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Live Views of Starman

ant jokingly says...


o/` Here in my car
I feel safest of all
I can lock all my doors
It's the only way to live in cars.

Here in my car
I can only receive
I can listen to you
It keeps me stable for days in cars.

Here in my car
Where the image breaks down
Will you visit me please
If I open my door in cars

Here in my car
You know I've started to think
About leaving tonight
Although nothing seems right in cars. o/`

lurgee (Member Profile)

Bitcoin Is Super Safe, Not Insane Thing to Invest In

Grosse Pointe Blank - Shooting Scene With Doom 2 Arcade

Why Japan Has No Mass Shootings

Drachen_Jager says...

While I agree with the broad strokes of your argument, positing that life is soooo much better in Japan completely overlooks the sky-high suicide rate there (consistently one of the top countries in the world).

Life may be less desperate, but obviously there are serious underlying issues.

The US government's blind support of massive corporations certainly is a factor. Allowing them to triple the cost of insulin over the past decade or so in spite of the fact that manufacturing costs are stable or even falling is part of what causes patients like the above to ration their supply.

I also found out recently that all financially motivated crime in the US (theft, auto crime, robbery etc.) as a total cost is less than half of the wage theft practiced by big corporations (short-changing vacation time and paychecks mostly). In fact the #1 type of wage theft is underpaying minimum-wage workers, which alone accounts for more than all of the typical "crimes" combined.

If that doesn't lead to homicidal rage, I don't know what does.

radx said:

Want to cut down the number of deaths by firearms? Stop tolerating shit like this:

"Shane Patrick Boyle, a founder of Zine Fest Houston, died on March 18 after his GoFundMe campaign to pay for insulin came up $50 short. Alec Raeshawn Smith, age 26, was found dead in his apartment on June 27. He was rationing his insulin after he aged out of his parent’s insurance coverage."

After everything is said and done, desperation/poverty is what should be looked at the hardest. Nothing makes people go apeshit as much as intolerable living conditions.

Universal background checks, bans on high cap mags, etc -- that's just doctoring around the edges. Get the Works Progress Administration going again. And while you're at it, revive the CCC and the PWA as well.

Aside from atrocious working hours and societal pressures, life in Japan is a lot less desperate than in most other countries. The low unemployment alone does wonders.

ABC News: Purity Balls: Lifting the Veil on Special Ceremony

shinyblurry says...

When you're talking about something that clearly skews the stats, like hyper religious people thinking divorce is totally a slap at God, that's not confirmation bias, it's statistics.

It's also evidence that it is a better way of life, but that is something you apparently refuse to consider. That is why I am calling confirmation bias.

Do you feel the same about those who imprison women, force their silence with abuse, and treat them like abused pets because their religion says that's proper? What if they're Christians?

The bible says that husbands should lay down their lives for their wives, like Christ loved the church and died for it.

What say you about those God has chosen to be non believers? According to you, God created them with no purpose besides eternal torture in hell, because according to you they have no alternative since God never revealed himself to them so heaven is barred to them. Pretty fucked up God imo. I prefer Mt (Mot, Mewt, etc). He's older than Yahweh and far more honest and stable.

It's not that God wouldn't reveal Himself to them; a lot of ex-christian atheists simply inherited the faith of their parents, and when they got turned loose in the world, they fell away because they didn't really know God. They need to have their own faith that is wholly theirs. No one can make you or by proxy give your life to Christ. That is a decision each individual person has to come to on their own.

ABC News: Purity Balls: Lifting the Veil on Special Ceremony

newtboy says...

When you're talking about something that clearly skews the stats, like hyper religious people thinking divorce is totally a slap at God, that's not confirmation bias, it's statistics.

Do you feel the same about those who imprison women, force their silence with abuse, and treat them like abused pets because their religion says that's proper? What if they're Christians?

