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Palin And Beck Find Common Ground In Crazy Town

vairetube says...

Would an evil scenario be evil? It's your White American duty to investigate adjectives which imply an answer before a question is asked.

Does it makes sense to take insinuations and gossip as factual evidence? Of course. Common sense there. Tried and true.

Does it make sense to propose a hypothetical and then apply your presumptions as factual results, before even testing the hypothesis? Well, you'd probably have to ask a scientist about that... and I'm no flaming faggot... I mean liberal... so I'll just ask my gun what she thinks.

Anyway...just what is going on with the stupid people lately?


right... took them this long to notice they were dumb... and now they are flailing about, trying to conjure some semblence of a platform from which they can legitimize their own fear and hatred of the unknown, in the face of overwhelming factual evidence that contradicts everything they say, do, or believe.

My bad, that was pretty obvious.

Listen Up! - The Gossip

Black Eyed Peas Have Officially Written The Worst Song Ever

Michael Jackson is Dead, Joins Farrah Fawcett (News Talk Post)

Sagemind says...

Michael had his own cutting-edge music studio in his home. His own personal studio. It was featured in a rare interview with him that I haven't been able to find again. You can bet he has hundreds and more songs recorded and archived that we've never heard. That's what he did, That was his life, his hobby, his pastime. On top of that, riffs and beats, and unfinished stuff that can be mixed into many more productions and music. We'll be hearing from him for years!

Michael in my opinion, is like many of the geniuses I have met in my life - And I have had the pleasure to meet several. People with genius talents are socially inept and awkward when it comes to everyday stuff you and I take for granted. They have huge overdeveloped areas of one interest and that has become their one way of functioning and all else flows through that.

Through his music, he has been Amazing, Creative, Fantastic, Mind Blowing, Conceptual, Empathetic, Worldly, Sympathetic to world issues and causes and had a special place in his heart for kids.

He didn't get a childhood, he was forced into music as if it was all that was all that existed. His only fault is that he was good at it and used it as a shield from his fathers anger and did what he was told. As a young mind, his music developed unfathomable amounts but his social skills never evolved. It has been proven that with personal and emotional trauma, the mind is forced to stop developing past that point until that trauma is dealt with. Michael's challenging childhood forced him further into his music and his talents (which was great for us), but at a cost we may never understand (for him).

I for one, have always judged him by his artistic achievements in style, dance and music and chose to ignore the high-profile gossip and drudgery.

His death leaves a huge hole in the heart of the industry! RIP

2000 people download MP3, press play at 4pm and move in sync

Abel_Prisc says...

I love you all, but sometimes, some of you tend to over think things in a negative light a bit. I mean, I get that this isn't everyone's idea of fun, but it definitely wasn't meant to be taken very seriously, and was completely harmless.

I think the innocence displayed is precious, especially when most people's days are filled with gossip and casting judgmental opinions on everything/everybody. I completely support any idea that involves tons of people getting together to be silly out in public. Nothing but smiles all around!

Winstonfeld_Pennypacker (Wtf Talk Post)

Olbermann Attacks Blogger Who Reported Rumors About Him

lampishthing says...

I agree with his actions. I'd interpret this as a discussion of freedom of speech and as he is a well-known and fairly respected personality I think he may have done some good by giving a subjective view of why it is important to "keep in mind The Human Equation", as he said. Of course, that is the subjective view.

Objectively, I'd say this segment highlights the difference between gossip and reporting - a very important point indeed.

Awesome Fan-made Quake Live Trailer

Hot Gossip- I Lost My Heart to a Starship Trooper

mintbbb (Member Profile)

QM & The Rush Right Have One Less Non-Issue (Politics Talk Post)

NetRunner says...

^ Personally, I hope that the various non-progressive parties out there start realizing that they need to spend most of their time on outreach, rather than demonizing their adversaries.

I'd read a conservative blog that was focusing on telling people how they'd solve the problems we'd face in our daily lives, rather than screaming "socialist, communist, babykiller!" all the time.

I have no idea how to fix the media at large, but I see nothing produced anywhere on TV or in most newspapers that blankfist and I would be able to consistently call impartial.

I like the idea of more voices, but I'd prefer to see more depth. Right now everything is treated like a gossip column following the Washington elites, and there's little real reporting on the actual issues. They don't ask the bailed out banks what their plans are to try and fix their major problems, they follow them around and look for signs of excess spending with taxpayer dollars.

They've pretty much all pulled their reporters out of Iraq, so it's very hard to find out what's going on with the interplay between the various groups are, and let us try to reach our own conclusions about whether it's time for us to withdraw or not.

The oft-maligned Maddow has been one of the few to even raise the question about whether we should be pumping up troops in Afghanistan or not.

No one's trying to get a real conversation going about what the cause of our economic woe is. I'm pretty confident in my picture, but I've had to dig for it, and only PBS has bothered to try to explain it on TV. I know that picture is the majority view of mainstream economists, but we should shine some light on what the Republicans are saying, and while we're at it shine some light on what Austrians are saying.

I'm tired of media coverage being constantly dumbed-down to a preschool level. People in general are smarter than that, and most consumers of news are adults who need to make hard choices, and it'd be good if they were being given meaningful information, instead of a Washington politics reality show.

