrounding the explosive warhead is ignited. This breaks up the wedge-shaped body and hurls the spherical warhead upwards. A delay mechanism in the warhead allows it to reach a predetermined height before the contents are detonated to scatter hundreds of high-velocity anti-personnel fragments in all directions.
Cross-section image

RAAMS: Remote Anti Armor Munitions System\
Deployed the same way as the ADAMS, only they are tripped via electromagnetic sensors and there are 9 to a shell.
Cross-section image

I want to upvote because I love explosions, but I want to downvote for other stupid shit this video and commenters are saying.

B A N N E D R E D A C T E D-Dedicated to Westy (Art Talk Post)

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