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Zonbie (Member Profile)

Stuffed Animal Slaughterhouse Truck - Banksy

Guy films juvenile kestrel in the backyard when suddenly...

Buck says...

I'd LIKE to be where Shang is psycologically (spelling) but having been raised IN the city I would have to be taught from day one. So I go get styrofoam packed meat and hate myself for the tasty steak that had a HORRIBLE life compared to ANY of the game that Shang has harvested.

I've never even tried venison!!! *cry*

edit: oh and I LOVE to be in Nature. I bring my dogs on a 3 hour backwoods hike (with rattlesnakes and bears) and love to see nature frolick but at the end of the day I like to grill up some meat, maybe a potatoe and throw some lettuce on the plate and bam...dinner.

How to Coil Cables

chingalera says...

You'd be surprised to discover how many thousands of so-called intelligent peeps be unable to execute the simplest of opposable digit tasks. My ex-father-in-law, a published, successful pulmonary physiologist at a world-renown hospital couldn't wield a shovel to save his life. I often refer to this line from a Heinlein novel as a road map to what is is to be an actual, human being:
"A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects." — Robert Heinlein, Time Enough for Love

If you live on planet now, are located in a first-worldlier country with a reasonable amount of "education" , are over 30 years of age and are not approaching the level-up to polymath or renaissance person, yer a fuckin' lazystupid

carnivorous said:

Cable coiling for dummies. Seriously? Who here can't coil a cable suitably enough in all their years of existence?

Mexican Cuisine in California

shagen454 says...

There are many misconceptions of Mexican Cuisine. I am probably one of many that apart of this misconception. I have noticed many Indian and Thai restaurants have Mexicans cooking those respective cuisines, not because they are cheap labor but because they are diverse in their respective trades.

"Mexican" food is popular all over but the Taquerias in San Francisco are well known around the US and locally. But, the food served in the Taquerias are actually a San Franciscan cuisine. The San Francisco burrito is just that. It was made here, it is an American food influenced by Mexican cuisine but geared towards us gringos. This is not necessarily true for everything on the menu of course.

Regardless, it is very good. Surprisingly, one of my favorite "Mexican" food spots is in a very industrial area of Oakland in the form of a food truck. You would never know it by the taste of the food. IT IS AMAZINNNNNNN!!! Amazingly tasty fresh salsa. a secret spicy salsa, great beans, great tortilla, tomato friend rice, carne asada to scream for. The best tacos I have ever had in Cali and a burrito that rivals SF's best and they do it everyday, so it is not a fluke and it takes place on a truck.

This Man Loves His Food

DIY Red Bull - Making Your Own Energy Drink

The world's fastest pancake maker?

Dog Reacts Unusually To Oinking Pig Toy

Japan- Live frog sushi

chingalera says...

S'called long-pig and if ya had the right hunger and seasonings you'd probably adjust if you had to in a pinch. Personally, I'd forage and sprout and the occasional rabbit, squirrel, possum, turtle or nutria, which are all quite tasty. oh and fish, frogs, snails, and snakes-You can eat all that and not feel guilty, as long as it's not STARING AT YOU FROM THE PLATE!! Fuuuuk!

steroidg said:

Man, sometimes I think humans deserve to be enslaved and eaten by a superior race just for the Efed up things we do... Then again, what race will want to eat a filthy human?

Anonymous: Operation American Freedom

“SI” Swimsuit Model Has Oral Sex With Fish Sandwich

lucky760 says...

I don't think I've ever seen gracilis muscles in a television commercial before.

As much as these things involuntarily stimulate the amygdala, I'd rather they not be so easily accessible on television. I have concerns about my boys' perspectives and expectations of women becoming perverted.

P.S. If anyone tries that sandwich, let me know how it goes. It looks pretty tasty, and I'm glad they're offering an un-battered, un-fried fish sandwich.

Hitchhiker Gives Psycho An Ax To The Head

Filipino Eggrolls Ala Choggie

chingalera says...

They were thick -I pictured standard small egg roll sized instead of taquito-gauged....more rolling! That last pile there was round 5-We killed about 20 between 3 peeps in about 30 minutes....tasty-I've done all the deep-frying I'll do for the entire year!

Quentin Tarantino: 'I'm shutting your butt down!'

chingalera says...

....Weelll, I feel like punching the shitty interviewerHe was quite polite about kicking the dead-horse but he did keep hammering the fucking issue ad-nauseum. I thought his interviewing skills on par with Fred Rodgers when he used to ask professionals in his "neighborhood" about their jobs...."Well Mr. Baker, how do we get all those tasty rolls from this sticky dough, into this happy little gravy-biscuit?"

This interviewer ranks well-below rank amateur. To rephrase, he's a fucking idiot in an ugly suit.

albrite30 said:

I really love the interviewers' tenacity in trying and eventually failing to get Quentin Tarantino to talk about the violence topic. Thumbs up for the interviewer.

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