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Allan Sherman - Hello Muddah Hello Faddah (1963)

ant says...

>> ^chicchorea:

Awwwww...just one more time. >> ^ant:
>> ^chicchorea:
...been trying for almost half a century...better luck to you.

...mwhahahaha...huhhhh, I mean...MWHAHAHAHA
>> ^ant:
>> ^chicchorea:
>> ^ant:
Argh, this song is stuck in my head now.

Argh, make it stop!!!!!!!!

It stopped after a few minutes since my last comment about it. I forgot how the song goes and I am not going to play the video to recall it back into my tiny brain.

No way, dude. However, I have Britney Spear's Hit Me One More Time song in my head from your phrase.

Atomic Tom - Don't You Want Me


Payback says...

Why didn't they just shoot Jesus? I mean, why make a great big deal of it with the crucifying and the spearing? Just switch one of those SMGs to full rock n roll and empty a couple clips into his ass. Bronze age people, SHEESH.

Hunting Without Air On The Sea Floor

bamdrew says...

Yeah, his swifly-walk-along-the-bottom style was really the coolest part in my opinion.

I also sink with some air in my lungs, but not nearly as much as this guy. Can't tell how much the spear-gun weight is helping him.

Fat Assassin Workout

Fat Assassin Workout

Craig Ferguson: no more Britney jokes (crowd laughs anyway)

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'alcoholic, recovery, responsibilty, pity, craig, ferguson' to 'alcoholic, recovery, responsibilty, pity, craig, ferguson, britney spears, venti sherry' - edited by calvados

I Love Her....You Wouldn't Understand....

Yogi says...

>> ^sepatown:

>> ^BoneRemake:
its odd that when I first was introduced to her physique I wondered "why is she not in porn "

then now I still wonder " why is she not in porn"
a girl with ass 'ets like that could do a great deal of good to the industry
she is why the HD camcorder was invented and multiple orgasms comes in handy.

she did do porn. as Susana Spears.

Thats a talent you got there. She reminds me of Chiana from Farscape.

I Love Her....You Wouldn't Understand....

sepatown says...

>> ^BoneRemake:

its odd that when I first was introduced to her physique I wondered "why is she not in porn "

then now I still wonder " why is she not in porn"
a girl with ass 'ets like that could do a great deal of good to the industry
she is why the HD camcorder was invented and multiple orgasms comes in handy.

she did do porn. as Susana Spears.

World of Warcraft - Cataclysm Cinematic Intro

poolcleaner says...

>> ^shagen454:

I never really got into EQ. I did play EQ for a little but I thought that that was a "grindfest" and after coming from UO it didn't feel as free... you couldn't have pirate ship wars.

I miss the wild west days of Ultima Online! I know exactly what you mean about the switch from UO to EQ. UO had something special that no other MMO has quite been able to replicate. It was kill or be killed, but since there weren't any "epics", if you lost all your items it wasn't a big deal, and if you had the skillzs, you could completely own a player more geared than yourself with a single spear and a few reagents to cast a spell or two. I remember days riding naked on a horse, killing blue players in plate armor then dumping all their shit in my house. I had a chest that was completely filled with random gear and masks -- Oh, the glory of my coonskin hat collection!

Declaration of War Against Justin Bieber Haters

Duckman33 says...

>> ^legacy0100:

I do feel bad for that Justin kid. Kid knows how to perform and give a good show which not many from his peer age group could do, let alone in the music business. But he has become this go-to-target and has become a scapegoat to all the things that people think are wrong with American youth today.
It's not the kid or their fan's fault. Before Justin there was Britney Spears, before Britney Spears there was Madonna, before Madonna there was Nirvana, Michael Jackson, the doors, the Beatles, Elvis, so on and so forth.
But I digress. This video ironically makes to be an open call for a flame war, with teenage trolls ripen with hormones and anxiety could unleash their rage against some silly kid on the internet. Well, there's nothing that I haven't seen before and the ending result is very predictable. Some teasing, kid gets his feelings hurt, rage-quits teh interwarbs for awhile, victory for the trolls.
Nothing much else to be said about this issue.

Not to be picky, but I'm quite sure Madonna came before Nirvana.

Declaration of War Against Justin Bieber Haters

legacy0100 says...

I do feel bad for that Justin kid. Kid knows how to perform and give a good show which not many from his peer age group could do, let alone in the music business. But he has become this go-to-target and has become a scapegoat to all the things that people think are wrong with American youth today.

It's not the kid or their fan's fault. Before Justin there was Britney Spears, before Britney Spears there was Madonna, before Madonna there was Nirvana, Michael Jackson, the doors, the Beatles, Elvis, so on and so forth.

But I digress. This video ironically makes to be an open call for a flame war, with teenage trolls ripen with hormones and anxiety could unleash their rage against some silly kid on the internet. Well, there's nothing that I haven't seen before and the ending result is very predictable. Some teasing, kid gets his feelings hurt, rage-quits teh interwarbs for awhile, victory for the trolls.

Nothing much else to be said about this issue.

the believer cafe scene starring ryan gosling-intense racism

Trancecoach says...


BTW, did you know that Ryan Gosling started out in the Mickey Mouse Club with Christina Aguilera, Justin Timberlake, and Britney Spears? I certainly didn't!

>> ^alien_concept:

>> ^Trancecoach:
He isn't.
Project selection is as much of the craft of acting as the method of acting, itself.
>> ^alien_concept:
>> ^Trancecoach:
Anyway, I think Gosling was really good in this, but I wouldn't say he's a great actor.
The Notebook? Really?
Ed Norton, on the other hand...

That's like saying Leo Dicaprio isn't a great actor. The Titanic, really??

That's why Ed Norton was in Incredible Hulk 2 then I guess?

QI - Beatles Album Covers

Russian voice casting session with helium

mgittle says...

Haha...everyone's having a great time and then there's that chick at the bottom right singing the national anthem @0:51.

Also, why are half of the songs in English...why friggin Britney Spears and Celine Dion? I hope they were told to sing that crap for the audition and it's not some bizarre culture thing.

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