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This Is Not The Greatest Post In The World, No... (Mystery Talk Post)

Talk to Your Parents About John McCain

McCain Claims Obama Rally Crowds Call Him Terrorist, Traitor

chilaxe says...

^It sounds like you're saying (1) you don't believe someone would say that, and (2) you think it would be a justifiable statement.

Here and here are comments from a liberal calling for Palin to be raped. Comedian Sandra Bernhard did so as well.

These are some of the worst examples of excesses on the left, but that trend undermines the legitimacy of our position on the higher ground, and gives conservatives fodder for talking points.

You're Wrong Bill

arekin says...

I think Bill has a minor point in reguards to possession of stole goods, but he fails to understand the fatal flaw is his analogy; if the guy who stole the mail from your mailbox calls his friend, and tells him that you received a letter from your mother that says how you used to wet the bed, that friend is in possession of some juicy gossip, but not the actual letter. He cant be charged with jack. If he wrote down what was on the letter word for word and handed it to his friend, his friend is only in possession of some paper and ink given to him legally and information, which, at least as far as I know has no laws regulating ownership of that information, with the possible exception being IP and copyright law.

Palin's Email basically amounts to the same thing, and screen shots of the emails are nothing more than transmition of information.

84 seconds of Mudkip

New channel suggestions welcome! (News Talk Post)

mintbbb says...

Congrats! I must have missed the post.. I don't read the Sifttalk as often as I should =(

Hubby was mentioning that we need a 'Crime' channel after I posted an arsonist video.

I have though of 'Oceans' or something water related.. 'Watersports' sounds too kinky though (geez, the Internet took my innocense.. the things I have seen, not willingly, lol =) )

I wish we could have an 'idiots' channels, but I think that's the 'wtf' and 'eia' combined. Medical, as mentioned, would be needed, also the 'green' channel..

I'd love to have a 'baking' channel, but I don't think you'd want to create it =) 'Coffee', or 'Drink' would be good, suggested to me.. I think I am going to create 'Europe (or European)' or '90's' channel.. or not, I really have hard time deciding.

I would also LOVE to have a 'hunks' channel but I don't think it is going to happen. 'Celebrities' or 'Gossip' is also out there =)

How about a 'Fire' channel, seeing so many flammable things.. =)

Again, congrats, and I hope lots of good channel ideas pop up!

Dark Knight PSA: Sexual Harassment

McCain Cheats on Wife

It lurks... (Blog Entry by uhohzombies)

schmawy says...

HEYHEY! OhOhZ! Great to see you! Don't worry about how much or little you sift, we're always happy to have you around. I'm sure they have itnerwebs wherever you end up (probably not in basic) So make sure you drop us a line whenever you can.

And if you want to catch up on all the gossip and who's who, just ask!

Glad to hear you're on the mend. That was pretty quick for a busted leg.

How Do You Define Geek (Geek Talk Post)

10444 says...

Ooh yeah I forgot about the definition, otherwise I would've mentioned it as well. It does seem to be a general trend to not include arts and literature, and then have separate categories ( seeing as one trademark would be the dedication to one thing and mere interest in others ). But it also comes down to how those things are approached. If it's some hip gossip without the down-and-dirty awesome details, can the article still be called geeky? Not in my opinion, but it seems to be such in other's.

Thanks for sending a link to him.

Kronosposeidon, Crittter and Swampgirl's Plans Saturday Nite

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'girls night out, bonding, foofy drinks, manicures, make overs, gossip, hugs' to 'girls night in, bonding, foofy drinks, manicures, make overs, gossip, hugs' - edited by calvados

marinara (Member Profile)

thepinky says...

I looked up some info on "September Dawn" for you:

The film has received extraordinarily unfavorable reviews, and holds a 13% overall rating and a 0% Cream of the Crop rating at the aggregate site Rotten Tomatoes as of February 6, 2008. It received a rare "zero stars" review from film critic Roger Ebert, and the New York Post gave the movie an unusual 0/4.

The film has been described by various critics (most or all of whom are not LDS) as "the year's first honest-to-goodness exploitation flick," as "carrying an anti-Mormon agenda," as "some sort of attack piece on the Mormon religion," as "little more than wild-eyed anti-Mormon propaganda," as "a stridently anti-Mormon and cliché-heavy melodrama," as "unbelievably ugly and an insult to Mormons," as a "Swift Boating of Mormonism that advocates the religious intolerance it’s supposedly condemning," as "clearly anti-Mormon," as an "anti-Mormon broadside" that is "certain to fan the flames of hatred toward America's largest homegrown religion and continue the persecution that terrified the original Mormons."

The movie has "the chilling certitude of the self-righteous" that goes beyond "mockery" and is "practically a call to jihad [against Mormons]." It "equates the institution of the Mormon church with Islamic extremism at every opportunity," it is "propaganda pure and simple," is "filmmaking at its worst...full of propaganda," and it "goes way beyond history into the realm of speculation, rumor, myth and gossip." Critics further state that the movie "feel[s] like blatant propaganda," and that there is an "unmistakable air of evil about this enterprise, and not just an atrocity the Mormon church caused to happen 150 years ago" and its negative portrayal of Mormons is "unsubtle (in the manner most closely associated with Dr. Goebbels)."

