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Quebec story on The young turks,Muslims stirring up trouble

Matthu says...

Hi! This is Maffu's girlfriend...
Just too lazy to make my own account
Ok, here goes... This is what I think:

People are so quick to make these issues into problems surrounding diversity and tolerance. But I truly believe that this not the purpose, although some may adapt the cause or spin it it to meet their own bias. (Perhaps I am too quick to see the world through rose colored glasses )

For example, when the Sikh knife, was banned from schools, it was not to discriminate! It was for public safety! It seemed to make sense to me that individuals were not allowed to bring, what could be perceived as a weapon, in to class.

As with the niqab, it seems to me, that it is more an issue of identity than it is of discrimination. When an individual enters a classroom say, to sit an exam, should we not confirm their identity? What's to stop her sister, who may be better at the subject, from sitting the exam in her place? Same with voting. Should we not confirm the identity of the individual voting before allowing them to enter the ballot booth? Who is to say that this individual will not vote several times, under different names? What then? (We'd have a bunch of Bush's croonies in niqab's finding a new way to sway the vote. That's what! )

If we are willing to reasonably accomadate these individuals, I believe there are compromises we can make. For instance, why not just have a woman confirm her identity? (As this would be perfectly acceptable in Islamic tradition.)

Well, I am done. Sorry for the HUGE

Quebec story on The young turks,Muslims stirring up trouble

BoneRemake says...

My editing skills for the paragraph I HAD wrote sucked balls. More or less the above should read that I wanna know what others think of this matter ? Its somewhat like the guy who cant wear his Sikh knife to school etc. etc.

Islamic "Honour" Killings

nanrod says...

Unfortunately this is not confined to Muslim communities. Honor killings are also committed in the Sikh and Hindu cultures, in some Latin communities in fact in any culture that has a tradition of arranged marriage.

Atheism WTF? (Wtf Talk Post)

Sagemind says...

Well, This seems to be as good a place as any to try to define my views –mainly for myself but I can share.

I am not religious, or at least the word and definition of “Worship” defies me. I don’t believe in hierarchies of any kind social, political, religious or other. I see everyone as an equal, regardless of personality type and all that goes with it. We all just serve different jobs.

My personal views are this: I am always searching for spirituality in every form. I believe it comes from within us. I believe there is a spark of that special something in all of us. Some chose to listen to it, some don’t. It doesn’t matter what label you put on it, be it Catholic, Pagan, Scientology, Greek Mythology, Pentecostal, Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist, Sikh, Atheist, Agnostic or what ever. There is an inherent state of being in people. Some strive to embrace it more than others.

I have embraced the idea that spirituality is separate from religion. I would define my self and an Alchemist. I don’t see the world as separate pieces all with different labels. I see everything as one big whole. Named religions are just parts of what religion stands for. Religion in turn is just one facet of spirituality and spirituality is one facet of being. Our individual beings are facets of all life and live is a state among many states in this universe. In the end, the only true reality is energy. That which we are all made up of. Down to the smallest particle, energy is the building block.

So I don’t place significance on any one particular religion. Just that it is, and I accept it. I am a part of everything. A whole. No ego, or individuality. I am – and that is all.

As with everything, I have a lust for knowledge and creativity. I want to know if there is a truth and I am willing to listen. I see science leading towards, yet so far from, a clear path to our origins.

I understand the circular theory of the chicken or the egg. If there is a maker, who created the maker? One step at a time, though, start with our initial origin.

I like to be creative. Maybe we were planted here by a superior race. Humans may not be indigenous to this planet. We may have been placed here to see if we could thrive. Dinosaurs may have been extinguished through viruses in order to make this planer more livable for us. Maybe we are technologically “tweaked” versions of apes. Maybe not. Jesus could have been a spaceman who came to guide us and put us back on track. Every religion has a root in creation theory. Maybe creation theory is really science fact. Who knows, I don’t and neither do you – but perhaps some day we might.

Until then some people will be driven mad with the riddle of religion and creation. Those creatively minded may believe and rationalize religion. Those with more orderly and compartmentalized minds will look towards science. Science has more chance to getting us there physically but religion is theory and although slow as molasses to evolve, theory is also a key to discovery!

In the end – we all like to make fun of extremists because they just no longer function to make any sense and end up turning in on themselves and ceasing to function as far as exploration goes. Science has it’s dead end theories as well.

We are all Evolution in action. Whether in physical or in theoretical, as a whole, our world of beliefs continue to evolve.

Air India Flight 182 Goes Down

Sagemind says...

I will *beg for attention for this tragedy. Although this plane was filled with Indian passengers. Many people don't realize how many of them were Canadian. 270 of the 330 that died aboard this flight were Canadian.

Investigation and prosecution took almost 20 years and was the most expensive trial in Canadian history, costing nearly CAD $130 million. A special Commission found the accused perpetrators not guilty and they were released. The only person convicted of involvement in the bombing was Inderjit Singh Reyat, who pleaded guilty in 2003 to manslaughter in constructing the bomb used on Flight 182 and received a five-year sentence. He was refused parole in July 2007.

