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BMW XXXL Tablecloth Pull

Put down the Pipe ... (Sift Talk Post)

Sagemind says...

I thought about it, but I haven't even installed my video editing software, never mind learned how to use it. I'm a 2D static image kind of guy thus far. Maybe I could try to think of something, but..., I can't be depended on for this one

Coolest Clock ever

CaptainPlanet says...

cheesemoo, theres no way 24 hours of doing that.

you're thinking he did every minute of every hour, right? thats 12 hours

more likely only an hour worth of minutes, each individual hour, and some clever video editing.

Crazy Girlfriend Smashes Xbox

crillep says...

>> ^EDD:
I don't care why this was staged or filmed, I only care about one thing: what is this fake pos doing on the front page of the Sift with so many votes??

If you read the other comments you would see that a huge portion of people are aroused by this video including:

1. People who like to point out sheit is fake
2. Gamers in general
3. People who like watching gamers get pissed off

I suppose most sifters fall into one of these categories. If this trend continues videosift will be ruined. Please go back to youtube if you upvoted this video.

edit: I almost forgot to mention the "blonde girl in thumbnail" factor

Tonight Show: Sarah Palin on Oprah (edited)

Tonight Show: Sarah Palin on Oprah (edited)

Sarah Palin Fans: Not That Bright

ryanbennitt says...

I>> ^garmachi:
I've said it before and I'll say it again: I challenge the sift to post a video that shows Sarah Palin in a positive light.

I'm no expert in video editing, but I'm sure you could put one together containing all the clips of her smiling and not saying anything.

Video Toaster - computer magic anno 1990

ant says...

Computer Chronicles FTW! Loved that show when I was younger. Does anyone know where I can get its theme song?

Oh and I used that program on Amiga in the 1997/1998 for a video editing class. Man, it was hard to use!

Upcoming Sift Interview: Pomplamoose (Music Talk Post)

Augmented Reality glasses help average joes repair BMWs

westy says...

This smells of university project. not a bad way to test aplicatoin of 3d modaling animatoin and varouse other 3d / animation video editing skills . but it seems a bit pointless visualizing something like this especially when augmented reality tech already exists that can do this. should have visualized something less obvious that would be possable with augmented reality

There is a fault in reality

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

^It's not about spectacular video editing. This is not a CGI tour-de-force.

It's a piece of art.

Art is subjective, but IMHO this is a really nice creation because of the feelings it evokes in the viewer.

There is a fault in reality

G20 Pittsburgh Protests - Students Trapped and Attacked

Drax says...

I'm just going to point out this video edits out the part with the students on the staircase being allowed to pass by the cops at the top. I have a feeling that was simply a case of cops being given orders and sticking to them.. up till they realized the kids had no where to go and allowed them to pass.

Dancing Raver Granny

Bill O'Reilly BACKS PUBLIC OPTION?!?! HUH?!?! 9/16/09

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Beggar's Canyon