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Franz Ferdinand "Womanizer" (Britney Spears Cover)

TDS - Sarah Palin's Mamma Grizzly Coalition

Breaking News!!! Idiot Teenagers have Idiot Parents

enoch says...

those kids need to stop that gateway i-dosing and take their ritalin like the doctor told them to!
if they keep listening to that i-dosing stuff they may start to find brittany spears....enjoyable..the horror.

Man cries after armed thieves steal a months pay

NordlichReiter says...

>> ^BoneRemake:

>> ^NordlichReiter:
That's why the ATMs in the US have mirrors on them. Always, always scan your surroundings before withdrawing cash.
As soon as he lifted his shirt I would have pulled my pepper-spray and dosed him in the face. The alternatives in certain US states are much more lethal than pepper-spray.
The first time I used an ATM my Father taught me that there is a low element of danger. Simply because it doesn't happen is not enough to say it will never happen. ATMs are good targets of opportunity.

yea and I would of taken out my nunchukus and hit the first guy, then double summersaulted in the air and took the second guys head off with my spear of ritiousness. the guy got fucked over and your piping up about how you learned this as a kid. bullshit you would act the way you say you would, you have no clue how you would do in a moment like that.

You play the way you train. Some of us have Law Enforcement training. I carry pepper-spray I wouldn't just carry it without knowing how and when to use it. Did you know that using the pepper spray in that enclosed space could carry the risk of dosing yourself in the process of dosing the perpetrator?

I never said my Father taught me how to use Pepper Spray, I said he warned me that ATMs are a potentially dangerous place. Simply because the visibility of money passing from machine to wallet, and your back is to an entryway or to an open street.

Although these days you are more likely to have to deal with Identity Thieves more than actual felonious assault, and theft.

True you do not know how you will act until the situation takes place. But that is why there are training classes for this sort of thing. The military knows that soldiers won't know how they will act until the situation arises. That's why they do repetitive training, fire thousands of rounds at the range, and repeat the same seemingly mundane tasks over and over. The same ideas and advice are told to them over and over. So they have the reptilian brain memory for when the adrenaline takes over.

How can you limit your chances of being a victim? Scan your surroundings and stay alert. If you don't feel right, don't stick around. The best method of survival? Do like this guy did, give up your money. After the money and the bad guys are gone, get the fuck out of there; then file police report.

Man cries after armed thieves steal a months pay

BoneRemake says...

>> ^NordlichReiter:
That's why the ATMs in the US have mirrors on them. Always, always scan your surroundings before withdrawing cash.
As soon as he lifted his shirt I would have pulled my pepper-spray and dosed him in the face. The alternatives in certain US states are much more lethal than pepper-spray.
The first time I used an ATM my Father taught me that there is a low element of danger. Simply because it doesn't happen is not enough to say it will never happen. ATMs are good targets of opportunity.

yea and I would of taken out my nunchukus and hit the first guy, then double summersaulted in the air and took the second guys head off with my spear of ritiousness. the guy got fucked over and your piping up about how you learned this as a kid. bullshit you would act the way you say you would, you have no clue how you would do in a moment like that.

Groovy jazz version of "Toxic"

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'yaron herman, jazz, toxic, britney spears, cover' to 'yaron herman, jazz, toxic, britney spears, instrumental, cover' - edited by calvados

Groovy jazz version of "Toxic"

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'yaron herman, jazz, toxic, britney spears' to 'yaron herman, jazz, toxic, britney spears, cover' - edited by calvados

WTF? Kaba Kick Fail Toy Russian Roulette Game For Kids

Octopus Steals Video Camera & Swims Off (While Recording)

Michael Moore on Afghanistan: Get Out and Apologize

blankfist says...

@NetRunner. Genocide comment was directed toward bcglorf more than you, but I just combined the two of you into one mental gay orgy and responded as if I was talking to one. These weren't strawman arguments. They're direct debating points for your and bcglorf's positions. I don't think you've been paying attention.

You seem to think we're going into Afghanistan to help them now. Help who? How? That land is a collective of tribes. Are we going to build them roads or drop KFC gift certificates from the sky? What could we possibly offer them? I'm curious what exactly it is you expect us to continue to do there? We've killed families and innocents and children and women. We've done enough. We're occupying their land. We've done enough.

Your analogy is flawed, by the way. The better analogy would be if your brother came over to my house, stabbed me with a spear, then hung around for the next eight years building me shelves I never asked for. And he's syphoning the gas from my car. What I'd really like is for him to just get the hell out of my house.

Michael Moore on Afghanistan: Get Out and Apologize

NetRunner says...

@blankfist, you said:

We're maintaining hegemony and military bases in 130 countries abroad... because we're stopping genocide in absolutely every one of those cases?

You sure are fond of Red Herring Straw men, aren't you? Is this a response to anything I've said about Afghanistan, or are you just trying to change the subject? I don't even think genocide is necessarily what would happen if we left Afghanistan, much less what would happen if we left Germany.

Oh, and you say we shouldn't get out of those sovereign countries because 'we broke it so we bought it'?

This is another of your favorite strawmen. Say my brother and I meet you on the street. He doesn't like the way you look at him, so he runs you through with a spear, and runs away. Do I stay with you, call a doctor, and try to make amends for what my brother did, or should I just pull the spear out, say I'm sorry, and go to dinner with my brother while you bleed out?

If you ask me to stay and help, what exactly is the moral imperative that calls on me to refuse?

I mean, I'm open to arguments like "what we're doing isn't helping them" or "it costs too much blood and treasure for us to give them the help they need" or even "the people asking for help don't have their people's best interest at heart", but the idea that there's some overriding moral imperative that demands we make no attempt to aid a country we've shattered seems very contrary to most libertarian philosophy.

Home Taping is Killing Music

Matthu says...

I haven't bought a record since I paid $18.99 for Eminem's Marshall Mathers LP.

You think I'm going to dish out hundreds of dollars a year to here the latest music? Sorry... I'm not a sony CEO.

Maybe the record label cartels should pay their composers more then 7 goddamn cents per copy sold? And the artists? How much do they make per copy sold? 25 cents? 1 dollar? Where does the rest go?

It goes to the label. And what's the labels job? From my understanding the label's job is to call the music store and say hey this is good, put it on your shelf. So essentially without the record labels the artists wouldn't be on any shelves. Oh wait... we don't even need shelves anymore.

I'd gladly screw Britney Spears out of a dollar if I can screw Sony Music Entertainment out of 10 dollars.

Furthermore, these are evil corporations who stand ONLY for profit. So why should I not stand only for profit? It's disgusting. All these corporations who can never be held morally or legally resposible for anything they do and who operate *SOLELY* for profit now are crying, literally crying because of the apathy of the consumer when it comes to piracy.

I do wish I could make a contribution to some artists. Eminem for example. I'd love to send him 20$ for his hard work.

<><> (Blog Entry by blankfist)

1Girl1Powerhammer - Lann Working On Steel Tapers

1Girl1Powerhammer - Lann Working On Steel Tapers

Drax says...

So the scenario was something like, 'Hmm.. that demon_ix guy is stalking me with a video camera. ...I should do something. I'll need a weapon... Maybe a spear.... I should get to work.'...?

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