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Wendy, get out of the pool

shagen454 says...

I moved to southern Arizona last year - still have yet to experience one these - but I surely will in the next two months. These dust storms are actually called "haboobs" and are prominent during the monsoon season which is typically June-August throughout Arizona & New Mexico. Which is quite interesting because those are the hottest months and although somewhat dangerous (floods/lightning) the monsoons begin a cooling down process (and immediate relief) which correlates with another 6 months of really nice weather.

Climate Change: What Do Scientists Say?

newtboy says...

What do real scientists say?
...the one's he worked with all said Lindzen is totally wrong, and his views are not held by the vast, VAST majority of other scientists that actually work in climatology. He's a political shill now, working for 'conservative think tanks' to deny climate change.

Note, his graph at the beginning that appears to show no significant rise because as usual they start in late 97-98, a super hot El Nino year (the hottest on record) typically used as a starting point to pretend that temperatures aren't rising as fast as they are. Start at any other time to see how different the results are. This graph contains the hottest 15 years in recorded history over a period of the last 19 years. That's pretty telling by itself.

1)the climate is always changing-but according to natural cycles, we should be in a cooling period, not a warming period.
2)so at least in his mind, everyone agrees CO2 is a greenhouse gas that causes warming...that's better than most deniers.
3)"little ice age"-During the period 1645–1715, in the middle of the Little Ice Age, there was a period of low solar activity known as the Maunder Minimum. The Spörer Minimum has also been identified with a significant cooling period between 1460 and 1550 (it was not caused by low CO2 levels), and CO2 is produced more in warmer temperatures than cold, so starting shortly after then you can claim the CO2 levels have been rising since well before the industrial revolution...which cherry picked like that may be technically true but is again misleading by starting at an unusually low level following a low level solar period, but the level of that rise has consistently risen since the industrial revolution, and is incredibly higher than any natural mass releases besides rare massive super volcano eruptions that caused mass extinction events.
4) just plain not true, and not agreed on by scientists.
5)What they actually said-
Improve methods to quantify uncertainties of climate projections and scenarios, including development and exploration of long-term ensemble simulations using complex models. The climate system is a coupled non-linear chaotic system, and therefore the long-term prediction of future climate states is not possible. Rather the focus must be upon the prediction of the probability distribution of the system�s future possible states by the generation of ensembles of model solutions. Addressing adequately the statistical nature of climate is computationally intensive and requires the application of new methods of model diagnosis, but such statistical information is essential.

Confident prediction of future weather is not possible, weather predictions are based on statistical probabilities too. Because they aren't perfect doesn't mean they're wrong, useless, or should be ignored until they're 100% right every time. More funding for more study will improve the predictions consistently, but we are intentionally defunding them instead.

Religion channel? As in the religion of climate change denial? That's not what that channel is.
Philosophy channel? What?
Learn channel, only if the viewer looks into his BS elsewhere to learn the truth.
Lies, yep...controversy, yep....politics, yep....conspiracy,OK. His ilk are steeped in those, but you left out money, the driving force for all the deniers controversial, political lies and crazy conspiracy theories. ;-)

Sciency stuff about the American kilogram - Veritasium

ravioli says...

In Canada, we like to mix up both systems. We get our weather temperatures in Celcius , but we prefer our pool temperatures in Fahrenheit. Construction plans are laid out in millimeters, but materials are sold in inches (thank you USA). So, we have to be bilingual in units as well, eh.

Protests Against Trump Are Protests Against God

RFlagg says...

And then Christians wonder or get upset that I think Christianity is a sham... got to love the "Foremost expert on terrorism" on the one guy. As I've said before, even if I was still a Christian, at this point I'd be 99% sure the whole Republican movement is part of the Anti-Christ movement. It is the Christians after all that need deceived, not the rest of the already Hell bound world. What better way to deceive them, than to make them stand up for everything Jesus stood against, while standing against everything He stood for, all the while proclaiming how they alone were the true Christians the way the Republican/Christian right claim. As a bonus, they make Christianity so vile, it repeals anyone away from even considering Christianity, when it's most public image isn't one of love and acceptance that Jesus taught, but of bigotry and hate that is at the core of the right today. But I know these sort of people, both sides of my family are it, and they think the rest of the world is being deceived, that the Democrats practice a fake Christianity ("if you read the Bible you couldn't be Democrat, you'd have to be Republican" never considering that Democrat Christians say the same thing but reversed) and that we are clearly in the end times, which is why global warming doesn't matter, as Jesus will be back long before we can do any real harm... plus Revelations talks about the bad weather in the end times anyhow.

