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Nicolas Prost sends Nick Heidfeld into a violent crash

EMPIRE says...

it's not silent. It's actually louder than a regular car. But it's not a combustion engine sound obviously. It's that high pitch noise of an electric engine.

edit: by regular car, I mean a road car. not a formula 1 car.

Nicolas Prost sends Nick Heidfeld into a violent crash

27 Simpsons Facts You Probably Don't Know

artician says...

I always know 90%+ of whatever kind of shit these lists are going to show, but I still watch them, and then I realized these have the same formula that shitty reality-TV shows do. They just rope in an audience with content that will make them feel superior in some way. Ugh.

There! I just saved all of us from a mess of more unnecessary videos!

Hollywood Hates Math

Sagemind says...

People hate math because it's logical. People, most often, are illogical.
Not to mention, math is for people who have great memories and can memorize all the formulas.

Disclaimer, I have a lousy memory. Math frustrates me for that reason, but I still love it.

Coulthard on team orders

gorillaman says...

Would you say drawing random hands of cards is what makes poker interesting?

Racing, by whatever limited definition I assume you're using that excludes all application of intellect, isn't one tenth of Formula 1.

Actually attending the events, incidentally, is quite the wrong way to appreciate the complexities of the game. It seems to me that you're nothing more than a shallow, gawping spectacle-whore.

ChaosEngine said:

Well, that's a useful and well though out comment.

Racing is what makes F1 interesting, and quite frankly, this kind of bullshit is exactly why it's viewership is declining.

I used to be a huge F1 fan. I've actually been to two grand prix (Hungarian and German) and even I don't really watch it anymore.

Sarah Palin argues it's time to impeach Obama

chingalera says...

Sorry-You are wrong, wrong, wrong. The '24-hour-news' cycle is an illusion. This shit is pumped-into homes 24/7 with a view to PROGRAMMING you.

If you'd like an example of how effective the formula of disinformation and distraction has become, you have but to read this thread and compare the opinions and editorializing on this ("Palins' a fucking idiot", fucking, "fox is shit, blah, blah, blah") particular distraction, to a grade-school argument over which character from the Transformers is the strongest, why dogs are better than cats, etc.

Editorializing over these talking-head fuck-sticks....Mind-numbingly retarded and an insult to meaning and intelligence. Please peeps, get a clue.

Television has become the worst drug imaginable, a weapon and tool of fascists and thugs, and you people eat the shit up like Skittles....Behold the instrument of your brain's demise.

VoodooV said:

wow, they really are copying fox news.

I may completely agree with him but that was ridiculous, but then again, Orly is a ridiculous person. I guess that's the question then. What's worse, giving ridiculous people a platform, or a press that behaves ridiculously too?

im thinking this is just a symptom of the 24 hour news cycle. they don't have enough news to fill that 24 hours, so they create their own drama. giving airtime to people who are not experts and who are not rational.

Susie Wolff makes F1 history at the British Grand Prix

Susie Wolff makes F1 history at the British Grand Prix

oritteropo says...

The problem is that Williams don't own the rights to the footage, so can't include it in their video.

Women generally have the advantage of being a bit smaller and lighter, and as there are a lot more young women coming up through the junior formulas, I expect it's only a matter of time before we get one racing in F1.

Susie is pretty good, and I wish her all the best, but I doubt it will be her.

ChaosEngine said:

Kinda disappointing we didn't actually see her drive. I know motorsport is physically demanding, but you would still imagine that a woman should be able to compete on an equal footing in an actual race.

Good luck to her, hope she actually gets a racing seat at some point.

andyboy23 (Member Profile)

bareboards2 says...

I think I have hit the magic formula. Thanks to @EMPIRE. It was his idea.

As someone who loves to exchange ideas, I have learned that the internet just isn't a good place to have a conversation. We sit at our computers, throwing monologues at each other.

This one was a great example -- he said something untrue in the first sentence, I wasn't able to correct it, and off he went, building up a head of steam based on an error in reading comprehension.

I have done the same thing, of course. Built up a head of steam in error.

But empire's idea to actually talk in real time? Brilliant. I'm so thrilled at having a new tool for REALLY getting into topics.

And if they don't want to, well, they don't want to. I made the offer.

Empire is my hero.

andyboy23 said:

You've got mad patience, props!


chingalera says...