In September 2007, the Commission investigated reports, initially disclosed in the Indian investigative news magazine Tehelka that an hitherto unnamed person, Lakhbir Singh Brar Rode, had masterminded the explosions. This report appears to be inconsistent with other evidence known to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP).[3]

Canada's Sikh community has put a great deal of pressure on successive Canadian governments to prevent a public enquiry from taking place. However, the Conservative Harper government, under less pressure from the Sikh community than the Liberal Party of Canada, launched a Commission of Enquiry in 2006. -

A very detailed report on this flight is recorded here:

Foundational Falsehoods of Creationism - Full collection

HadouKen24 says...

But to consider those the same thing as "Creationism" is a huge mistake. Creationism is the result of an overly literal--indeed, a scientific-- interpretation of Genesis. Creationism is the notion that the Creation account given in Genesis is true in exactly the same sense that scientific statements are.

Non-Creationist Christians--like Hindus and Sikhs--understand that the story is not intended, and never was intended, to convey that sort of message. The intent of the tale of Brahma's creation of the world is not to convey facts, but to help direct the spiritual practice of the listener.

Foundational Falsehoods of Creationism - Full collection

drattus says...

To make sure I was right here I did a quick bit of research. Aron had it right best I can tell.

Hindu. Multiple gods each with different aspects or roles, the role of Brahma (not to be confused with Brahman) was the creator God. lots of variation within the religion though and some Hindus are considered to be atheist. Second link covers that part.

Sikhism. Sikhs believe that before creation, all that existed was God and his hukam (will or order).[9] When God willed, the entire cosmos was created. From these beginnings, God nurtured "enticement and attachment" to māyā, or the human perception of reality.[10]

There are others as well but rather than write a book I just wanted to point out what he was probably considering when he said that. We're not all that familiar with some of these, but yes, they are there. And others besides.

Atheist answers: Where do our morals come from? (Blog Entry by gwiz665)

rougy says...

I think that morality and religion have little to do with one another.

I really think organized religion is a way of controlling people, especially since a regional, organized "church", in almost every example in the world, is closely intwined with the political powers that happen to rule that very same region.

Protastant, Muslim, Jew, Catholic, Hindu, Sikh....

When you look at the regional politics and the regional religion, the two are rarely far apart.

Atheism, even agnosticism or some third-party sense of spirituality, is often a very real threat to the powers that be.

The sheep that realizes it's a sheep can become a wolf; and maybe rescue the other sheep.

Israel intentionally targeted U.N. Observers in Lebanon

What Mormons Believe

thepinky says...

I agree with Deedub's rebuttal to this, but I want to add a few things.

I'm sorry you're offended. It's a weak argument, though. Just because something about another person's religion offends you, they ought not to have to discontinue. Honestly, how often have you been approached by missionaries? It has NEVER happened to me, but by the way people around here talk, it seems like it happens just about every day to you guys.

Here's a hypothetical situation for you: I may be offended by a Sikh because his turban is blocking my view at a play. I may not see the need to wear a turban. I may even say that the "mere presence of the guy in the turban freaks me out", but it is important to him so I deal with it. Missionary work is important to Mormons. Deal with it.

So you're saying that any group that is persecuted ought to expect and accept persecution? I don't think you mean that. One could say: "Interracial couples CHOOSE to get married, so I don't know why they have a problem with being harrassed!" "Gays CHOOSE to be openly gay, so I don't see why they have a problem with people defacing their property! They ought to expect that kind of thing!" "Muslims CHOOSE to be Muslim, so I don't see why they have a problem with being called terrorists!" Gimme a break! Mormons DO NOT have to take the knocks and have every right to expect and seek after religious tolerance. They also have the right to fight against the damaging effects of anti-Mormon propaganda and, as deedub said, half-truths.

You might be referring to my comment that a summary need not discuss all Mormon doctrine or controversy. I stand by that. No one is asking you to ignore anything. You've just made that part up. By pointing out that Mormons are nice, I'm emphasizing the fact that as far as the outside world is concerned, this is all that is important for YOU to worry about. If you've decided that Mormonism is not for you, great! Fine! More power to you! I'm just saying, why stress about the Mormons? Why are the users of videosift so determined to put them in a bad light? Why do you care about the so-called "magic hat?" To emphasize insignificant and unflattering parts of a religion FOR THE SPECIFIC PURPOSE of being cruel and promoting hatred and misunderstanding is wrong and intolerant.

Mormons don't believe that they have the corner on good people, if that's what you were implying. Some people may look into it fairly, but ask yourself if you are truly one of those people, or are you the type that likes to take cheap shots at Mormons because, let's face it, it is so...very...easy?