(And yes, I'm a big fan of that reality show, but people need to know the serious things underlying that reality show, and that there's major consequences when people get voted off the island.)

Tragic School Shooting: The Hat Trick

kceaton1 says...

I agree with you, it does take a bit to see the full scope of what they're making fun of (or pointing out). Even tragedies like school shootings are or kidnappings turn into a frenzy of rumors and gossip. When you ask the media why they do it, they don't have the integrity to come out and say why.

Ad revenue and viewership is what they are concerned about (as is The Onion ironically). Good journalism is second; the social soapbox for their bias comes first and it shows painfully, as in this parody of the real thing.

Kurious - Walk Like A Duck

MrFisk says...

Ah yeah
It's the fat joint right here
Here we...
This joint right here is dedicated to
Well, I'm not malicious
But all those whose words vicious
Talkin behind the back
This shit is wack
Here we go
You need to walk like a duck (walk like a duck)
Walk like a duck (walk like a duck)
You need to walk like a duck (walk like a duck)
Say what? (Like a muthafuckin duck!)
You need to walk like a duck (walk like a duck)
Walk like a duck (walk like a duck)
You need to walk like a duck (walk like a duck)
Yo Jorge, how do ducks walk?
Check it

Kurious was never one for ring around
The rosie, not Josey, but I mosey on down
To a meadow where the flowers stay wilted
So what I ain't hit as many skins as Wilt the Stilt did
It's like that, never labelled a wack
And yo, they choose behind my back to do the Duckville quack
My style is cool, sweet like a ???
But still (what?) you gossip like a bitch
Mental stimulation when I'm rollin with the rat pack
If you're frontin rock, get the doodoo out your knap sack
The fat track provided by the Beat' got you goin
'nuts kickin butts, underneath be when I'm flowin
I'm knowin, you frontin-ass ducks is gettin smeared
My crew rolls thick like a hillbilly's beard
Constipated Monkeys gettin to the point quick
Like my man Apache said: yo, get off (MY DICK!)

It's like that and - ah
Didn't go to Georgia, took the train to Alabama
On the midnight tip like Gladys Knight and the Pips
My sole intention bein to move the marrow in your hips
Family confusion's what motivates the rhymer
Got an aunt named Tom, uncle named Jemima
Kurious Jorge on the welfare line
Plus American Airline never prepared mine
Ears for the poppin, hands for the clappin
If I sense turbulence, commence to see the captain
Two strikes, your motion got a notion of funk
I must prescribe a mint (why?) cause your breath stunk
(Ill) I paid the bills, sent a check to my mama
If you try to wreck my mind, there's mad drama
I'ma deliver one worm for the hawk
Eliminatin quacks on the duck walk

I drop limes like you drop mescaline
Tabs on my tongue as I swung from the swing
And came up with that thing they call 'Walk Like a Duck'
Quite frankly don't give a fuck
Mama raised me humble, so I never ever label
Myself as the best, cause some of the rest got more flavor
But that's okay, beyond a shadow of a doubt
I got skills, I ain't conceited, but still might take you out
Half Puertorican, half Cuban, not Fidel
Castro, like an astro you know I excel
Time to sell mad units, scratchin on my pubics
Complicate confusion like a ?Nick Kubrick? on a Rubik
Who kicks the bubbles that allow the truth to surface?
I never will delete, so I don't defeat the purpose
Slapshot the gift like a hockey puck
Ha-ha, you fuckin duck

Sarah Palin: It's Not Her Fault

13374 says...

I didn't vote for Obama, but he redefined the way a campaign should be run in the 21st century. And that has had to be so frustrating to the McCain aides who just didn't "get it". McCain's inability to relate to the voters was why he couldn't recover from the economic crisis (he was up in the polls until it happened) and Barack Obama and his aides knew how to push all the right buttons. His aides were clearly more qualified than McCain's and everyone in the political sector saw that.

However, now that the election is over, whichever McCain aides leaked all of this are looking to:
a) find a scapegoat, like Campbell Brown said. It would be of utter betrayal and career suicide to speak badly of McCain. And they would never indict themselves.
b) Someone is creating the premise for a future book deal. America loves gossip and drama.

No matter which way you look at it, the fact that the aide/s remain anonymous raises red flags on the validity of the issue. Sadly enough, there will be those who will believe the speculation no matter what. Those people are inherently unfair and would like to see her political career go down in flames. There's nothing anyone can do about that but encourage them to attempt, without bias, to see both sides.

I didn't side with Obama, but I've always been fair in assessing him as a candidate. It's unfortunate that isn't the status quo in a now presumptuous and all too assuming America.

Biden Spanks Right Wing Media Hack

13516 says...

I can't believe these comments and questions that CNN are making/asking! It is like they are trying to make Biden angry and they just fail horribly; Biden actually has the decency and cool to answer intelligently and respectfully while still presenting his distaste for the questions asked, in an entirely respectable fashion. He even says "With all due respect" when responding to the ridiculous Marxist comment; respect that was not even deserved on CNN's part here.

Is CNN really such a right-wing propaganda tool? I thought that was just a popular belief or a joke but I am shocked by this. Here in Finland it is not even a news agencies place to ask subjective and ridiculous questions, they just report the facts and that's that. If people want to read crap, they'll buy a gossip magazine.

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