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EDD (Member Profile)

arvana (Member Profile)

arvana (Member Profile)

vairetube says...

Thanks for the tip! I realized that a lot of videos I could submit are better off in a comments section of whatever related video made me think of them... that way, I don't need to press all those fancy submit buttons, and... people will be sure to see them if they are already into whatever topic! My evil plan is working...

In reply to this comment by arvana:
Is the first one of these on the sift? If not you oughtta submit it!

campionidelmondo (Member Profile)

A10anis (Member Profile)

vairetube says...


ponce and enoch are both good people... you didnt say anything racist that i see (unless you totally changed your post) but they just pushed too hard too fast and things got convoluted. i think your point was a push in the right direction because you are for letting people be educated and choose for themselves, even your own kids.

dunno why they thought muslim was a race, but... shit happens... i think its clear you had an opinion and it isnt completely insane... so... hugs all around.

Jowkie (Member Profile)

vairetube says...

man three months and already a silver star... the sift is strong with u. have a good weekend.. im going to ride my bike around and watch them rope steers from the hill above the rodeo.

ElJardinero (Member Profile)

sallyjune (Member Profile)

ponceleon (Member Profile)

djhenyo (Member Profile)

vairetube says...

what a loser... not only were you wrong when you thought you were right, but you got banned... double hammer blow

lol... Gayist comments??? Maybe hate speech, or Homophobic comments... Gayist? hehehe

ponceleon (Member Profile)

Jowkie (Member Profile)

Jowkie (Member Profile)

Jowkie (Member Profile)

Jowkie (Member Profile)

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