>> ^MINK:
^actually, the mere presence of the guys in the white shirts freaks me out and i consider it a mild "force" in my face in the street. I can take the pain, i just think it's what some people call "offensive", for example if i wore a "fuck god" tshirt all day and asked people in the street if they would like to talk about Satan. It would be... rude.
one thing i am noticing is the need to tell us how persecuted you are. that's interesting. I would say you choose persecution if you follow an unconventional path, whatever that is. if it was purely your skin colour it would be unfair to persecute, but it's your chosen belief, you have to take the knocks.
As for the defences here of Mormonism, they seem to amount to "don't worry about that part". I am afraid I consider all the parts, and I wouldn't want to be part of an organisation with parts like that, even if it contains nice people in other parts.
all your life you were told mormonism is good, and you seem to find it hard to understand that some good people simply weren't born into that tradition, and that from the outside, it looks ridiculous (like most religions). some retards will throw retarded accusations, but other people will read a lot about your religion (from many sources) and simply decide it's not believable or coherent.

Sharia fiasco

choggie says...

Like most tomes of information, most religious texts do contain some pretty solid truth. The biggest beef lies from this vantage point, with people's apparatus being an amalgam of imprint and poor habits, which render them incapable of deriving meaning from datum. (Duuuhhhh, some folks kin read a book and derive no real meaning from it, save the reality of subjective/selective conclusions via filtration through their corrupted hard-drives.....)

Like I have always maintained with the atheist's baby-out-with-the-bathwater tunnel realities.
The Bible, The Koran,Zoroastrian-Gnostic-Hindu-Jainist-Sufi-texts, Urantia, Crowleyan, Sikh, Shinto,Tibetan and Zen.....take yer pick, it's up to the discerning reader, to find the gold-Oh, what?? You think that universal truths are simply handed out like a fucking wine and wafer???!! Think again, monkey boy!!!

Traditional Values satire

Smugglarn says...

My only issue with this is the faulty logic of the people often ridiculing Victorian traditions* not recognising the inane traditions of the cultures they find "exotic" (in a very colonial manner).

So it's OK for a Sikh to wear a turban or a Muslim woman to wear a burka but the Amish are the ones that's nuts. It just doesn't make sense.

Coming from the most secularised country in the world (Sweden) where forced marriages are accepted (for those adorable minorities) this complacency bothers me to no end.

* not that I have any sympathy for those

Olbermann "You have no remaining credibility about Iraq,sir"

choggie says...

quantummushmind, you are playing into the same hands as the "liberals" (otherwise known as a convenient label for anything) you think are your enemies.....If you haven't already guessed, and ya frikkin' haven't, the mindfuck is perpetrated on both teams, if you simply must call it either or....

The liberal agenda, the conservative agenda.....picture it like those who control all of us do-

Two teams from the same school. A game invented, and believed, representative government.
The reality??? Iran is next, perhaps N.Korea, but the back-up plans are an alternative to these, as the machine, which is what we should be hating, draws their strength and ability to control, by putting these teams on the field, and drawing the otherwise sensible mob, that care about meaningful and lasting solutions, into an arena of contrived bullshit, in order to draw your mind, away from the real scenario....Concentration of Global Power, in the hands of a hidden cabal.....

The towelheads are not the enemy-matter a fact, since were using that convenient euphemism, sikhs are pretty cool, non-confrontational cats-

The Hillary is not the enemy, no more than the Booosh, because they are one in the same-

The enemy is a hydra, with many heads connected to the same body.

And all these folks here in denial??? Why they are the confused, who, like you, think they have a chance in hell, without sweeping, complete, and fundamental change. Which means a deconstruction, systematic or otherwise......

The real issue, is attachment to the superficial construct of this world......
fer crissakes man, get at least, near the curve...whenever you pop in, the discussion turns from whatever, to your ravings....and the predictable hecklers, are standing by, to take your order......At least, draw them out with a goal in mind.......

White Sikhs in Los Angeles - from Desi DNA

choggie says...

well "saht sri akkal' never met a sikh I did'nt like, but have met plenty of cracker flakes from Cali I could'nt stand.......leave it to the west coast, flakes abound, oh and the devout of all manner........

Iranian Ayatollahs support transexual rights and sex changes

choggie says...

Ok I'll do that if the refrain coming from the truly sensitive and wise, those that wish as I do, for the freedoms and rights entitled to all mankind, is a chorus of meaningful, and relevant issues with relation to a country, that has led its leaders, religious or otherwise, to the brink of a shitstorm.

Screw the transsexuals, the issue is the heart, mind, and soul of a peoples!

Oh and there are niggers of every race, creed and color-The biggest nigger of all in Iran, is, no-doubt Ahmadinejad, but there are a slew of little niggers, in the form of "Holy" men", who have a long tradition, of lamb-to-the-slaughter advice, for anyone who has had no opportunity to obtain information otherwise, for centuries!!

Semantics are a motherfucker, huh? Get all bent out of shape with a few expletives and contextually incite-full words, and miss the point.
That point being: Perception is the issue-with regards to any religion, that keeps people ignorant, controlled, and
static. The contribution of Islamic cultures to the rest of the planet is being stifled, by their IMAMS & CLERICS, and their collective leaders exploit ALLLAH, like his imaginary ass was a crack-whore!!!

Now, this knee-grown has lunch to eat. Think I'll have a smoked Sikh! They use better material for their head coverings....that better???

.....oh yeah, you spelled transsexual like a transexual would

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