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mintbbb (Member Profile)

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mintbbb (Member Profile)

This Is A Trent Reznor Song - Freddy Scott

In Australia they race tiny boats

newtboy says...

Oh yeah! You Kiwi's are awesome at craziness! I did the Shotover jet boat ride and bungied with AJ Hacket when I was there in the 80's....WOOHOO!
I also love jet boat sprint racing, have for's like formula offroad for boats!

ChaosEngine said:

@eric3579, you misspelt Strayia in the title.

@newtboy, jet boats were invented in NZ. In some dudes shed.

42 lb Flywheel Above Head One Handed

artician says...

There must be a formula for this, that calculates downward pressure (weight I guess) depending on rate of rotation, mass, length of lever and circumference of the spinning object?

The difference new engines make in Formula 1

The difference new engines make in Formula 1

ChaosEngine says...

Well apparently , the organisers of the Australian GP are threatening to sue because it wasn't loud enough. I remember as a kid hearing a formula 1 car in person when one did a demo lap in Dublin. The noise just blew me away, I had literally never heard anything that loud.

Personally, I think this kinda misses the point of F1. GT racing has always been more exciting because it's closer, but that's not why people watch F1. It should be about the best drivers racing the fastest cars. Yeah, the engineering is part of it. Bring back big engines, bring back ground effect, let's really see what the engineers can do.

F1 has always been as much about the technical aspect as the drivers.

And let's face it...Guitars, jet fighters, explosions.... loud things are just fucking awesome. .

Malaysia Airlines MH370 missing flight Preacher predicted p

The difference new engines make in Formula 1

Transforming Formula One: 2014 Rules Explained by Red Bull

oritteropo says...

If there is a button the the steering wheel that gives an extra 100hp for overtaking by whatever method, I'm willing to call it push to pass. I expect that hitting the button would switch the engine to a high power torque mapping, use the MGU-H to spool up the turbo faster, and give a MGU-K boost exactly like last year's KERS button. I would also expect that not every team uses a steering wheel button for this function, but if Williams called it "push to pass" over the radio, I expect that they do. You could also have a separate engine mapping to do the same thing, and I expect that probably some teams do.

The RBR infringement was a bit more complicated than that. The FIA sensor was giving them inaccurate readings (it was reading high), and the FIA told them to apply an offset to the sensor values. They chose to use another method to ensure they weren't exceeding the 100kg/hr limit, and were excluded on the grounds that they had not sought permission from the FIA to do so and that it is not within their discretion to run a different fuel flow measurement method without the permission of the FIA.

I expect their appeal will be on the grounds that they did not in fact exceed the limit, and gained no advantage from their actions... and despite Christian Horner's level of confidence it could go either way. The last report I heard was that although they have lodged their intention to appeal, they have not yet actually tabled the appeal (but have a few more hours to do so).

Actually Mercedes were warned about the same issue. They chose to turn down their engines a bit to avoid the problem.

Formula one has been about getting around the rules at least since the 80s, and RBR have been very good at it. The camera mounting is very much in the category of satisfies the letter of the law, but very much goes against the spirit. I like the approach of using the camera mount as an extra wing actually (is it only the one team who did this?).

CreamK said:

What they meant by this is to use all power available. They got 100l of fuel to go full 1½h race. The fuel flow is limited to 100l/h. That means they need to use around 67l/h on average, this of course decreases during braking and is almost at max during acceleration. Also energy recovery and the release of that energy has some leeway to be used in different ratios, it is limited to 33s per lap. How that energy is divided, is up to the team.. So they will have the full boost of 160hp from ERS and full 100l/h fuel flow when using "push to pass" button but it's nowhere near the common definition of that function. Traditional push to pass is high boost, on 2014 F1 it means few percentages of power. The correct term would be "overtake mode".

RBR infringed fuel flow rule and no other team had been even warned, FIA has guidelines that teams should calibrate with enough margins to void minor differences between sensors. RBR refused to do this and counted on FIA not counting that marginal change. FIA had stated pre-season that in no case there will be extra fuel flow allowed, it's almost zero tolerance policy.

They've done this before, made a marginal rule infringement and got away with Charlie Whitings slap on the wrist:"change it to the next race".. Their camera mountings is already one of those little things that is technically legal and at the same is not.. It all depends if the TV crews can find a suitable camera. If they say "no", the rules are clear: they need unobstructed view.. That small hole hardly allow high quality picture, the only lens that could even remotely suffice is fisheye lens with a mask: it is not their standard equipment.. RBR most likely will have to change those too (imho, so should merc camera pods and mclaren parachutes too). Compare that to Williams 360 camera pod and it's pretty clear what FIA means by "enough room to fit camera" means.

Last year they had holes on the floor in monaco: ruling was, change them to the next race.. Then there was the TC scandal, RBR used illegal engine mappings.. They used them last year too when there was a ban of feeding fuel to exhaust during zero throttle to feed the blown diffuser: RBR chuckled and used them anyway.. They still have the duct inside the nose, it violates the intention of the rule but is legal technically. Of course the severity of the punishment is a clear sign: FIA just showed that no more of that bullshit, RBR has to start respecting rules.

Transforming Formula One: 2014 Rules Explained by Red Bull

oritteropo says...

No, this idea is the opposite of formula 1. The lower formulas have equal equipment, but at the top it's all about getting whatever advantage you can get, however you can get it.

eric3579 said:

Also seems like the winning driver isnt necessarily the best driver if his equipment is slightly superior. Do they ever have races where the equipment (cars in this case) are equal in every way?

Inside the 2014 Renault F1 engine

The Duel: Timo Boll vs. KUKA Robot

eric3579 says...

Im guessing the possibility to one day create a competitive table tennis robot is doable but doubt they are anywhere near that now technologically (just a guess). The info that has to be gathered before each shot and the ability for the computer/robot to counter with the best type of shot seems like a daunting task for the computer/robot to make.

From this video im guessing that it wouldn't take much of a table tennis player to destroy a robotic competitor. I see nothing here that makes me think this robot could play worth a shit competitively. Way to easy to exploit it's shortcomings is my guess.

Now a robotic pool player seems much more realistic.

How about computer controlled car in a formula one race?

Full-Length 'Transformers:Age of Extinction' Trailer Is Out

chingalera says...

Amen. It's official, Transformers suck ginormous ballzak kids....Grow the fuck up already!
MIke Bay?? Yer a hack-tacular formulaic disaster-porn douchbag!

F1 Pit Stop Perfection

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