So what the comments so far here resemble may be perhaps an example of a sense of doubt based-upon a lifetime of a steady diet of a formulaic and programmed expectation of how reporting should be rendered in order to feed a denial of common-sense equity, and civil liberties being shat upon, then digested, and fed back disguised as a healthy sustenance?

Perhaps if Brian Williams raps it out you can all continue to swallow cheeseburgers after voting in the next major election of cunts who'll straighten-out the foul injustice of unprofessional journalism...

Bilderberg Member "Double-Speaks" to Protestors

chingalera says...

Formulaic programming for one's entire life forcing nominally capable peeps to stomach the deliberately obtuse ramblings of spokesfucks for criminal machines renders an otherwise capable mind into farina.

Edgar Wright - How to Do Visual Comedy

Xaielao says...

Old School is perhaps the best american comedy in a decade. That said, I absolutely agree. Comedy here is very one-dimensional. It's jokes, nothing else. Usually very base ones that everyone will get with a spattering of 'gut-laughs'. I agree one of the biggest reasons as Drachan commented on is just how regimented and formulaic our entertainment is in this country.

This also exemplifies why I am so very torn with Edgar Wright leaving Ant Man and potentially Marvel. He's one of the best directors around and so very inventive. I adored World's End, though my favorite of the 'trilogy' will always be Hot Fuzz.

On the flip side, as a fan of the comic Scott Pilgrim was a terrible movie. He clearly took a lot of creative license with the beloved graphic novel while at the same time totally putting off the audience while at the same time doing nothing to bring in people who have never heard of it previously, which is why it bombed so very hard.

So he left Ant Man, easily one of my top 5 favorite Marvel characters, because of creative differences. I suspect he wanted to do something very different then the established material and Marvel was against that because they want to link him to their other movies (DUH!). So while I think the movie could potentially have been fantastic under his direction, it could just as easily have been marvels biggest bomb since Hulk.

Mark Ronson: How sampling transformed music

ChaosEngine says...

WD-40 wasn't patented because they didn't want to disclose the formula to the competition. In theory, no-one outside the company knows how to make it, so they do guard their IP zealously.

That said, there are certainly ways for content creators to get paid without copyright. I'm not arguing that.

For example, I've participated in a small amount of open-source development. I was paid by the company I work for to do it, because they needed features added to an existing open source product.

Then there's the whole SAAS model and open-source support model etc.

I think all of those are great and if that's the way someone wants to run their business model and it works for them, then more power to them.

The key point here is that it's their choice. They created the IP, put in the hours of work, etc. I believe that if you create something, it's up to you how you monetise it, and one of those options is copyright. It's kinda hilarious that certain so-called "libertarians" are arguing against a content creators right to decide how they make money with their creation.

sidenote: for someone called arugumentativeasshole, you've been neither.

argumentativeasshole said:

I think the notion that creators won't get paid without copyright is a bit far-fetched. Just as the notion that existence of copyright ensures creators will get paid is a bit far-fetched.

It's certainly not impossible to make money as a creator without the benefit of copyright or patent or similar concepts. WD-40 famously was never patented, for example. Many software developers give away software and charge for service agreements on the software they've written. There's no copyright or patent system protecting that income stream -- anybody could offer service for the software they've written. But, they still manage to make money. Some of them a lot of money.

It's not impossible (or maybe even harder) for a creator to make money without copyright or patent. It's just a different process.

Clown Panties

chingalera says...

So who would you speaking of here, boynewt? Some people for example,only enjoy comedy of a higher-order. Some people continually laugh at themselves and encourage others to remove similarly, sticks and/or cobs from their own impacted orifices.

High comedy encourages us all to laugh at the world....Kinna like I'm laughing now.

Some comedy is formulaic and boorish and soon peters-out like a fast-burning fire of pine and dry brush, which would be my own prediction for Surly Sally here.

newtboy said:

Some people have problems with ANYTHING that doesn't stroke their ego just right.
Some people simply have no sense of humor about/can't laugh at themselves. They should stay away from comedians.
Comedy is always at someone's expense.

Formula 1 Pit Stop: 1950's & Today

rhiadon says...

Also somewhat interesting because it's weird: The 1950's clip is from the Indianapolis 500. It's only tangentially related to Formula 1. At least during some part of the history of the race, Formula 1 championship points were awarded for the Indy 500, probably because many of the F1 drivers competed in the race. Slightly more interesting would have been seeing a pit stop of an actual F1 race from 1950 since they would have had a different governing body and probably different rules.

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