Ummmm...soooo...I wouldn't exactly base my opinions about Mormons on that movie.

Furthermore, Mormons do not pay their clergy and so are FAR FAR FAR less likely to be corrupt than other religions. I don't really see how corruption plays a role at all.

Every Mormon I have ever come into contact with has been extremely kind, happy, and helpful. I think that the media and other ignorant people choose to focus on the most unusual elements of the religion, take them out of context, and call them crazy. It is incredibly bigoted, intolerant, ignorant, and unkind. I think it is EXTREMELY unfair to compare the LDS church with Scientology. Ridiculous, in fact. For goodness' sake, they're good people. They're just misunderstood.

In reply to this comment by marinara:
pinky, you're trying to be fair to the mormons.
I would rather not be fair.
but then i just watched September Dawn.

I would rather ask.... is Mormons more or less of a con game, than say, Scientology? I actually liked L. Ron Hubbard, can't say the same for Joe Smith.

Mormonism = the church of the latter day saints and the elders and the corrupt and etc.

What Mormons Believe

thepinky says...

To Marinara:

I looked up some info on "September Dawn" for you:

The film has received extraordinarily unfavorable reviews, and holds a 13% overall rating and a 0% Cream of the Crop rating at the aggregate site Rotten Tomatoes as of February 6, 2008. It received a rare "zero stars" review from film critic Roger Ebert, and the New York Post gave the movie an unusual 0/4.

The film has been described by various critics (most or all of whom are not LDS) as "the year's first honest-to-goodness exploitation flick," as "carrying an anti-Mormon agenda," as "some sort of attack piece on the Mormon religion," as "little more than wild-eyed anti-Mormon propaganda," as "a stridently anti-Mormon and cliché-heavy melodrama," as "unbelievably ugly and an insult to Mormons," as a "Swift Boating of Mormonism that advocates the religious intolerance it’s supposedly condemning," as "clearly anti-Mormon," as an "anti-Mormon broadside" that is "certain to fan the flames of hatred toward America's largest homegrown religion and continue the persecution that terrified the original Mormons."

The movie has "the chilling certitude of the self-righteous" that goes beyond "mockery" and is "practically a call to jihad [against Mormons]." It "equates the institution of the Mormon church with Islamic extremism at every opportunity," it is "propaganda pure and simple," is "filmmaking at its worst...full of propaganda," and it "goes way beyond history into the realm of speculation, rumor, myth and gossip." Critics further state that the movie "feel[s] like blatant propaganda," and that there is an "unmistakable air of evil about this enterprise, and not just an atrocity the Mormon church caused to happen 150 years ago" and its negative portrayal of Mormons is "unsubtle (in the manner most closely associated with Dr. Goebbels)."

Ummmm...soooo...I wouldn't exactly base my opinions about Mormons on that movie.

Furthermore, Mormons do not pay their clergy and so are FAR FAR FAR less likely to be corrupt than other religions. I don't really see how corruption plays a role at all.

Every Mormon I have ever come into contact with has been extremely kind, happy, and helpful. I think that the media and other ignorant people choose to focus on the most unusual elements of the religion, take them out of context, and call them crazy. It is incredibly bigoted, intolerant, ignorant, and unkind. I think it is EXTREMELY unfair to compare the LDS church with Scientology. Ridiculous, in fact. For goodness' sake, they're good people. They're just misunderstood.

Bill O Reilly Goes Nuts

Trancecoach says...

he is Soo adorable. It's as if he's got sand in his falafel. This little tidbit should follow BillO around forever -- to demonstrate his soft-spoken demeanor, lest there be any doubt about the Andrea Mackris lawsuit.


In 1989, O’Reilly joined the nationally syndicated King World (now CBS) program Inside Edition, a tabloid/gossip television program in competition with A Current Affair. He started as senior correspondent and backup anchor for British TV host David Frost, and subsequently became the program’s anchor after Frost’s termination.

EDIT: This infamous BillO video is just as good played backwards, as if he's speaking in German, with some interesting B-roll choices.

Bill O'Reilly Goes absolutely Nuts!

Trancecoach says...

he is Soo adorable. It's as if he's got sand in his falafel. This little tidbit should follow BillO around forever -- to demonstrate his soft-spoken demeanor, lest there be any doubt about the Andrea Mackris lawsuit.


In 1989, O’Reilly joined the nationally syndicated King World (now CBS) program Inside Edition, a tabloid/gossip television program in competition with A Current Affair. He started as senior correspondent and backup anchor for British TV host David Frost, and subsequently became the program’s anchor after Frost’s termination.

EDIT: This infamous BillO video is just as good played backwards, as if he's speaking in German, with some interesting B-roll choices.

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