What say you about those God has chosen to be non believers? According to you, God created them with no purpose besides eternal torture in hell, because according to you they have no alternative since God never revealed himself to them so heaven is barred to them. Pretty fucked up God imo. I prefer Mt (Mot, Mewt, etc). He's older than Yahweh and far more honest and stable.

shinyblurry said:

I'm not really debating about the quality of the marriage, although I believe that would be far better to only love one person and stay with them your entire life. Your argument about the rates being skewed because they are highly religious; it's interesting that you choose to explain that away rather than count it as evidence for the opposing view. That's a classic case of confirmation bias.

When I said Christians raise Christians, I meant it to mean that you shouldn't be surprised that these men are raising their daughters that way. I think you should be thanking God to see a father in this day and age take such an interest in his daughters well being. They are following biblical principles which is exactly what they should be doing.

There are plenty of ex-christian atheists, I understand your point. However, a profession of faith doesn't make you a Christian; God has to do a work in your heart. You have to be born again and many of those "ex" christians never met God. There will be some though that did meet God and fell away from the faith.

Harvey Weinstein, Trump, Systemic Sexism: A Closer Look

BicycleRepairMan says...

FUCK, i hate it when someone i agree with makes a poor argument, Yes, Trump is a self-admitted sexist and sexual harraser, and perhaps worse (even in that field), and he is totally unfit for any pulic office, but his (unwarranted) assault on PR's mayor cannot be explained by sexism; case in point: his latest twitter barrage(among many like it) was against bob corker (old, white,male, republican) or, in Trumps words "liddle corker" and its all because he lashes out uncontrollably against ANYONE that ushers the slightest hint of criticism of him or his ideas. And this is the problem with Trump: He is just.. insane.. the guy is not stable. Regardless of his sexism, racism,sexual predatoriness, HE IS NOT FIT FOR OFFICE.

Vox explains bump stocks

newtboy says...

I don't believe for one second that you could keep up that rate for a full minute, much less over 10. If you take the time it takes to aim a 300 yard shot accurately, you're talking 10-12 shots per minute.
Shooting with your finger at maximum speed is always far less accurate and slower than full auto with the same gun. You have to prove it to me that I'm wrong, because that's simple logic. Full auto is a more stable rate, so easier to adapt to, and doesn't require you to vibrate one hand, shaking the gun, dividing your attention, and tiring you out.
It's silly to imply the full auto functionality didn't exponentially raise the number both wounded and killed. Without the crowd, it might have made less difference. With the crowd, absolutely not imo.

harlequinn said:

I shoot regularly (often multiple times per week). My lazy firing rate has splits (time between shots) of approximately 0.2 seconds. I can do that for a long time (many minutes before I slow done). That is a rate of 300 rounds per minute. My fast splits are approximately 0.12 seconds. I can't do that for very long (probably one magazine). That is a rate of 600 rounds per minute.

An AR-15 on full auto fires at approximately 600 rounds per minute - twice what I can do on semi-auto. Using a competitive shooter as an example, and taking into account magazine changes (which with training are done much quicker than any of the operators in AR-15 to failure tests I've seen), and assuming lazy splits of 0.30 seconds, a competitive shooter can probably fire at a faster rate per minute than a novice can on full auto (i.e. well more than the approximately 150 rounds per minute a novice shooter achieves when taking into account magazine changes).

The thing is, it is well known in military and firearm enthusiast circles that the massive reduction in accuracy when shooting on full auto does not give the perceived payoff. You have much less control when firing a fully automatic firearm. You hit your target less often. Semi auto plus aiming = hits on target. At the range he was shooting (300 to 350 meters), the same lunatic deciding to aim his firearm would have resulted in less wounding and more fatalities.

Any ex-military here? Chime in.

Low-Fat Foods Are Making You Fatter - Adam Ruins Everything

transmorpher says...