I 100% regret every second of my life that was wasted being such a person as these, and believing their filthy lies... and for most of these televangelist and Fox news types, they know they are lying, not just deluded, which the smaller preachers and many in the faith are.

I'd say more, but I shouldn't really watch these videos, it just fuels my anger at them, and then I have a hard time focusing on the actual good in the world.

Bill Maher - Elizabeth Warren Interview

MilkmanDan says...

Trump has sunk political discourse to new lows, I agree. But I think she'd suffer worse slings and arrows than "Pocahontas" no matter who her opponent is. That's the game and it always has been. She's got to "man up" and anticipate a certain amount of mud being slung her way. Hillary Clinton, for all her faults, would never be caught unaware by a provoking one-liner like that.

Or as another example, think about Bernie Sanders, in the Democratic primary. From his own party; not yet from archfiend Trump. Sanders' own party called him a kook, didn't take him seriously, and harped on the "socialist" charge that they presumed would be a rallying standard against him for Republicans, etc. But I don't remember him showing any discomfort with that or letting on that it was getting to him.

I really do like Warren, but it is of paramount importance for any Presidential candidate to develop a thick enough skin to weather the smear campaign that is guaranteed to be headed their way. And this small throwaway interview isn't a sign that she can't get there, but it is a sign that she's still got plenty of work to do if she has those aspirations. Based on that, at this point I'd feel better if Sanders was the heir apparent (although that seems very unlikely given the current heads-up-asses state of the DNC). But Warren definitely has plenty of time to get to where she needs to be.

ChaosEngine said:

The thing is it clearly DID bother her and I don't think there's anything wrong with that. Rather than saying that was "was softball compared to what she'd face if she runs in 2020", we should expect a higher level of political discourse.

Trump can't be allowed to become the norm, and sinking to his level (even if only to mock him) just further entrenches that behaviour.

Otherwise, we really WILL end up with idiocracy.

Reedus wheeled Off Air by stagehand in awkward moment

Reedus wheeled Off Air by stagehand in awkward moment

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Oroville Spillway Damage, Rebar?, Oroville Dam 2-27-17

bobknight33 says...

I have been watching this for the last 2 weeks. Most of CA dams at above normal levels, some at critical levels. A lot of sitting on pins and needles about this and possible Dam failure. Yesterday they shut down the dam so no water is released for inspection and repairs. They have forecast 6 to 8 good days of weather to do dredging and repairs. Hope all goes well.

I have been watching this guy he has been doing a great job.

Lake Oroville dam spillway damage

Kinda oddly a fail and a win at the same time. No one died

Mekanikal says...

I read there was a malfunction in the guard arms and they didn't come down. Due to the weather the truck driver looked right but didn't see the train because of fog and rain. A truck that size isn't very quick and you get what we see here. Good to know everyone is ok.


eric3579 (Member Profile)

Nephelimdream jokingly says...

Well, when you have 18 fucking teams to pick and choose from anybody can be a fair weather fan. What I'm unsure of is just how y'all hydrate the athletes? Hasn't that shithole state burned down yet? Or is mother nature just waiting for SoCal to finally have it's last acre catch fire before she does us all a favor and douses the flames in the Pacific? I'm always rooting for the San Andreas Fault (would seriously be a great team/band name). Anyway, when the Patriots or Chiefs bounce your D-less Jokeland team, feel free to take a reflective walk on a polluted, overcrowded, homeless' toilet beach while I seclude myself in the backcountry, where our votes actually count. Far away from dirty syringes, plastic people, and a crumbling infrastructure. Enjoy that sunshine though! (google that, we get plenty of sun too, it's part of getting the best of all 4 seasons here.)

Maryland fuel tanker plunges off highway I-95 and explodes

oritteropo says...

The yt description is:

This is video of a fuel tanker sliding over the rail on I-95 this AM and EXPLODING shortly after.
2 killed in 40-vehicle pileup after tractor-trailer plunges off highway in Maryland

More info in various places from google news search, including the Baltimore Sun here

newtboy said:

Any follow-up information?
Scary stuff, if the trucks can't stop in time to avoid a highly visible explosion and fire, they clearly couldn't stop in time if traffic stopped. This video should be a part of truck driver training.

Comcast Repairmen Unconcerned Of Wrecks They Are Causing

poolcleaner says...

Everyone in this video is doing something wrong. Rather than picking a side to blame, why don't we judge the situation neutrally. I definitely blame the drivers because they're driving like assholes during poor weather conditions -- but that doesn't make Comcast employees who apathetically enforce safety protocols or a vigilante transit authority with a smartphone right either. Fails all around.

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