Good point, I was too lazy to post the link, my bad. List of quotes from people who Gary has misrepresented:

(for newtboy, notice how this is not a vegan website, nor are the people complaining about Gary Taubes vegan researchers)

Sugar consumption going down since the late 90s

Indeed this video is about sugar, but it's a common strategy to use sugar to demonise carbs(the only research you will ever find where "carbs" are bad for you, always use sugar of some type). Every single popular diet today uses this kind of shitty research to back up their diets. They're all variations of low-carb: atkins, paleo, keto, isogenics etc because this is what sells the most animal products, which is a far more lucrative industry than grains and beans. But possibly more importantly it doesn't work in the long run! So you have repeat customers. They lose weight quickly for 6 months, then in 12-18 months time they are heavier than how they started.

BTW this is vegan

You don't have to eat healthy all the time once you are at a stable weight and your other biosigns are good, pig out every now and then .

Life won't be so short this way ;-) (on average 13 years longer)

ChaosEngine said:

They're talking about sugar, not carbs.

"Gary Taubes, who's made a living misrepresenting science."
How so? If you're going to make such a claim, back it up.

"Despite sugar consumption going down"
Really? I have yet to see any evidence that that's the case.

"Stuff your face with this food "
Eh, life is way too short to eat vegan food.

Bernie Sanders shows support for aims of Jeremy Corbyn

dannym3141 says...

So this is relevant because of a recent surge in support for "radical left" (i.e. democratic socialist, centre-left) Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn who has had a huge surge in popularity in recent weeks in a general election campaign he was expected to catastrophically lose by all mainstream sources.

Since winning two Labour party leadership elections in 2015, voted in by historic margins by ordinary members having their say for the first time, he has faced hostile criticism from all mainstream media sources and most politicians including his own party.

The grass roots, which helped drive his earlier victories, appears to be doing the same thing for him in this general election campaign. The grass roots involvement has included youth musicians, artists and activists coming together from multiple campaigns (Save The NHS, WASPI, most unions, including teachers, fire, police and transport, and far too many other interest groups to mention, including multiple disability campaigners). As well as individuals, parents, elderly, and Momentum - a group formed in the afterglow of his leadership win.

On the other hand, Theresa May's and the Tory party's campaign has gone from disaster to disaster. After claiming to be the party of economic security, they released an entirely uncosted manifesto (Labour's was fully costed, other party's included some costings). After trying to make it a match of personalities, she has gone from robotic gaffe to robotic gaffe, dodging questions whilst Corbyn's easy charm and honesty has gone quite a way to show those weaknesses up. She has claimed to be stable and strong, and the best hand to negotiate Brexit, but performed u-turn after u-turn and is now avoiding all but mandatory press contact because her and her brand have become toxic, thanks to things like the "Dementia Tax" and a promise to vote again on allowing barbaric fox hunting. She has been caught out, and regardless of the results of the general election, Theresa May is finished as Conservative leader. Potentially, the back of austerity has been broken and exposed. A movement has been started and even if the Tory's win, watch out for a mass people power'd intervention over their heinous plans.

God i could go on, this has been amazing to watch. Obviously i'm biased towards Labour, and whilst a centre-right opponent might describe things differently, the facts are the same.

Significant things are happening in the UK right now, not wholly dissimilar from the rise of Sanders, only this time it's for the actual prime minister position - Corbyn managed to outmaneuver the corruption of his party. If the election was 2 weeks longer i would predict a huge Labour landslide. After being so ridiculed by a hostile media for so long, election bias rules have forced the press into giving Corbyn a fair hearing and the more people see, the more they appear to like. The question is, have people already cast their vote by post? Will people turn up and vote? A big turnout is expected to favour Labour. A strong youth turnout will be hugely beneficial to Labour.

Cyclist Uses Aerodynamics Over Leg Strength

newtboy says...

When I rode 30+ miles a day, almost 30 years ago, I used to do something similar on downhills. I wouldn't take the toe clips off, but I would hang my ass over the rear wheel with the seat in my gut. This flattened my body and made me more aerodynamic (but not nearly as much as he is) and put my weight farther back and lower, meaning I could brake much harder without going over the front. His center of gravity probably goes higher in this position with his legs that high. Since my feet never left the pedals, I could still pedal if needed and get back upright in an instant.

I never raced, so I don't know if this would have been against any specific rules, but taking your feet off the pedals that way would make you far less stable, imagine if he had to brake or swerve, and reattaching at speed is no walk in the park either, so it's probably considered a likely hazard to others and banned...but that is just a guess.

Fairbs said:

do you know the rationale with banning? Potential danger to other riders? It's interesting to me that it would be banned. Kind of like the first guy that went over backwards on the high jump, it seems like a legit innovation.

John Oliver - Sweden and Undercovered Stories

newtboy says...

Where to start? You're provably wrong on every single point you made.

It's actually been made clear he mistook a political anti-immigrant interviewee and clips from their movie (already debunked, btw) he watched on Fox for a news report on crime in Sweden.

2016 Swedish crime surveys showed a stable crime rate over the last decade, no marked rise. This was just one of the falsehoods in the movie/interview, and a good example of why getting his "information" from Breitbart and Fox and discarding the intelligence community as political opponents is treason level incompetence.

The vast majority of voters don't, and didn't support him. He lost the election, bigly, he only won the electoral college.

There are so many reasons he's a disaster to talk about that we need every mouth available on the job. ;-)

A-Winston said:

Uh, pretty sure it's been made clear Trump was referring to the marked rise in crime among the immigrant population there relative to before the recent migrations into Sweden. Seriously, it's this sort of liberal bias even in humor that got Trump elected. Keep pissing off the majority of voters like this and it's just gonna get worse. Would someone please shut John Oliver and Bill Maher the hell up so more rational liberal analysts can properly explain why Trump is not good for the country?

Lake Oroville dam spillway damage

ForgedReality says...

Yeah it's really easy. I'm impressed that you can fly those tiny office toys. They're way too fidgety for me because they're so small.

This one is ultra stable and easy to control. It has numerous flight modes that you can use to even partially or completely automate flight. I've only had it a couple of weeks and haven't had a ton of flight time yet, but I'm thoroughly impressed with it.

Payback said:

I've been thinking of getting a quadcopter w/camera. I understand it's fairly reasonable for what you get.

Is it easy to use for a noob? I'm pretty decent with those $50 USB-chargeable ones from a flying standpoint.

How NFL rule changes made linemen gigantic - YouTube

MilkmanDan says...

Umm. By far the biggest reason for the shift is the specialization factor, mainly spurred by NOT playing both sides of the ball (offense and defense). Which to be fair, the video did point out.

The video didn't come right out and directly say that was a bad thing, but heavily implied it. I disagree, and think that it is one of the coolest things about American Football. Different positions require (or at least reward) different skillsets and physical attributes. So at the highest level of play, yes, O linemen are going to be huge and stable on their feet. D linemen are going to be slightly less huge, but faster and more aggressive. D backs and receivers are going to be tall and fast. Running backs can excel by being smallish, elusive, and quick, OR large and resilient. And so on.

That specialization makes the game fascinating -- seeing how teams with different balances of specialists can compete with each other and be more or less effective in different situations or against different teams.

Are NFL linemen going to be more at-risk for conditions like heart disease? Of course -- any sample group made up of people that weigh as much as NFL linemen is going to have greater occurrence of heart disease. But that isn't something unique to football players / the NFL. In fact, if you compared rates of heart disease in current / former NFL linemen to a sample group with the same average weight who were NOT football players, they'd probably have a lower rate, because like the video said, those linemen generally still had to be in very good physical shape -- just heavy.

I guess what I'm saying is that it seems weird to insinuate that it is a bad thing for the NFL / football in general to "encourage" health issues directly or indirectly because they select for large / huge players. If you want to point out unique risks of playing in the NFL, there are way more pressing and direct issues -- like RBs having LOTS of mobility problems after they retire due to all the bone / joint damage from getting tackled all the time, or increased risk of chemical dependency in football players in general due to all of the pain and other meds that teams pump into players to keep them going.

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